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Everything posted by staun

  1. Depend on place. I do belive every nation should have a base to build on, so 4-6 ports depend on ressources. But should they choose to stay in the middle of the map, there they are fair game.
  2. Do you rember the time when the spanish was rolled back on the map,what that did to your player base? Have you no shame left after you become a powerhouse along side your russian ally. Pick on the polish, they moved ports to the south. But thats not enough for you. I thought better of you. The players I once played with I had in High regard. Hope and trust the polish will keep building on there nation, despite the spanish actions. * I am Sorry for the hard word if you in fact actually are doing them a favor.
  3. The L’Ocean was the one you captured from us, we just took it back. Yeah wasent a fair fight, but guess we all had some fun. But nice to se so many dutch players. sorry for brownies. In the heat of the battle it was the best oure commander could think of. Haven’t the number of pvp we got, But for sure enough to replace the VM needed to build a new 1 rate,
  4. There is on more Danish clan(actually they are German) Ds has been on Oure side all the way. There numbers are less than DNP, but we trust them and they fight. They even have set up a ts, so we dont depend on the former Danish ts. If we postet sc shots, the will be in most of them. Just look at Sveno's from Cartagena. Those guys rocks.
  5. But still hide in battle is just sad. Do think last Night both the russisan pb fleet and screener hide in a battle. So from now on evrebody need to be 2 h in advance before a pb surring and waiting. Where is the fun in that.
  6. Oh we care abouth RvR. We just play it different. Ports are only important for top 4. Rest dont need them. We always knew that the russians will come, so we have set up alt to build all we need in other Nations. You may even have done us a favor, plenty of danish players, But most is pve. Maybe now the find out that they also need to take part in the fight. We have no demands to Sweden. Well thats not the hole truth. We reguest and demand that they keep kickoff your ass.
  7. But what is wrong with them. They have been beaten by the Russians, first when they get 3 pb, they get there act together. They seems to need the pressure to fight well. If they need it maybe we should offer to flip there ports to keep them in shape😝
  8. Nah I trust them. We have had a couple good fights against the brits. Good sportsmanship on there side. We actually had eye on a french port, just to get a fight against some good old friends. Never a complain from them. But that have to wait a bit. They should have there war fore themself. As long the rest of us can holdoure greasy hands to oure self, U do think it will be a good and clean war.
  9. Guess it will depend. Do they get a fair fight nation to nation, ore are Russia going to bail out Froggs as they did for the spanish. One on one france dont stand a chance against GB, unless they let there “global” players do all the fighting.
  10. What, isent He the center of the World. He has been lying to me. That bastard.
  11. Have there been a change in status, since Danish ports is up for grabs after today? Thought that they always have been. As I recall Russia had from the start of the nation been going for Danish ports. But we dont mind. We want fights. We all know we dont stand a chance against the mighty Russians and there Spanish friends. We dont get Wm by trading ports and we are not strong enough to be be a top 3 nation. But that is ok. We just have to work a bit harder. We had a fun night last night and more will come. Hope fights like last night will inspire other players and nations to join up and fight. Small nations actually dont need more than 5 ore 6 ports. Just need what gives the ressources to craft ships. So plenty for the mighty Russians to take. In a fight against Russia, well we proberbly will get kicked back to start. But just dont see *us giving in to a nations, that try to use fear as a way to get there will.
  12. Yep was a fun fight. Thx to @sveno for inviting us to the party and to the swedes who filled the ranks, so we could get a even and fair fight against the Spanish. And ofc a special thx to Spain. You made it to be a great NA evening . Hope to get more of it in the future. On a side note. The DNP player who died in his Victory, well he need some more practice on blowing up a fire ship, but guess he will get another chance in the near future.
  13. Yeah it seams that the Russians and there friends the Spanish have luck, skills and number of players on there side. Guess it would take the rest of the server to join forces, just to give Rusards a decent fight.
  14. I may read it wrong. But does Russia only have 5 %. They have a total of 32 ports and you say they have 7 ports, so 7/32 =21 %. Is that many ore not. Guess it depend on how many "global" players they have. Lets say Russia can field in total 60 RvR playes and 15 is "global". 15/60= 25%. In that case the number actually looks ok. But it wont change there is ports not being able of being attack by EU players unless EU player are ready to get up in the middle of the night, and ofc visa versa for the global players.
  15. Think it is something like this. Only top 3 nations get them. You need to have a lord proctor(hold a port) and also have been in a portbattle during the week. But just lest wait for someone that knows for sure
  16. Oh I didn’t sink it. Just keeping it safe in port for him. He might need it one day for the right purpos and then it is all his again. Oh wait before I promis that, I need @Bearwall to sign the deal.
  17. Thought a Vic, was better. And I have something better than screnshot. I have him caling me out. Dont need more prof. But ok with the reward money. Plan was anyway to get you to raise his Bounty. Just sad it is so low. He deserves better. And as long I have his Victory, it would haven been nice if other * players, because of a high Bounty could keep him busy.
  18. Have you told @Otto Kohl that you lost another ship. I tryed not to mention you, so Otto wouldnt know. I am affraid if He if he finds out, are going to take you out practice on Ai’s😏 edit. Yep I have it. In game name is Staunberg from DNP. Btw @Christendom do I get a reward for taking his Victory.:
  19. Well most danes don’t borther with Screenshots. So cant put any up. Maybe the britts have some. We had an Pb at San Andreas. They had a screening fleet and all. Startet fighting them short befor 19 servertime. 3,5 hours and 4 fights later I finaly could get to port. Never seen so many brits before. Got split up in many small fight. Even a couple of spanish guys around looking for a fight, luckily brits tast better *then us. Heavy loses on both sides. Lest just say it was the best NA eveing I ever have had. Got a lot of new gained respect for brits. It was tough fights, and many of the fights could have gone to both side. See you around I hope.
  20. No doubt about BF is the strongest clan in Denmark. But more clans are getting involved in RvR. Think the rest us could field an ok PB fleet for now. Resent battles also indicate that @Captain Reverse and BF are one of the strongest PB fleets in game.So when and if Denmark once again get to fight as one nation, it could be good for the possiblities in the nation. A strong pb fleet lead by BF and an good screening fleet, with the rest of the clans. That would be good and fun.
  21. No we in generely live in peace. Had a lot of good times with spanish players. Thats count for quiet a lot.
  22. And for OW thats fine, But even it is a clan based game, think most danish clans would think an attack on a BF port would be an attack on the danish nation.
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