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Everything posted by Brogsitter

  1. Regarding the situation of underpopulated nations are getting stomped, we should start thinking about some mechanics helping those nations to be competitive even against high populated nations. In this thread I want to collect suggestion made by you. The mechanincs you want to suggestions should be 1) reasonable and easy to understand 2) easy to implement I want to start with one by myself: Suggestion 1: Attack Limitations Limit the possible attacks wich can be driven on one nation at the same time, regarding its population. This limitation should be overall, so once the limit is reached no more attacks can be launched - not even from a different nation. Example: Nation [H] as the highest populated nation can be attacked on 6 different Ports at the same time. Nation [M] as a medium populated nation can be attacked on 3 different Ports at the same time. Nation [L] as the lowest populated nation can be attack on 1 Port at the same time. Can this mechanic be abused? Unfortunetaly yes - but it is expensive. A small group or even a single player can "blockade" attacks against a nation by continously buying attack flags. Suggestion 2: The carrot and the stick (from Heibges) Give the underpopulated Nations a bit of an economic and XP boost while the overpopulated Nations are getting a minus. Example: Very Overpopulated -25% to XP, Gold and BP Drops Overpopulated -15% to XP, Gold and BP Drops Underpopulated +15% to XP, Gold and BP Drops Very Underpopulated +25% to XP, Gold and BP Drops Can this mechanic be abused? Unfortunetaly yes. It can be used to level up quickly and generate some wealth, with the goal to leave towards a high populated nation, once the highest rank was achieved. Suggestion 3: Reduction of Nations (from Porpoise) Reduce the number of nations to Britain, France, USA, Dutch, Spain. Swedes and Danes have beautiful flags and are definitely naval nations, but their presence in the Carribean was not significant. But what is the point in having 4 underpopulated nations? Example: none Can this mechanic be abused? Not really, but it does not really solve the issue. There will be always a underpopulated nation, even if we would have only 2 nations. __________________ Just present your ideas and I put them down here.
  2. 03:45 - Area of Tumbado. Jumped into a battle between a british vessel and some freebooters, helping the freebooters. The magazine of the British Belle Poule blew up and the British captain was moaning all the time. The crew cheered. 04:05 - Area of Tumbado. Helped out a groupd of French vessels, sailed by unexperienced Captains (NPC), sailing a Constitution, two Mercury and a Rennomee, against a group of British captains, sailing two Constitutions a Rennomee and a Trincomalee. When our 3rd rate engaged and release its first salve the british captains emmidiatly disengaged. This time I cheered.
  3. FFS is every mechanic in this game an exploit now? Seriously i am getting sick of all these posts moaning about game mechanics..
  4. Yes! Move all capitals to Jamaika. I think everone will be happy with this.......
  5. 22:00 - A british fleet of 25 vessels attacked the small Island of Mugeres. Was part of the small defensive fleet of about 15 ships. The enemy was fought off.
  6. 02:28 - Engaged and captured Spanish Surprise of CdF [RAE]Baron Farrukito close to Key West. Captain Farrukito had a very rude behavior. 02:59 - Took part in an engagement against the Spanish Navy Brig of TdN Edvin van Shavo. Being outgunned and outnumbered the captain surrendered to our superior force. 03:23 - Docked at Key West. Sent crew on shore leave. 22:34 - Booked a passage to Tumbado and rallied the crew. Left Tumbado heading south with a fleet of 9 ships. 23:55 - Close to Bensalem. Lost an engangement against a fleet of 24 British ships.
  7. so you change stuff, knowing it might cause problems, and postpone the solution? hmmmm, i am not sure but i dont think i am gonna like this but we will figure out. If it is not gonna work, I will start to moan
  8. Due to the high damage the 3rd rates can soak up, it is not that easy. A fully crewed cerb, needs only 2 full broadsides from a 3rd rate to be completly taken out of the game. I think this patch creates more issues, than it resolves. It clearly benefits those nations, which are able to fill PB with high rated ships, under crewed or not. A regular fleet of 25 small and med frigates will never substain the power of 25 3rd rates.
  9. I agree, we really need a diplomacy to solve the issue with underpopulated nations on a long term. Here is an idea of implementation: There will be an ingame poll on a weekly base. Within this post you can decide if you are allied, hostile or neutral to a nation. If the majority is the opinion to be allied with a nation and the majority of this specific nation is the same opinion, than you will become allies for a week (or another timeframe). In case the majority is the opinion to be hostile with a nation, there will be war, even if the majority of this specific nation has another opinion
  10. FYI: Some ppl have a life, family and a job.... you really think the want to spend the 2-3h of gametime they have watching a ship sailing from A to B?! I think a reduction to a 2-3h teleport is reasonable.
  11. If you only have an eye on your own benefits and if you are not able to see the full picture, than you propably should consider to not speak up. The decissions made from TF and TDA together with the 10 brave spanish captains are wise. They hopefully will do good for the spanish nation, the server and the game. It seems Spain was not only shattered by the Rats and the US, it was ripped appart by internal conflicts and the selfishness of a handfull of players. I only can hope devs are not going to make a mistake by implementing something stupid that should help resolving this problem. It clearly cannot be resolved by any game mechanics.
  12. If a map wipe includes the wipe of all assets, the game will be dead in notime.
  13. This could lead to smaller vessels are getting absolutly OP against big ships. Smaller vessels are allready more manuverable and harder to hit anyway, cause of their low profile, Giving them more power from raking shote might not be a good idea.
  14. I am not blaming anyone, I am just telling you the US are inviting the SPANISH to discuss this issue an to find a solution for about a week now. Either the spanish population is not getting the point or they are too cocky to do so. But it is so much easier to run to MOM and DAD and ask for a solution..... Honestly, just get over your massive ego and have a talk about this. And do me a favor and stop using PB timers, low playerbase and the rest as an excuse for the situation. It still does not explain, why the spanish nation is not up to solve the problem together with the other nation(s) by themselfes. Specially the problem with the PB timers should be discussed seperatly.
  15. Sorry Siegfried, but a cannot agree with this in any way. I stated it earlier: The problem the spanish nation is facing atm will not be solved by changing the capitol. Changing the captitol will just delay the result of the nation being crushed down to one port. Thats will be the result for every nation who is refusing to communicate with other nations. To get it straight: This issue is a social one and cannot be solved by the devs.
  16. Exactly this attitude is killing a nation in this game .... and i mean any nation.
  17. Can we please get over with PB times, who did what and when, and all this stuff. We really have an issue to solve and this issue is a part of the social aspect of this game. Either we start conversations or the game will get ripped appart by the interventions of the devs. An intervention will just encourage every nation to run to mom and dad, once they get under pressure.
  18. Well, maybe it is time to standup and put yourself into charge. Rumours told me, there were some conversations within the spanish chat, to bring someone to the point to do so and to get in contact with the US. As my informations are correct spain refused it so far, because they think they have "nothing to offer". Honestly, get in gear for the good of your nation, for the good of the game and get in contact with the US. Get the point - this issue cannot be solved by the devs. Never ever.
  19. So why did you not got into contact with the US to discuss this issue? As far as I am informed, they would not refuse a conversation.
  20. Right, even I think the timer are doing the game no good. Spain is not even capable to defend their harbors during EU primetime. Regarding timers: Just get rid of them. If you really want to have organized and huge PvP, wich is not putting the most populated nation into a position where they actually will not be able to loose, you should consider reveersing the timers: The attacker buys a flag and sets a timeframe when they are going to attack the town. The attack cannot be earlier than 24h after the timeframe was set. With this system the defending nation will be warned and will be able to set up a defence. For sure, this will not solve the issue underpopulated nations will have, but it will give them a chance. Everything else they must solve by talking ot eachother. The devs will never be able to solve it. Speaking of the devs: If you would have listened to all those old potbs players, who were aware of all the issue such a game brings to the agenda, this all might not have happened.
  21. My2Cent: 1) Favoring a specific nation without having a strict rule / system implemented, will upset all other nations (more or less) 2) Changing the rules, with a manual interaction, without resetting everything, will upset all other nations (more or less) 3) Leave it to the players to solve those issues. I.e. France and Dutch finally made an agreement and the US is offering an agreement towards the Spanish for more than a week now. Nobody from spain stept up and had a talk with the US. Honestly, if you help the spanish at this point like mommy and daddy would do it, it migh only lead to the point where everbody will be the opinion, that spanish needs to be taken out of the game (= play to crush)
  22. CLARIFICATION This is not true. There were several reasons making us leave. But keep on arguing like this and you will see more guilds will leave the dutch nation. At least you are doing the best to shoo them away. Cheers Brog
  23. Thats fair enough though. Was not able to realize this so fast. So i respectfully tip my hat regarding your decission to sucide yourself to help you mates. Cheers Brog *FILE CLOSED*
  24. No offence, But how do u provide evidence for ship just disapearing? Anyway I am just asking for investigation and i would love to hear a statement from Tatann himself. I respect him as a pvp player... so he should just give a statement and hopefully everything will be fine afterwards.
  25. Short range fighting. 4 ships against him. Last hit about 30 seconds before he left at point blank. F11 report was sent.
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