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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. I wouldn't really describe what is going on as zone of control, but units do have a reaction distances so I could see applying that concept there. I would guess that the units getting stuck is a either a retreat pathing issue or a unit state issue where the logic breaks and doesnt' try and find a new retreat direction. The issue with units walking onto the bridge and stopping I would guess is a reaction range issue. Normally the AI walks forward until it's in range and then fires. Since muskets have a shorter range than rifles in the mod that might be interfering with some other logic that expects the ranges to always be equal. Flanking is unrelated. That is based entirely on the direction fire is received from. The two main cases I see of people complaining about unexpected flank shots are from artillery fire and fortifications(which have their own facing issues).
  2. Can you clarify what you mean by zone of control? The AI decision making works off a variety of ranges based on the weapon range, spotting range, and other factors.
  3. Thanks for the input, maybe I just had bad luck with the frequency on my attempts.
  4. That's higher than I got, but I agree it's still increasing to fast. If you want to experiment with it you can increase the shootPerFirearms value in the Mod/UnitModifiers.csv file. 1.21 increased the value from 550 to 600 for reference.
  5. All of the changes in the customization mod are already part of the Rebalance mod. The mod posted here is J&P Rebalance 1.2a + the Surrender mod. It will get updated to the Rebalance 1.21 when we have a chance.
  6. This one I'm sure used to happen before I started changing things. Units getting stuck in rivers when routing has always been an issue, it's just suddenly much more prevalent. Maybe I'm just having really bad rng, but more data is needed.
  7. The reduction was 5% so it's probably not that noticeable. Maybe it should have been more. Will have to see how it averages out with the speed reductions.
  8. Any feedback on the AI change to get them to not stop in rivers would be very helpful. It seemed to be working well on my legendary tests, but the results so far have been very disappointing on MG. The issues seem to be persisting even if I remove that code though, so maybe something else is going on. My current results have been that units are stopping on the bull run bridge and rarely moving forward to attack and on newport news units rout into the river and then just get stuck.
  9. Feel free to PM me if you change your mind and I'll do what I can.
  10. Depending on your familiarity with this kind of thing. Re-downloading and repeating the install instructions is probably simplest.
  11. Did a prior version of the modified dll work for you? Or is it just the new one that is failing?
  12. There was a step missed when the release package was created, you'll have to rename a file before you get the new changes. Details in the main mod thread. No wonder most things felt the same, you were still playing 1.2a. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  13. There is an issue with the 1.21 package where the dll name did not get updated prior to being uploaded. I can't update it until Jonny is back online, so for now in your Ultimate General Civil War_Data/Managed folder rename Assembly-CSharpRelease1.21.tmp to Assembly-Csharp.dll
  14. I just did a quick test and it seems to be working. Unit's names don't get updated when the officer gets replaced so you have to click on the unit to see the new officer portrait. What rank was the officer that was killed or wounded? If you left the varianceMode enabled that's probably what you are seeing. Unit sizes can increase or decrease by up to 20%
  15. Artillery charging is something that showed up in the mod, but we decided to not worry about it. Most of the time it results in the AI timing out the charge and now being in close shell or canister range which otherwise rarely happens when the AI is on offense. Occasionally they will run right into rifle or melee range, but that has been very rare from what I've seen.
  16. Using the new version with an existing campaign should be fine. Responded there, but no immediate ideas on what would cause that. You seem favored with rare bugs
  17. If you reload the same camp save do you get the same result?
  18. Agreed, Warhammer is the most fun I've had with a TW game since Rome. It's the only TW game where finishing a campaign with every faction actually felt worth it to me.
  19. The new variance mode can be disabled by changing varianceMode to false in Mod/AIConfigFile. It's probably a bit much for a newer players or on legendary, but I hope people have fun with it. Also thanks to @General WVPM for his input and some of the coding improvements for this mode.
  20. Is the 16k men you are listing as your total force including allied units? Or just the size of the units you are deploying? If that's including allies you're probably about half the size you need to be to reasonably win the battle. I definitely think you want to try and retreat further back. I skip the hornets nest entirely and hold the treeline behind it until the landing opens up. With your skirmishers you should be able to delay around larkin field for long enough for the rest of your units to get north of the hornets nest. I usually start that as soon as it opens up so they get out in time. The more time you can force the AI to spend walking the better off you'll be. Also, the closer to the landing they get the more likely it is that their slower artillery batteries and supply wagons can be picked off by cavalry. You can make a very compact line around the landing. The AI will bunch up and you can make good use of skirmishers on their flanks. I also tried to keep most of my musket armed troops in reserve until the landing phase. This allows them to be used as a counter charge force at the landing.
  21. Have you been spending rep on weapons? It's much more cost effective in the mod than it is in the base game. Hope you continue with the write ups!
  22. This is my preferred strategy for Phillipi as well. I've seen a variety of AI responses to this tactic, but in most cases at least some units will try and attack you in the woods by the north bridge where they are easily dealt with.
  23. The numbers boost is about the only real bonus. Get a big enough unit and the melee power will overcome the lack of perks.
  24. The intelligence value won't change based on your army. You would need to use recon to see the effects of dismissing your units. Those AISize values are actually pretty close between the bugged and nonbugged versions. All of them are around 30k(the upper end of the range is largely misleading) which indicates that the doubling of your troops had little impact, but the reinforcement results and randomization did have some impact. 50k at Shiloh on MG is actually about normal in the mod. Since the last patch changed bull run, it's basically the only battle left in the game where units are defined at the max size by default. With the size caps removed scaling results in the values you are seeing. It's one of the harder battles in the mod and in many ways the last real hump of the Union early game, though maybe Malvern Hill still deserves a mention. For comparison on Legendary with a 50-55k report I am fielding about 16k men and am facing 60k. That's probably a bit low on average as most of my units are around 1k and I'm using some other scaling tricks to keep things down. Because of the allied units there isn't all that much you can do to lower it though. Winning the battle cost me about 50% casualties, but once I was past that battle the rest of the campaign was comparably easy. Joining brigades in the mod is basically never the right choice unless they are 0 star units. Individual units with perks will be much better in nearly every scenario. I've tried to mod in support for perks in combined units with no success unfortunately. If you aren't using dedicated skirmisher units I would suggest bringing several. They can be extremely effective at harassing flanks and slowing down the AI's attack. I would definitely recommend a fighting retreat. You can inflict heavy casualties in the first two phases, but once the enemy brigades start stacking up you have to pull back or you will get overrun. You also want to be very careful about letting units get exhausted as it will be very difficult for them to retreat. The Landings fortifications can be very helpful for breaking charges but be careful about depending on them entirely as they allow focus fire on your units. If you can manage to capture supply wagons or take out isolated artillery with cavalry it will save you hundreds of casualties as the battle drags on. It's a tough battle, you may need multiple reloads to figure out a way through. Good luck
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