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Everything posted by monk33y

  1. I remember the hours of Danish diplomats in our ts, organising the trade of ports so we could Hit the sweeds nxt to there capital. We launch our attack! The other Danish clans go ape shit, our Danish contacts deny any agreements. Call on the entire server to help, which answers! Fast forward 5-6 months, Xmas truce agreed. The Danes launch attack on the USA, non of the ex pirates were surprised! List other Danish dirty tricks here.... Now they start loosing it's the big bad British empire picking on the defenceless little Danes!!
  2. Lmao the Americans have short memory's. Us hated ex pirates have been defending American ports since we switched as a measure of good will. Oh well I guess I'll move my outposts again!
  3. Just find yourself a friendly Daine, they are dripping with salt at the moment!
  4. You forget leku, the Danes will only play by their own rules! Remember the Danish logic; 3am battles, in there favour - testing War supply bombs, in there favour -testing 1st Ship rate exploits in 4th rate battles, in there favour -testing Bullying nations to only fight at Danish prime time - testing Filling other nations battles (eg French) with 80-90@% Danish players - testing Danish counter logic. Defending battles at 3am -exploit Using other national players to fight port battles (eg usa- attack, British players fight) -exploit
  5. Congratulations team! What a lovely evening of testing had by all. Unlucky Danes, can't wait to see what you do next in response! The Americans are coming!
  6. Feel free to post opinions/ wants /needs. Let's show your national diplomats how we feel ahead of this meeting on Saturday
  7. Could you guys ask the Devs (if all nation's agree) to suspend all alliances for two weeks!! Let the players once again pick the fights! Let the 2week free for all influence future allies/enemies!!! Let us the players do what we choose, if after 2 weeks of war everywhere we pick the same allies more fool us!
  8. I know my black flag has found a surprising extra use in my captains cabin, makes really nice black out blinds! You can't beat seeing a friendly black and white smiling face as i open my eyes! Still haven't figured out which island I hid my I'll gotten British gains on! These teeth marks make reading it next to impossible!
  9. I wonder if we'll start to see 20 man Danish fireship fleets in port battles from now on
  10. So you'd let again only allow players to play Durring your key/core time!! So what not call game. Only for Danish /Russian players, everyone else can fuck off!! I still can't get my head around when u guys attacked outside of core times it was okay but now battles are going against you it's game breaking! When you were winning you had around 40 ships screening 3am battles. All of a sudden you start to loose, those players stop showing up and now it's unfair and needs fixing. Act like pricks (and by-days you Danes have) and be treated like pricks (3am defences)
  11. Why the hell would locking port battles to weekends fix anything!! If/when we get a cash shop, weekend only pbs will lock out those who have families or work shifts. (those more like pay extra) I'd be more in favour of being able through port buildings to use AI in battles to bump up numbers etc than this weekend only crap
  12. Unless I'm mistaken but I do believe that the core of the Danes is Russian! So are we saying the Russian players have NEVER set a port battle in Russian core time zones! If a battle was set in Russian core time wouldn't that mean it's not core times for eu players and Asia and usa! Why didn't the Danes stop doing this when they were winning! Why did they only find issues with timezones when they started to loose.... Oh wait!!
  13. So now you blame the Americans for having allies outside of there core timezone! I didnt relise that we had no control over who we picked as allies
  14. So help me understand this will you! When the Daines launch port battles in the middle of the night against the Americans (night in America) it's allowed as your testing! When the Americans launch attacks in the middle of the night for you Danish it's bug exploiting!!
  15. So what your saying is that when you attacked at 3am (USA central time) it was indeed abuse of bugs... So again how can you complain about nations using your tactics against you. I don't recall seeing you calling for fixes/timers when you abused this!!
  16. If the Danish were testing then the Americans I just testing!!!! You can't have it both ways Danes... You can't abuse bugs and claim your testing. When you loose to the Americans claim it's abuse of bugs!!!!
  17. All the toxic anti Danish posts on here show that most of us have little or no sympathy of a nation who abused anything it could to win, but demands only fair fights at key Danish tones in response! The Danish are going through there decline, the third age of pvp1 has started
  18. My dislike for the Daines/French/Spanish/sweeds is growing with every grain of salt! WHY WERE YOU NOT COMPLAINING WHEN YOU GUYS ATTACKED AT 3AM. USED BUGS/EXPLOITS!!!!! Why do the Danes get upset when the rest of the server start playing the game in a mirror of the Danish way!!! You as a nation tried to bully the Americans into only playing only by Danish rules!!! Now the Americans are forcing you to play by there rules!!! Ironic right guys. Stop pretending you (Daines) are being hard done by!! The Danish are reaping your rewards!!!
  19. Good to see your back munkey! Iv been leaving little easter eggs all over for you to enjoy!
  20. Just make random regions 1St rate, others 2nd rate, others .... So on
  21. Come on boss! It's not the Danes fault, they have become accustom to being the perpetrator of exploits but never the victim!! Afterall the victims need protecting!! We can't blame them I feel that we should pitty them....
  22. With this whole series of threads it has reminded me we are coming to the end of the 3rd age of pvp 1.
  23. I can understand the Danish position, afterall I'm a pirate at heart who couldn't take part In port battles and found it very hard to get pvp! Being British I now get pvp and believe it or not I now enjoy the community (most of it). As pirates we were forced to evolve. The Danes have had there peek, like we pirates had, British etc. I can't understand how if the Danish alliance was to launch all attacks on the Dutch or British at the same time in the same hr slot. I'd bet money you'd win at least 2 of 8 regions!
  24. Agreed each server (development team) should be controlled by a person who can set national mission. Eg British to take pampatar off the Dutch within 20 days for ten labour contracts. 1000 live oak, per player reward. If mission is failed the British get a nerf, eg hostility generation against them is doubled and labour generation is halved
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