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Everything posted by Brogsitter

  1. It is really sad to see Moderators picking sides. If you Do this ingame... fine, but in the forums you are a representative and you should stay neutral.
  2. And how do u become a pirate? I thought this is a sandbox mmo with the focus of realism. It is not realistic, that you cannot attack your own kind.
  3. Regarding the upcoming changes, pirates are not able to form alliances. They are not treated as a nation, but in limiting their playstyle you treat them just like a nation. Thats really odd. PS: May I suggest to have a look at the outcome of this poll? PPS: At the end there is not difference. A pirate without a smuggler flag is not a real pirate, anyway.
  4. To pick up the stuff from a wreck and sail back takes 3h real time. Regarding the reward this is way too long. Speaking of a bug... The drop rate of bottles were adjusted 2 times. The first time with notification, it was raised. The second time (current status) it was lowered big time without notification. I would like to see an Exploration on this one.
  5. Kind of fun to see the nationals still not interested in Balance bit in nerfing the pirates to death. The most ideas will leid to noone is playing rat anymore cause the nation players got a i win Button. If you want to make pirates different you have make them unbeatable in some points like OS and battle speed, but all u guys are looking for cheap targets. This is rediculous.
  6. Wilson, y are u not joining a nation, as you betraied your own kind multiple times? @Mod: it is really time to close this thread. this is all going to be mayhem. It is not necessary to blame on one clan and / or specific persons. I bet if this would be against any other clan the thread would be deleted allready without any comment. So please get rid of this mess.
  7. 1) good 2) good, even i would have said you should have done something else 3) not good but good to read this: "We are kind of worried to bring this to live game and plan to set up a test bed next week to experiment in a more quiet environment. All players will be provided access to this beta to test it." With crew loss like discribed, raking shots will get obsolete ppl will just shoot broadsides again, smaller ships will have no chance against bigger ships any more cause penetration penalties, player will end up not be able to replace the crew anymore, due to its high prices. While the planned changes are making the game even more a simulator, the tactic aspects and the fun will get lost, specially in medium engagements. If you really want to bringt this live, you have to adjust multiple aspects of the game - not only the numbers of crew killed by a cannonball. But I really hope you leave the crew loss as it is.
  8. My glassbowle just told me, shipprices will skyrocket.
  9. Starring at a flatscreen, watching a ship sailing straight in one direction, without whales, flying fishes and flipper..... for 1,5h is no boredom? Even a Train simulator has way more action than this ^^ Nice idea, but this is another mechanic and should be discussed seprately
  10. Impact on the economy will not be that hard, you still have to haul the goods from the normal ports into the free towns. And IF the economy will be completly player driven at one point it wont have any impact at all.
  11. Nice to hear! *thumbsup* It seems the crew loss on the rated ships has returned to the high level about 8 weeks ago, meaning rated ships are loosing way too much crew again. I.e. one broadside from a GV into the Broadside of a Santi killed close to 1% of the crew (12). One broadside from the santi inot the GV killed exactly 1 crew.....
  12. Do you have any reason in particular for keeping the current mechanics?
  13. Boarding combat seems not working as inteded: http://imgur.com/WTHHoJs Killing only 29 crew with an attack against an enemy firing a musket volley, while having 15 time more crew cannot be real.
  14. While the current teleportation mechanics is non satisfying for most of the players for several reasons, it is time to make a clear proposal how to make the system better. So lets figure out what the players are complaining about the current mechanics. Current State System is getting abused for hauling goods System is not flexible enough System is refusing players to be with their friends and forcing them into planning and scheduling everything (most of us have this stress at work allready) System is unrealistic regarding teleporting ships from A to B (well... maybe David Copperfield can do this) 1) Remove the current teleportation system (outpost to outpost) Players should be able to book passages from Free to Free Town (OR: from regional capital to regional capital) whenever they want to, regardless of having a warehouse in this town or not. The price for a passage depends on the distance you are going to travel. 2) Remove / Alter the curernt teleport to capital system The teleport to capital mechanic should only be used, if you are getting lost on the open sea. This feature should be removed completly, or altered that way, that you loose the ship you are currently on. For transporting goods there is a different mechanic implemented. 3) Alter the current "send ship to outpost" mechanic If a ship is send to an outpost after battle, the sent ship should not arrive immediatly at its destination. It should not take as long as it takes to send goods. As reference I want to suggest 45 minutes for the distance between Key West and Tumbado. What effects will these changes have? With these changes you will give the players more flexibility. You will encourage them to participate in group play, cause they are able took hook up with their friends in a short amount of time. There will no more transportation of goods to capital, like it was possible with abusing the current system. There will be another money sink in the game to control inflation.
  15. While we had a big content patch yesterdy, the port is still not switched back! You were able to switch it from a Free Town to Neutral without any hassle. What is so hard to fullfill your promisses? As it looks for me, you are not willing to switch it back at all and just betray the community. The other option would be very sad: You are simply not able to do it - in other words: You have no clue what you are doing here.
  16. Have you ever heard from a ship battle in real life, where one side was not able to thow in all the ships they want because the other side was ranting it might be unfair? Honestly......
  17. So far so good, but i have a massive performance drop on my behalft. FPS droped by 35% on the open sea. I am running an AMD R9 290.
  18. And you are? If you really would have played PotBS you would remember my name, but hell yeah potbs started to die when they took ships away from the players. If you take away the big guns from the rats, it will end up making a whole group of player non compatative. It might be easier to take out the pirate faction completly. But You, as a wise man, You allready knew this right? Since when are u playing this game?
  19. LOL! Honestly what crap is this vote about? May I ask for a vote, to limit the Santisma, Victory, Bellona and all the other "special" ship to one per server? Just open up your mind, who is the strongest nation at the moment? For sure not the rats. Honestly, if something like this kicks in, the game will be dead in no time. I have to agree. May I ask you to lock this topic? Thanks
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