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Everything posted by staun

  1. Actually I dont think as any of the above mentioned is irrelivant. The big Nations just havent found a way to use the strenght in those nations, aswell they them self not yeth have decided how they them self see there rolle in RvR. Imo they try to fight in the trational way. Wich I think is a mistanke. Why hostile? In my expirience when put a gun to my head, and then asked do do something, well lets say in that case, I have a tendensy to be hostile. And what is GB role in the game. To be Lord of many ports, so they can afford to loose them to strong Nations-?
  2. And do you honnestly think you need many ports ore player to a pain in the butt * to a big nation. My knowledge of them is that they have a clear leadership, can organaize things fast and all are set on a commen goal. They may only field 10-20 players. But I take that evry Day over a split nation, with more pve players than pvp players. But guess thats just me being a fool.
  3. But this could be that we see fewer Wasa and first rates in pb. As i recalled they had the most leeyway. So devs succeded in that. They didn’t have to change to pvp marks.
  4. Ore maby safe the last br for a trader lynx, that can be called to the battle, when all ells lay at the shore. Then it can cab the cirkles. what a great story to tell future players. The old days when a lynx was the most important ship in the game🤔
  5. To that we agree. Realisme is fine, But it should never be more important than the gameplay.
  6. No it is not from a website. It is part of my live. And as I said, evryone should find there own point. And yes it is a game and not real life. But I actually think it is one of the strong side of the game, that we have this forum. How many game do you know where players have so much room to say what they want as in this game, without of getting a Ban.
  7. I think I will tell you a little story from the real World. In my 15 years as in middle management(150 employes). I if put hard could devide ppl up in tre groupe. 1: ppl who did there job and never complained. The basicly just was there until they just one day out of the blue resigned.when I asked why. They just said it wasent right for them anymore. Most time after a little talk, small thing could have done that we had keept a good and stable employe. 2 This group just said yes to evrything I came and wantet to do.” Good idea, lets do it”. But I fast learned to do some extra questions, to be sure it was a good idea. And maby make some change so it would work for them to. 3 group Challenger my on evrything. It was at times tiresom, and made us spend more time getting startet. But those ppl gave me to thing. 1 when we where finished debating. I knew that it was the right plan we had and that it would work. 2 I had ppl who was passionet about there job and realy wantet it to succes. My point is in short. There are a lot of players here, that just play and never raise there voice. They like the game and they play. They dont, they leave. And we have a smaller population. * who like evrything, then there is a group(think you Call them harers, and some dont play and some do). They are passionatet about the game, and want to tell how they think this could be an even better game. Like the rest sometime they are right and some time they are wrong. Is there a point in here. I do think so, But I will let it be up to evry single one to make there Owen.
  8. I do hope the ambition is a bit higher than that. If not just *reset all patches and it is as beautiful as it was. I do think you want, why els develop on it. And I do hope one of the ambitions is to make a game, that ppl would like to be part of.
  9. Do think nobody hoped it will. But lest us get past hollidays and see. We have allready lost good players and teammates. The question is if we get more back ore we can keep new longer. Lets wait to conclude a bit longer.
  10. I hadnt read that hostility only countet if made in the defence time. Guess I should have read the patch notes a bit better. For the rest, nothing new there and not much to help small Nations. I was thinking in the Line of the number of defensive pb you should be able to get against you, should depend of numbers of ports you have. Would maby help small Nations to be a bid more brave( this surgestion is only as long we have this love pop). Basicly I am split betwen this being war game, and the fear not get a game where players want to play. And I do think one of the biggest problem is, that the small nations are so affraid of the top dogs, that they just stay and pve. Cant be fun nore fore the small ore the top dog. but as I said, I am in conflict with this becaus it should be a war game. edit And maby as the nation looses ports the things you need to build a basic ship, will be posible to craft in the ports the nation have left.
  11. So basicly only big nations. Still think even big Nations will have a problem getting a defense up. Small Nations, just dont even try. Guess small nation have to develop a new strategy for RvR. Because as it is, well I guess they will loose if they fight on the same terms. but should provide a fun Challenge.
  12. I have a question.( And before it turns in one of those, lets say trashing feedback, plz think and try to give a reply, that are usefull). Some nations are more multizone players than other. Ore a nation can get players to be up in for a Night and therefore have more players online, and therefore have the advantage of numbers. Then they grind hostility at tree port from the same nation, wich have the same defence timer. And because they do the hostility outside defence timer. The attacked nation will have 3 pb at the same time. But they had no real chance to stop the hostility, and they wont know wich port will be attacked, and with the gamemechanich we have now, I cant se that they will be able to get ships ore player to cover each port. my question is how do you defend your nation against such attacked?
  13. You are my hero. And no I didn’t have to look for it. I kneb were it was. But I am glad it is going better for the russians. Just boring when you not are around. But you didn’t answer my question. Are you a sweed in your heart?
  14. And you as you always have, just banging a drum. As you your self have statet. No purpose or value. So what the different between you ore a sweede. Oh maby you in your heart is a sweed, that just havent come out of the closset.🤔
  15. @Sir Texas Sir where have I said anything about fault. There isent no blame in the statement, that if devs change the game, so it isent fun anymore, ppl will stop. Thats a fact. It is there game and they can do as they will. But it is my choise if I am going to play it. Win ore loose a port dosent matter to me. I raise a consern because I fear that it will kill of the pop. Yes you are right. Plenty of ways to work around timezones. And those who does, well I guess the get to get some ports. But I do think we have the right to choose for oure self, how we are going to play the game. It just seams those Pro merge expect ppl to stay up Night, make multi timezone Nations and so on. To me those Pro try to paint at happy picture. That we all is High on joy because of the merge. I play the game as I want. And when there isent enough fun ore the right gameplay. Well we all knows what then happens: edit: I play in the danish nation, so unless some unexpectet happen, I dont have to think about be a top dog. Dont bring real life in to a game as an argument. In life I have to deal with changed.unless I plan to kill my self. Game, I can just shut if OFF.
  16. You are so right Farrago. Those *who adapt and use the game best will win. But most just dont want it as it is now and therefore they just dont play. You cant kill a nation. Only devs can if they remove the nation from game. And we dont kill the game if we only play in oure 4 houre Windows. Devs did because they made a game witch we didn’t want to play.
  17. Yes ppl can just get up a Night to get the port back. But what ppl who think the way it is now with pb mecanic is a good thing. What you dont want to understand is that ppl wont get up at Night to play. We test and therefore we should play the game the way we are going to play in the long run. And not compensate to make i work. I can be wrong, But most players are going to stop getting involved i RvR. So my guess in a month ore two. The server is going to be run by 2-3 Nations and about 80-90 player are going to be involved mainly. Is that the gameplay we want. It will be a new global.
  18. Yep and a lot of ppl who arent on the forum isent *happy with the merge. Same talk. Only time will show if it was a good idea. Right now there are more players. Gone up from 480 to 540 EU main time. Was to be expectet. But lets se long tirm. And to put in perspektiver. When clan patch was released oure number got up to 800.
  19. I did think He was a ok pvp player. But I only fought him twich. And actually won both. One of the times He attacked me and Assasins. He even pulled a Ai fleet in. Just small ships, think the buc that joined on oure side did the trick. And as i recalled it, he said the buc was a bit unfair. Guess he just wasent good enough.
  20. Well if Redii is a bad pvp/ RvR player. I will just say this. ‘Could I just be half as bad as him. Think that would be enough for me’. yes i know to be semi bad boy dont have the same ring to it, as bad boy.🤔
  21. I do think the nightflippers deserve a reward. Maby not for the first, But if they can keep flipping ports during the Night. My guess is it will be a lot of pve missions and empty pb. They allready had a tough time on global, now they just thought they should have fun, and just get a new global.
  22. I know. But *It wont change anything for now. So what ppl should do is for themself choose how they will play the game, so it will be fun for them. And the fact is you dont need ports in a nation. All you need is 1 to set up shipyard and workshop.
  23. Why freak out, it is the new game mechanic. Just promis me you wont complain abort players who dont want pay for a defence timer, that neither show up for the pb ore try to get it back. if so, well than we all should get along just fine..
  24. Just checket the number 459. Normaly I would say we are around 460-480 edit 06.00-11.00 servertime I think we goes from 100-180.
  25. Well in our main time from about 14.00-22.00 servertime i see roughly the same numbers. Maby 5-10 less. Outside that I think a small increase. But can nok say at 24-06 in the Night, I sleep at that time. But we will se when the servere are merged. It is not the first couple of week that interest me, but the long tirm.
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