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Everything posted by Despe

  1. oooh Lucio, bienvenido! ese puerto esta abierto siempre
  2. Is not my case only the 20 first minutes, after this no reiforcement possible, battle is closed. And in my case after battle thay go to port, no reiforcements in OW.
  3. yeah, longs are very good for tagging snows 1:30 hours
  4. I put a video and you put one screenshot. Put a video and i can give you my opinion if the situation is the same or not.
  5. I can be agree with that. And I think that we as a community have a duty to contribute with our posts so that those gray areas disappear, which will help to balance the game. One video is a proof. nothing happens? If there is griefing we will know more clearly what griefing is. If is not, the same. I think that the rules of this are not clear at all and if posts like this help to clarify, it's good for everyone.
  6. This is an screenshot and i put a video. If is ok for your mate, dont means that it must be ok for me.
  7. What kind of response is that? Not victimism here, if i see an abusive behaviour i report it, and you shoud do the same. I post on tribunal in the last months 3 times, 2 reports in which tribunal take actions vs players reported, and one asking for a possible exploit. Do you think it is wrong reporting players with abusive behaviors?
  8. This section is for reporting players with abusive actions. What they think or what those players want is not my business
  9. I have said that I have not seen them, not that these kind of players do not exist. In any case this conversation does not serve to solve this.
  10. cuando yo empeze a jugar a esto como novato Liquicity me hundió 5 veces en dos horas. La ultima vez que hize un 1vs1 con el, nos hundimos los dos a la vez en la solo patrol y nos tiramos los palos muy sexualmente. En realidad me hundi yo segundos antes que él porque me había jodido la pump, pero el primero en dejar cero hull fui yo. Tenía grabada esa batalla pero la borré, básicamente porque soy idiota, estaria muy bien en el mi canal de yutuf.
  11. Take a ship with one concrete configuration not gives another players the rigth to tag 1:30 hours. I said sometimes in this post, the objetive of batlle is sink your enemy, if you dont want or cant do that, the correct way is dissengage, not tagging until battle times out. BTW, there are in this game experimented pvp players that uses Hercules with long gungs? My response is that i never have seen one.
  12. Well, that is the definition of kitting i think xD One batlle has an objetive: sink the enemy. If you can do that, you tag and you sink probably in the first 30 minutes. If you can not do that that, the correct way is leave battle, not tag the enemy 1:30 hours. The combat was not initiated for me. I have not any chance,and if you were an experimentated pvp player you knowing that. They were faster like me, and try to shoot one neuchafel and one snow with carros in medium distances is imposible. They could have try to sink me but they dont choose that, they choose taggin me again and again 1:30 hours, and i am totally conviced that both players knew that this way of playing only serves to harm a player by the way of wasting his time.
  13. I explain what the video is not full battle in my main post, just read it. I post in tribunal when i think that some players are harm me, if that dislike you can report my post or putting me in ignore, what you can not tell me is where I can or cant post is this forum. I put you in ignore, good luck in game.
  14. No es que sea lo mismo o no, es que puede hacerse y ya esta. Tampoco entiendo muy bien que haya gente que diga a otros jugadores a quien deben o no deben tarjetear.
  15. Im in a PvP server, i tag in all waters all enemy that i see, respecting the server rules. If you said that this give you the rigth to kitting one player 90 minutes in a battle you are precisely defining griefing is.
  16. cada uno caza donde quiere y cuando puede. Todo el mundo sale por Mortimer, por la zona americana o por KPR que esta lleno de novatos, y en algunos casos no. El novato también puede pelear y defenderse, que es una forma de dejar de ser novato. Este es un servidor de PvP con unas reglas, y mientras esas reglas se cumplan no se puede reprochar a ningun jugador a quien tarjetea a quien no. A mi también me fastidia que me gankeen, pero como se puede hacer y voy a un sitio donde se que me lo van a hacer pues me tengo que aguantar. Y un gakeo es mucho peor que tarjetear a un novato, que no tienes posibilidad alguna de defenderte... Por otra parte lo de que estas flotas defiendan novatos es muy matizable. Ahora mismo estoy en mi cuenta brit tradeando y acabo de ver un pirata. Me he escapado de el porque llevo bufo, pero he tratado tambien de acercarme a una flota de esas para buscar proteccion y me ha sido imposble porque es mas rapida que yo.
  17. I was here for tagging brits, not traders. I never said traders and also it is irrelevant. If i tag a trader they can enter into battle for help, and kitting me while the trader try to leave is a correct tactic. But this is not the case.
  18. LoL, ask Gregory Raisborough what can he do with one snow. I use that ship usually and i sunk trincos, surpises and hercules with this ship. If you think that they can not win the battle, the correct way is leave, not kitting and and tagging 1:30 hours.
  19. Proteger a jugadores novatos siempre está bien aunque el problema es hacerlo sin desbalancear el juego. Que nadie pueda colarse en un combate no lo veo bien, porque a veces es la unica manera de hacer pvp que tienes, aunque en realidad muy pocas veces puedes hacerlo porque suele cerrarse mucho antes. En cuanto a no poder ser tarjeteado estando por debajo de capitan de fragata tiene un problema, que son las cuentas alters. La mayoria no suelen tener ese rango, pues se utilizan pa tradear y poco más, y eso generaria una especie de pay to win, en el sentido de que cuentas más cuentas tengas, más puedes trader sin problemas. Además piensa una batalla de puerto o una pantalla solo con jugadores de ese rango a los que no puedes tarjetear en OW... El desbalance seria total
  20. How can it be griefing if there are 2 distinct players in my example? do you report both? and what about these player did that without comunication and without knowing that the other had done it first? This is the problem of your argument. If one random guy can tag you 1.30 hour in a battle and this is not griefing, one second guy can do the same after some time, and you can not accusse the second one for griefing, if the first one can do it. And the issue of the PB is irrelevant. I was not part of any PB group, i was alone in front their port trying to tag brits, and the PB ends when i was in battle, like you can see in the video, if you have seen it, and they still tagging me to the end of timer. Respect you sais of rules of this, totally agree. We need clearly rulesr rules to prevent that some players can be bothering another one for 1.30 hours, and you can't do anything to prevent it.
  21. eso lleva asi desde que empezo el juego. Yo no creo que en terminos generales lo esten haciendo mal, es un juegazo al que todos dedicamos horas y horas. Pero que a veces hacen locuras mu lokis, eso si.
  22. not comparable, you sail because you want, nobody forces you. I was in battle 1.30 hours seeing how my enemies tagging me constanly and waiting for the time were over for can leave. I can make things easy for you with a question, what would happen if you were to do pvp and someone kept you constantly in battle in front main enemies waters, 1.30 hours with a privateer? and after that another guy do the same another 1.30 hour? I think that in this case you cant do pvp, you were in a bullshit loop, what in my opinion is griefing. Thats the same in my case.
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