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Everything posted by pandakraut

  1. It does not. It's really easy to push up scaling in the first few battles depending on how big and numerous the units you put together are. The other possibility is that the reinforcement rolls were worse than the non-bugged campaign. I would recommend checking the intelligence report to see what the listed AI size is between the campaigns.
  2. That matches the expected unit sizes and the bugged unit sizes I was seeing. Our best guess is that one of the hidden size modifiers in the assets has something to do with it. No idea how to fix it, but at least its effectively optional for the player to activate. Easy mode would be getting the extra units and weapons and then disbanding and only reforming all the troops later.
  3. For Phillipi if you save and reload before the first set of reinforcements arrive those reinforcements will more than double in size. Doesn't occur in the base game, still occurs with only the assets file modified. Why I have no clue. I assume Potomac Fort will be the same given the report by @echelbergere but I have not yet checked.
  4. Thanks for the bug report. I have no idea why that would be the case, but I will look into it. For Phillipi it might be at least a partially different cause. I have a save at the start of phase 2 that I have used multiple times and the reinforcements there come in normal size. I've never tried saving and reloading before the player units come in there though. Edit: that was it, increases the sizes if you save and reload immediately at Phillipi at well. Now to find out why...
  5. That option does seem pretty reasonable for Gettysburg. The next time I get there I want to try dragging it out to day 3 and see if I can bleed down the union forces enough to just walk onto the objectives. I somewhat doubt it's the best option, but would be an interesting challenge to try and clear the map with reasonable losses. The casualties in parenthesis you highlighted at the end of the video are the number of men you lost in your artillery brigades. The report lists both guns and total men lost for artillery.
  6. The only difference I'd recommend with Rio Hill is that you can give up the flag. I move all my troops into one of the nearby lines of trees(different sets have different advantages) and fight from there instead of using the worse cover and crappy fortifications around the flag.
  7. You're apparently very lucky. This is only the second time it's ever happened that I'm aware of.
  8. Yeah, that's definitely the bug. You're supposed to have around 10k at the train station. Enjoy the extra men and material, but be aware if you use all of it you're going to trigger scaling
  9. Question on the southern vp assault at stones river. Do you normally stagger your charges or was that the miscontrol you were referring to? I ask because there are significant bonuses in game for getting multiple units into melee so I usually try to get everything to hit at the same time, with a slight preference for rookie units hitting first so they take the brunt of any fire. Skirmishers might be even better in that roll, hard to micro without pausing though.
  10. 26? It should be 13. Even that is arguably a bit large for that stage of the campaign. There is a very rare bug where the starting units sizes are larger than they should be, maybe you encountered it? Especially if the starting perks aren't desirable, disbanding can be the right choice. I disbanded scales, but I think I kept the other units intact. Good luck on the battle
  11. Accuracy is just a multiplier that is randomly chosen between the high low values. Firearms is evaluated on a curve but is also a multiplier in the damage calculation. It has no direct effect on accuracy that I'm aware of and definitely doesn't impact the probability.
  12. This may be accurate, it's been long enough since I played it that I don't recall for sure and I wouldn't be able to confirm until late tonight or tomorrow.
  13. Distress Call is arguably one of the hardest battles in the mod at the moment. It took me at least a dozen tries to find a good solution on legendary though if you are willing to accept higher casualties it won't be nearly that hard. A couple of hints, some of which you may have seen before: You can use skirmishers to hold up the eastern reinforcements for quite some time along the river ford. It's difficult, but possible to hold the northern fort. Do not garrison the fort, most of the ground inside of the north fort counts as 100% cover. Recapturing the southern fort is far easier than the northern because it doesn't have the cover bonus and is not uphill. Your reinforcements show up as soon as one of the forts is captured, so allowing a unit a clear path to one of them can be very useful. All three of those weapons have 60 melee if I'm recalling correctly. The AI cav will have 70 melee weapons at a minimum. Engaging in melee early on as the union is fairly difficult since your recruit stats are terrible and it's difficult to acquire good melee stat weapons for infantry early on unless you are using muskets. If you want to focus on fire instead of melee you need accuracy perks for the unit and the general as soon as possible. One of the mod changes is that you get a larger reward post phillipi than normal. This has the downside of allowing the player to keep adding men even if that isn't always the best idea due to scaling. Consider if it's worth bringing all those men as it will cause the AI units to grow and their units will have better experience than yours.
  14. For day 2, the first phases that attack the round tops you only get your 2nd corps. 1st and 3rd corps will only see action on day2 if you let the phases progress to culp's hill and beyond. This also means that you can shuffle units between corps if you need to.
  15. Total size if you played all 3 days is probably in the 100-120k range. The union forces are usually spread out enough that you don't come close to facing that total force though. Day 1 and Day 2 wins will avoid a lot of it. I usually just pick off what I can on day 1 and walk all the way south around big round top on day 2 so my third corps is usually just whatever spare units are left over as they barely participate in the battle. It's a bit of a shame the map doesn't fully open up earlier, would make the battle much more interesting.
  16. Base Damage Calculation is Weapon damage * Random value between Accuracy Low / 100 and Accuracy High / 100.
  17. While the AI units have better stats on MG there is no change to the players stats on the harder difficulties. Depending on the scenario that could be reasonable. Relying on nearby brigades to fire into melee is not a good idea in the mod. Friendly fire does more damage so you are more likely to rout your own unit. If the cav unit was melee specialized and fresh and the infantry wasn't the infantry will lose even with larger numbers. This is because there are severe penalties for low condition and morale so units can very quickly become combat ineffective if they take a lot of damage from a charge. Also, depending on the weapons and perk selections of those infantry units their weapon fire might not do much damage early on as the cav charges in. Rifle damage starts off considerably lower than in the base game. All of this can take some adjusting to until you get a feel for it.
  18. 2 or 3 star cav with the right perks can be very dangerous even from the front if they scale large enough. In my experience the losses from this are to high for the player to sustain, but the free AI troops can certainly get away with it. Given that this occasionally makes the AI dangerous my initial thought would be that it is ok. We are experimenting with some melee and morale changes though so it will probably get another look.
  19. You can win on day1. Definitely have to wait for the contested timers to resolve though. I want to say that sometimes you have to let the end of day timer run out, but I don't think that is required here.
  20. After the first time clicking finish screwed me I have taken to making a save before I try to end a multiday battle early Do you think any of the tactics you've tried before would work with a bit more luck or slightly better execution? Are you in a position where you could take the draw? I can't try for a few days, but it you want to post the save I'd be interested in banging my head against the puzzle for a bit.
  21. Not sure where this suggestion falls within your personal rulesets for the campaign, so disregard if it bends them to much. This idea is based on a previous explanation by Lava that he always tries to expand his army to field as many brigades as allowed by a battle. If you expanded your amount of units for this battle to fill slots that effectively aren't used, those units could be disbanded. You're probably facing several thousand more troops than you would if the day1 and day2 slot counts were actually accurate to what will be on the field.
  22. I rewatched Col Kelly's video and it turns out I used a bit different approach. I still split the center, but my 1st corps is entirely dedicated to holding that line, it basically doesn't move to attack the camp at all. Most of the union cavalry is allowed to pass to the north, I've found that once they get up there they don't tend to do much else. The center VP capture is delayed as long as possible to give the most time to get into position. Sometimes I won't take the woods north of the center VP that Kelly defended at either and will defend from the center VP woods, the confederate starting position to the east, and the available cover to the west with skirmishers interspersed. I think this approach requires heavy sniper usage to be able to wear down the mass of units from the south and convince any units attacking from the north to turn around though. Going further north might still be better in terms of getting the enemy units out into the open, would have to try it again. 2nd corps supports 1st corps initially and helps pin the union forces in the north, but towards the end of that phase nearly all of it moves to where the river crossing will open up. Then the divisions of 2nd and 3rd corps take the landing from as far north as possible. Clear the line of breastworks north of the river, split across the ford below the breastworks and the westernmost ford. I've found that this minimizes the time I spend fighting out of cover. Some units of 1st corps will eventually start to move north once the union troops in the south have been beaten down enough to stop attacking. I've tried enveloping them in multiple different ways, but I find they usually end up clumping in one set of woods or another and it's not worth the casualties to finish them off completely. I've never tried letting the southern units have free access to run north, maybe it's possible to just hold the original line with parts of 1st corps and send more divisions up to support 2nd and 3rd corps? Not sure if the AI will default to trying to attack, holding more of the middle of the map, or if those units will all just go sit in the camp. Good luck on finding a solution
  23. Perhaps the flag was still contested when the main timer hit 0?
  24. On the left flank I would recommend trying to take the northern VP that isn't surrounded by fortifications. I don't recall if it's required or not but I usually end up taking it.
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