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Everything posted by Brogsitter

  1. There were multiple (detailed) purposals for a working economy handed to the developers. Sadly they havent made any use of them.
  2. You should have read some steam reviews, where the players shared their experience with the latest patch: unfortunetaly it has became a massive grind game. :sad:
  3. This clearly shows you havent understood it. The understanding of the mid european law system is not that easy. No worries though.
  4. nulla poena sine lege. (latin) You dont know what this means? Use google ....
  5. Unless you dont understand it is a developers fault, due to the implementation of game mechanics, this discussion is useless like a third tit. You guys really should start using your brains on how to change the mechanics instead of wasting your last bit of intelligence for trolling here. This is clearly out of Control. I wonder when this topic is gonna find its way to steam.
  6. It is a Computer game - it is time wasting by design
  7. This is all getting hillarious - as usual. This all perfectly reflects the state of the game, the players and the game-developement. It is the perfect advertisement. It is quiet amusing, how adult people do behave within a more or less unmoderated discussion. Just keep on bitching, accusing, whining, flaming, trolling - steam rating is allready down to 46%, I bet you can get it below 42% by end of the week. @admin: From the economical point of view, this issue can become deadly. It looks like a crusade against a group of customers. Customers, who were paying you to Play and test an alpha version of a sandbox mmo. Players will always use the given game mechanics to their advantage - in all type of games. If you dont like the way your customers are using the game mechanics given by your developement team, you should change them. As the head of Business of your Company you should be interested in a more or less good relationship to your costumers - they are paying your bills. It is your job to solve any upcoming issues so the problem will not show up anymore. This cannot be done by setting up rules. But I am pretty sure with your MBA of HBS you know what the best action will be. In November last year you asked me to act as a calmer - here is my advise for now: delete this thread analyse the problem explore any option for solving the problem make a decission implement the code Done. All will be happy.
  8. It seems you are not able to get the point. It is not a abusement of game mechanics, because it is a sandbox game, were you can do whatever you want to do.
  9. Once more: You cant force ppl into a specific behavior in a sandbox game.
  10. Thats very doubtfull for most People.
  11. Finally someone showing some brain! Thanks.
  12. How do you want to force me to do that? If I want to be part of a PB I join a PB. If I decide not to fight in the PB, I wont fight in the PB. Simple as is.
  13. Yes. If a person decides to not fight back, he is not going to fight back - it is pretty much the same like the decission of fighting back - just without fighting back, ya know?
  14. so how do you want to force me to fight back, if i dont want to? PS: I think we had this discussion allready a year ago
  15. After reading all this nonsense, i will take my ships and park my ass in front of KPR. If someone is attacking me, I will get him banned, because I am not fighting back (no matter if I have guns or not). This will be fun Honestly: You cant force players to a specific playstyle in a SANDBOX GAME!
  16. I was not part of the PB, neither I was online, so I have no clue what exactly happened. I just want to ask admin - to get this right.... You are refusing the players to play like they want in a sandbox game? You are refusing them to have diplomacy in a sandbox game? This is a sandbox game, isnt it?
  17. SORRY BUT YOU ARE WRONG! The bare resource costs of one 24lb carronade is 650,40. Neither this price includes any wages for the used labor hours nor wages for the investment of 170.000 for the buildings you need for cannon production. If you only charge 100 gold per used labor hour, wich seem to be a reasonable price with the current system, and ignore the investment you will end up with: 24lb Carronade Price Calculation Material = 650,40 gold Wages per used labor hour = 100 gold labor hours used = 4,6533 h Total Wages = 4,6533 h x 100 gold = 465,33 24lb Carronades Price: 1.115,73 gold + Markup for your investments personal attack edited out - mods Edit: Besides your wrong calculations, you should keep in mind, that mostly only bigger groups with a centralized eco will have the resources and time to build cannons in huge numbers. These groups will not sell any of these cannons, cause they might support the enemy. This will lead to a situation, where the casual player will not be able to replenish his losses. This will raise his frustration, he will leave the game and write a bad review on steam.
  18. Unfortunetaly you have to play anothergame, if thats what you are looking for.
  19. Yeah I will. I was really busy and put a lot of time into some business, so I was able to buy myself a Yacht. And thats what I am going to sail now. Not in the carribean sea, but in the baltic sea .... I gonna sail my 18m yacht in real life. Keep on wasting your time to be able to afford to loose some bytes and pixels. AHOY!
  20. Yes. And no, you wont get it from me. You havent made your homework if a a surprise consumes 21 Hullrepairs (average price 1k) to recover its 2100 dmg.
  21. Short feedback on the first impressions: Some things are good, some are just screwed .... as usual Specially the economy needs to be fixed ASAP. The NPC are still selling Matrials / Resources cheaper than a player can produce it. Thats just wrong and game killing. Here is a quick "how to" for a possible fix: the whole economy (ship production) should be player driven remove all NPC production of resources, materials, consumables and cannons raise the amount of building slots up to 10 (8 might be enough though) === discuss ===
  22. Leider nicht wirklich, sonst würde man komplett anders handeln. Wir haben den Devs unsere Hilfe angeboten, uns um die vollkommen verkorkste Wirtschaft zu kümmern und etwas funktionierendes zu entwickeln. Eine Rückmeldung steht noch aus. Es bleibt nur zu hoffen, dass sich die Jungs richtig entscheiden.
  23. No clue what you actually did there, but we were fighting curse / rear admiral fleets and we got 30.000 for a Santissima kill. And perks should not be mandatory. Just go into the details and recalculate everything without any perks (like a new player). Nice math skills.
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