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Everything posted by Brogsitter

  1. Yeah I know about this possibility. But still why do you want people to waste their lifetime? Whats the sense of forcing them to watch pixels moving up and down for hours?
  2. So you have an outpost, but still no ship in there. So were it the big difference between TPing only between FTs and only between Outposts?
  3. How so? Teleport only between freetowns without any cargo / ship. So if you arrive you still have no ship there, except you have stored one. For storing one you have to sail there at least once.
  4. So what? Or is this game designed as a complete "lifetimesink" for its customers? I think for most of the players it is no fun, to watch 3h at a ship sailing and not beein able to interact with the game at all.
  5. I still think, players should be able to book a passage from any freetown towards any freetown at any time. It will do the game something good, regarding PvP, PvE and it will stop the inflation, cause it can be a huge money sink. TPing between outposts at any time or with a low cooldown would be OP in my opinion.
  6. We dont need a cooldown at all. You should be able to book a passage anytime from any free town towards any freetown. It only should cost you money depending on distance. This will ensure full portbattles nearly every time.
  7. 02:30 - Engagement - Contoy - WON - Sent the Trincomallee of the british captain named [sLRN]Bloodthirsty to the bottom of the sea while beeing in my Renommee together with two unexperienced captains (NPC) in a Surprise and a Cutter. When I joined the battle the Surprise was allready nearly dead and the british captain immediatly went on the run, when he saw me closing. 03:15 - Engagement - Open Sea - DRAW - Was chased by a big bunch of [sLRN] captains. I was able to flee, due to sail handling skills of my crew.
  8. Out of popcorn... cant wait to get back into game. My machin will be fixed soon
  9. It will consolidate some strugglers, but i will not solve the issue itself. You will always have a underpopulated nation, except you only would have only 1 nation left
  10. There is no difference between having your buildings do nothing for x amount of hours and than do the click and do the click and wait for x amount of hours.
  11. The current tp system is preventing teamplay alot. It is forcing players to wait in a specific place for other players out of their Team to come online, so they actually can play tigether. If they use the tp system on their own the Team is getting split all over the map usually not able to reallocate until the next Day. Keep in mind: 4h is way more than the dayly playtime of an average player. I would suggest to remove the possibility to teleport with your ship to your capital. Remove the timer on being able to bock passages between outpost and introduce fees you have to pay for your Passage.
  12. No offense, but the current system is a complete fail, due to missing knowledge. I will go into the Details once i have returned from my weekend. Maybe some of the good old potbs economical gurus can get in contact with me, so we can figure something out, wich is not gonna end in a huge mess of hotfixes. Cheers
  13. Thats fine - i just missed the word "until"... thats why I asked. I appreciate you are changing back the Port, even it is not affecting me personally. But for all the other players who are not able to access their stuff at this point. :thumbsup:
  14. allright - ignore my last question.... i got this wrong... until the map reset. Ok - fair enough
  15. Map reset?! Does this include a reset of all assets (money, ships, resources, crafting stuff)? If thats the case the game just died for me.
  16. @admin Why all ship speeds were nerfed? Some of them were nerfed that hard, that the ships become unusable.
  17. just post it again and put in placeholders for any rude words
  18. Removing NPC resource production without giving us more labor time per real time hour.
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