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Everything posted by monk33y

  1. I'd love to see certain upgrades only available (crafting) from certain ports. Marines from morrant etc Sword fighting handbooks from grand turk. Etc etc means u have to move around to capture key areas or smuggle mods out etc. Pirates should be unique for boarding or ship speed etc
  2. Agreed! You can't say that a nation that has access to 40% of the server population but is for whatever reason can only scrap 10% of its population to take part in rvr deserve to fight a nation with 15% of server population but gets a 13% turn up as fair balanced system. Having the larger national player Base should restrict any nations access to multiple allies. Say for example the brits only had 100 players and 25 (USA)players from an allied nation to fight against 200 players (France)and 100 Spanish in every battle this forum would be full of posts asking for a direct link between population level and number of available allies! Personally I think it's a system that should be tested before launch. If it doesn't work just reset! **edit** these are my views and no the views of the British empire!!!!
  3. Don't you think that I get pissed off when all I read on these forums is a select few ordering everyone else about.! I got shouted at in nation chat last night for pvping against the French as the server has a ridiculous non aggression agreement over Xmas. What f***s me off more it that now I belong to the British empire I have had the ability to make in game choices removed. Anyway I fail to see your condemnation of the way inwhich the posts author continues to attack me. When he stops his/her behaviour I'll stop trolling the posts
  4. Merry Christmas all. I wish you all well! Enjoy a period of feasting amd drinking development team, we look forward to 2017 with you. **this message is my personal opinion and may not be the views of the British empire so please do not get them confused. Merry Christmas all. Presents to all. Coal to some
  5. As a biker myself I must still have a licence, not drink and drive, have insurance but unless I want to die when hit my a distracted car drive (cough on phone) I wear protection. Different yes but unique I'm not sure! My personal views and in no way are they the views of the British empire**edit**
  6. I think the only fair way to do it is looking at either overall accounts made on the server or the amount of logged in accounts in a single month or time period. Player driven alliances can be picked up by many but doesn't control the whole nations views by the few. **my own views and in no way the views of my nation........
  7. The argument for pirate allies is the same as why are any nation allowed allies. It's not very historic is it (that was tongue in cheak before I'm attacked- you know who I'm on about) This is my view/opinion and in no way the views of my nation** this is getting boring saying this with each post!!
  8. To hinder both battle screen camping and battle screen logging off would the simplest choice to get he cross-swords to fade out once the battle is taking place. Say after 5mins the crossed swords fade away (go transparent). Remove the ability to log off on battle screen by pushing everyone back into open world after 30mins. Make it only possible to log off in open world or port. If u close the game in battle screen. Once the end of battle counter runs down and the end of battle 30 mins to get thrown into open world until the afk timer kicks you'! @** edit** my own views and opinions and not any representation of the views of my nation.
  9. I'd love the interface background for in port to change when you click on, ships (ship builders dock background come up) etc. Not a massive ask but to freshen up the port screen. **edit** the above views/comment is my Own personal opinion and not that of my nation or fellow players.
  10. The funny thing is we work well together, there is just a few forum users who fail to understand that as a player of the game you are entitled to a opinion! It may not be the opinion of the British empire so they attack those who speech out if turn! Personal I think it's sad that I get attacked for speaking my mind! **edit** sorry I forgot to state that my comments mine only and not the views of the British empire, before yet another post gets reported and removed
  11. Iv put the idea I put forward earlier in this topic I'd greatly like your opinions on it guys This comment in no way represents the views of my fellow clanies or nation as I'm not longer permitted to say anything!
  12. Everything I post here is my personal opinion and suggestions and are not in anyway the views or feelings of my clan or nation! Now that is out of the way I'd like to suggest the following. 1) port battles entry to be restricted by crew numbers. 2) alliances to be adjusted on a by monthly timescale and directly controlled by the data available to our development team. 3) raid port battles to help influence rvr and pvp. Okay not for greater details. Point 1 to limit the maximum crew Size available to any nation when entering into the port battle. This means a nation needs pre organise which ship combos will be suitable. Point 2, iv already stated this but I feel that the current alliance system benefits the big nations and hinders the smaller one. Once any nations population goes above say 50% of total server population that nation looses access to the allie system. Instead gets to pick an nuteral allie to use ports But looses the nuteral allie as reinforcement in port battles. You can fight on there behalf. When a nation's population hits 35% it can only have 1 allie and 1 nuteral allie. This idea will help other smaller population nations ballance the port battle coverage. Point 3, open up raids to help push hostility creating more rvr. All region's in game have 1 capital and 3-5 smaller ports. These smaller ports have become almost pointless bystanders, opening these ports up a raid portbattle brings back some importance. Each sub port in each region has a certain 12 hr raid window (for all timezones) once a raid is declared a 24hour set up window starts (showing all in the server where it will be taking place). The raid takes place as a standard tower port battle (less Dev work) if the port battle is won the winners claim access to the port along with the regions owner for a limited timescale for example 48hrs. Any raided port automatically grants the raiding nation 25% hostility buff (that cannot be lowered while raided port stands). This system will help ports to be contested and generate rvr and pvp. Simple restrictions can be placed on raiding for example only three or four regions can be raided at anytime by any one nation. Any amount of nations can raid a port in any one region at anytime. What do you think? It needs fleshing out etc
  13. I'd like to remove that suggestion as Im no longer allowed to post any ideas as I do not speak for the British empire
  14. *censored *do me a favour and get your head out of your Arse! When I post MY OPINION ON THIS forum it's my comment not a sorry or toxic comments. It's like when you post something I do not straight away think you are speaking up for '*censored*!' And your right Durring the week I work away from home (you know what a job is right?!?) so I don't get to play much... Do me a favour and stop attacking me, take your preconceptions with you and do one! Incase you didn't relise I was taking the piss with the above comment but arseholes like you who go on the Attack 24/7 over my comments just make me laugh. I wanted a bit of banter with munkey who I get on well with In ts and forums Attacking me is fine but I get warned when I attack back. I love it
  15. Waist of a post. Devs next time put the year on posts. Those of us who live In trees and eat alot of mind altering bananas get confused easy Ty guys for pointing out my mistake
  16. Typical pathetic brits strike again. God I feel dirty belonging to this pathetic once great nation (come on munkey I missed your comments recently)
  17. I didnt think pirates were getting anything until a long time after launch! Iv made many posts/comments on raiding to help aid rvr and hostility Let's use the other ports in a region for raiding. Owed raided ports give a hostility bonus etc. **edit** to stop redman attacking me I now have to state the following- my comments are my own and not a sponsored British or toxic public announcement.
  18. This wont be a popular comment from and reformed ex pirate and now British captain, but the brits should not be allowed any allies! Once a nations population gets above 30% of server population it should loose the ability to get any allies but instead one neutral nation (use ports Only). As a superpower there should be a bonus but this two allies feature is just crap (lazy Dev work in my honest opinion) I know lots of of my fellow brits will flame this down but come-on this game needs some balance. And to your next defense comment of they have allies why can't we! It's not fair! On pvp1 iv been very impressed with the numbers the brits get to a pb Devs you should at least try this before launch all allies should be suspended to get war and pvp going before wipe and launch anyway. We loose our ships anyway so why not open up war to everyone and let ships sink! It may actually give this game a lease of life it drastically needs. More pvp/rvr more war and more fun. Come on Devs give it a try. We are testing afterall **edit** to stop redman attacking me in these forums I need to state the following - my above post is my own opinions and not a sponsored announcement for the British or toxic. All content is my own all humour is my own
  19. What we all need to remember is we have been for ages and have a headstart on the launch noobies. I honestly think that ship creating will get very hard. (normally alpha and beta gameplay is easy as he'll for testing then gets real on launch). Unfortunately the mentally of the new (younger) gamers is I want it all now and I want it for free. (think how wow dumbs down its game for noobies) Making items and in our case ships harder to get is a good thing. I honestly like fine woods. Why is it that the immersion freaks cry about everything apart from how easy it is to get the matts for a 1St rate. Sol's should be bloody hard to get. (on a side note there should only be 3 or 4 ports in game that you can craft 1St rates etc) Stop dumbing down our game devs **edit** this msg is my own and not a sponsored announcement from toxic clan or the British empire. The views are my own Edited, avoid insults to other users while giving your own opinion - Moderator Team
  20. Only Way pbs will be more inclusive is to open up raid pbs for the smaller ports inside a region and allow successfully raided ports to generate hostility to help a port be pushed into conflict. (from an earlier post of mine - if the region has 4 sub ports each port is attackable every 12hrs or so to open up non eu timezones. Making raid-able port attack and defence a national objective opening up all time zones)
  21. On a side note once a raid is won the attacking raiders on restart gain that port as enterable (gains flashing duell status) enabling buildings etc. (this could be owned for 24hrs only then flips bk to owner nation. While it's under raider control the hostility gets 10% extra Base line buff in region, allies can't use port only raiding nation) This gives any nation a hub to launch future raids (pirate friendly too) once a pb for the regions capital is won or lost the ports reset to owner nation or after the 24hr Cooldown finishes. Once a nation launches a raid only three raided regions can be active and any time! We need a system to push more and more pbs. If you could set up a outpost in a region you could tow there etc. When port is defended you must sail your items out generating more areas of pvp and more rvr content. To sum up: Wining a raid generates 25% hostility, while raid is owned (25% per owned raided port) Gives access to port for 24hrs (even Durring pb countdown) Owning a raided port gives 10% buff to any rvr hostility efforts. Makes raiding and raid defending a 24hr objective opening up all time zones
  22. I agree with you buddy totally. I was trying to get a pb bolt on as the development team are clearly shy to big sweeping changes. The long term idea with this would be ports inside a region to be raid-able to generate hostility In all timezones. Winning a pb raid in aus timezone gives your 25% hostility towards the pb system etc etc. Player driven is the key we just need a system tweek that opens up more timezones (that's how I'd do it. Give pvp a helping hand. If you attack a region with 4 ports win all four and get a pb out of it. If the region has 5 etc then even more chance to get s pb)
  23. Raids would make better sense if the actually effected the pb itself. Pbs have a 48hr build up. What if Durring that 48 hr window say every 12 hrs a port in the pb region was raid-able. If anyone other than the defender wins the attacking alliance on pb day get 25-50 points (new pb system) headstart! If the defender wins it stays normal. This enables pirates to effect rvr as they can pick attacker or defender if the defender doesn't arrive! Extra pvp/rvr content and it makes rvr abit more for everyone. More importantly this would open up pbs you timezones like aus to effect a pb on eu timezones.
  24. If we want a game where all actions effect/influence the pb system wouldn't it then make sense for screening actions to add/remove points depending on what's being sunk outside the pb? Surely the easiest way to do this is to have a 60min countdown from all open world screening fleet action from the region outside the pd (mini pvp event) after 1 hr the in game map shows the number of openworld ships sunk. A simple attacker /defender (USA election first past post chart) two lines showing ships lost or as my other post states crews lost! After that 60mins screening event finishes the openworld kills/crew killed equals points in the pb. For example if the attackers get more kills in openworld then get 250 points in the pb. (to stop event abuse Or cheating the attackers must sink at least 30ships or kill 3500 crew) This would enable the real world screening action to help the attacker or defender. If your team is struggling to win the pb your nations outside efforts could help swing the tide and effect the outcome. This would need testing but it would help link pb and the screening actions outside into one region battle. It needs to be fool proof and easy to see what's going on. Alliances should effect the pb. Call it a resupply for the besiege port for those who'll cry about immersion. Pirates get a hub to pvp at will but until they get the ability to fight for a side they can't influence the outcome (future proofing call it) It should always to harder for the attackers making a port battle to quote the admin a national effort. What do u think?
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