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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. @drhay53 Can you try the attached Assembly-Csharp.dll? This has some extra debug logging that will run before the configFile tries to load. It should write a JPReblanceLogFile.txt to two different locations. One is the game data directory, the other is the local user directory where the game stores its save files. The file contains the paths to each location, so if you can find one of them it will point you to the other. The Mod folder needs to go into the directory listed after dataPath: RebalanceMacInstallTest.zip
  2. With siege and 20pdrs things just get worse. The artillery changes were focused to much on trying to increase damage for large units and are far too good for normal sized units. After we get things updated for the hotfix we'll try and find a better point for the artillery damage. Canister range is .45 of total weapon range. Normally this should be a bit further than rifle range, but with the 1200 range cannon and extra range perks it gets a bit egregious. As a temporary fix you can change canisterShotEffectiveRangeModifier in the unitModifiers file. That sounds a bit high for snipers. I'm assuming you are stacking general and unit accuracy mods? Around 2nd bull run everything just starts dieing to artillery so I'm not sure how much damage anything else is doing. Ranges overall should be shorter or equal to the base game. I have found it hard to use cavalry because of how quickly any kind of fire damage will cut through them though.
  3. Does this help at all? Without a mac I'm basically just doing google searches and guessing. As shown in here https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/Application-dataPath.html, the datapath points inside the app-file. You can right-click the app-file and click "show package contents". All the files are in there.
  4. The mod relies on a game data path to find the Mod folder. It looks like on a mac that points to /Contents? Can you try copying the Mod folder into that directory and see if the game loads to the main menu?
  5. I found what I would consider a bug in the weapon recovery rate for units that surrender. Currently when you capture a unit you only get the weapons from the men killed in the unit prior to it being captured. Shattering a unit will get you more weapons than capturing it. It could be that the current functionality is intended to prevent farming weapons from capturing units, I hear this was a problem back in beta, but I don't think shattering units to capture more weapons makes sense. I'll be allowing weapons to be recovered from captured units, though at half the rate that is defined in the base game. Col: 0.5, BG: 0.375, MG+: 0.25. This gives more incentive to try and capture units without affecting the economy as much as the full rate would.
  6. If you reinstall the previous version it will still work. The hotfix changes weren't really to the files touched by the customizations mod so there almost isn't any need for an update. There is another change I want to make though, so I will be releasing a new version fairly soon that is also updated for 1.11.
  7. The text tooltip is the exact stat of the weapon. The bar is an approximation and I don't normally look them. I'll take a look and see if it's something that's easy to fix.
  8. Using the current version definitely will as the mod has not yet been patched to 1.11. As far as I know you could still get them in the 1.09 version but it isn't anything we tested for.
  9. Officer xp is based on increases in unit stats. As far as I know unit stats only go up as more men are killed. There must be something in the post battle code that is breaking. You don't happen to have a mid battle save by any chance?
  10. If you're using the extra deployment slots for non-skirmishers you'll definitely see some scaling push back from that. I would agree that the perks are the cause of the damage spikes. Combine the 150% accuracy general with the accuracy and range perks on the 1200 range guns, add a 2 star spotting sniper unit and you can win battles with only artillery units. We're having trouble finding a balance that keeps small units dealing reasonable damage without making large units immune to damage. We recently figured out how to mod the damage drop off from unit size, so that should help.
  11. Was this from a new campaign or an old save? I've seen this reported before on another mod and it seems like it happens more frequently on historical battles, but I've never been able to reproduce it myself.
  12. Not applying the latest patch or reinstalling the mod over the top of it will continue to work.
  13. The part that seems questionable to me is that you can obtain more weapons by shattering a unit than capturing it. I would think that you would obtain at least as many weapons capturing as shattering. If the intention was to reduce the viability of farming that would make sense. The end result of the current implementation is just a bit counterintuitive.
  14. When an enemy unit is captured the capture rate of weapons is based only on the men of that unit that were killed rather than using the men that were captured. Reproduced on Legendary Crampton's Gap and Colonel Newport News. Test data from Colonel Difficulty on Newport News, fresh campaign started on 1.10 sharps 1855: 80 recovered Captured Skirmishers: 75 remaining, 96 killed Shattered Skirmishers: 111 killed, original size of 171 Actual Recovery Count: (96 * 0.3) + (171 * 0.3) = 29 + 51 = 80 Expected recovery count option 1: (75 * 1) + (96 * 0.3) + (171 * 0.3) = 75 + 29 + 51 = 155 Expected recovery count option 2: (75 * 1) + (171 * 0.3) = 75 + 51 = 126 It's unclear whether option 1 or 2 is the intended recovery rate, but the current recovery rate for captured units ignoring the number of men captured doesn't seem right. Screenshots and save file from shortly before the mission finishes attached. dsybuhw5.bfu
  15. Providing a visual example of a perk and which hex values correspond to what is something we will be working on. This is Jonny's area, but you can mix and match different perk bonuses by copying from various other perks that have the bonuses you want. There are definitely some limits but I don't know enough to comment on those in any detail.
  16. If you use a program like HxD it will translate what it can into text. So you can search for the perk names as a starting point. It's still not that easy since often you only find the technical names instead of the descriptive names. I wouldn't recommend starting with experience, there are a lot of things that have the word training in them. Strategic might be easier to find the +20% ammo. Once you've figured out what area in the hex the perk is in, there are usually a few blocks below the name that you can manipulate and then see what changed in game to figure out what is what. Things are usually somewhat in the same area as well, so once you find one finding the rest gets easier.
  17. Perk values are currently edited in the assets file rather than the dll. Only the perk tooltips and names are being updated in the dll. Finding what to edit in the assets is largely trial and error. I'll see if we can get at least a basic example posted.
  18. I usually wait until the day ends. All I can say for sure is make sure the contested timer has expired before hitting finish.
  19. When you retried, did you restart the battle from camp? Or a midbattle save? How late in the day was it when you took the point? The battle is definitely completable day 1, but there have been multiple reports of this issue(with and without the mod). The only known solution at this point is to start the battle fresh and hope it works. There is a theory that you have to take the point early in the day but I don't know that anyone has really proved that always works. For what it's worth I usually take the landing shortly after that area becomes available and I've never encountered this issue. I've definitely encountered similar problems on other battles though.
  20. You may want to check in with this steam user. He seemed to have some idea of how to get it to work on a Mac. https://steamcommunity.com/app/502520/discussions/0/2561864094356890600/
  21. As far as I know in UGG the lines were manually drawn. So if someone figures out how to export the UGCW maps into an editor, and then spend the necessary time to figure out what the lines should be and draw them in, maybe it could be done. If it's possible at all it would take a considerable time investment.
  22. Preferably scoped rifles. Stealth/speed will give you more margin for error, accuracy will give better damage. This tends to be very micro intensive, look away for 30 seconds and you can lose the entire unit or at least take $10k + damage in seconds. These are of limited use until you get 1-2 accuracy perks and some decent firearms. You can level them up by giving them basic rifles and attacking flanks while the enemy unit is distracted by infantry. There are a number of 'features' around using long ranged skirmishers so they will take some getting used to. They do alright on their own, keep them in cover and don't give them any expensive weapons as they will take losses. Try to stay at max range from the infantry so you have the best chance to escape if they charge. The cover perks will help here, though generally you want to use 0-1star units for this. Lategame you could build units with repeaters but you would always want to keep them on the flanks so they aren't taking fire.
  23. I've had a lot of success using the extra slots for skirmishers to fulfill all the normal roles that I would normally use detached skirmishers for. I'm also less likely to throw them away now since I would lose an officer. Since detached skirmishers don't keep unit perks they were relatively ineffective in the mod as well. Of course you can also just bring more normal units with the extra slots, though scaling can get pretty noticeable. Past that, If you'd like to enable them again you can change disableSkirmishers to false in the Mod/ConfigFile.csv.
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