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Everything posted by Despe

  1. thats all look so interenting changes, thx for ur work! But moderation needs to put in hands of experimented and high reputation players. I know leaders clan and officers members more tolls than their own members.
  2. When redoutable willl be avalaible on steam?
  3. yeah, but the question is, it is gresn vs green?
  4. key west, las tortugas y cayo vacas. Los prusianos han aprovechado pa calentar corrientes.
  5. Yeah, i do not know too, we need a clear rule about this. Make intentional damage or warm a same side loki player when you are loki too, can consider green vs green?
  6. Your post are off topics. You have a correct post in this forum to discuss this.
  7. Good option. I totally agree with you that the current ingame reporting system are totally insuficient.
  8. that's a great initiative and a great work, Greg, thx. Grettings!
  9. I have explained to Rex who is the correct way to report this, but he is a begginer in this kind of frorum issues. Im making the translation of a lot of screenshots, and i will make a tribunal report when i finished. BTW, report tool in game is most times uselees because there are a lot of sentences and comments that only one native speaker spanish can understand. Moderation in spanish game chat is urgently needed. Thx for you comment.
  10. you can know if one NPC is a loki rune just seeing the rank, if it is the lowest and the rest are comanders or captains, it is a loki. Rank change when loki jump to this NPC. I think that this report is interesting to know if we can consider this as a green vs green, and in if can do that the next time that we jump into a battle like a loki
  11. oh, good work and so interest app. thx for use ur time making tools like this. Despe loves you
  12. OMG no, no more money spends please. I guess that we need more outpost avalaible, like 10 for example, not these kinds of experiments And @admin @Ink, btw, where is my redoutable? :DD
  13. if i play in that PB wins always the opposite side
  14. i like actual BR limits sistem, you can play battles with little, medium and large fleets.
  15. i guess that the BR limit is ok now, with small, medium and large fleet PBs.
  16. Yeah, i have an spanish account and national chat is horrible, with constantly banneable offense in my opinion, made again and again for the same group of 7-10 players. A moderator is nedded there, admins.
  17. it was a very crazy battle, with some NPCs aground the coast
  18. A mi los DLCs me parecen muy bien tambie, es un atajo para los jugadores que no quieren o pueden gastar tiempo para tener buenos barcos de PvP, y además los desarrolladores también tienen que comer supongo. Además nadie obliga a compralos, hau un monton de barcos muy buenos pa pvp como la surprise en shallow, o la trinco y el wassa que todo el mundo se puede permitir. Yo el redoutable me lo compraré seguro, basicamente porque me ralla tener que estar todo el dia que si moviendo teka, que si ahora necesito oak y que si vergas en vinagre
  19. si no fuera porque yo jugué de pena, habria sido superdivertido.
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