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Posts posted by Cabral

  1. 4 minutes ago, rediii said:

    Then you have no war goal i guess?

    If someone on this server has no capacity for RvR it's the brits. :D 

     Is like I said before, this war declaration is ridiculous. They just want to destroy a weaker nation to feel good about themselves.

    • Like 2
  2. 5 minutes ago, Jorge said:

    How fragile is the memory of some. Is that no one remembers when the alliance between British, Dutch and American left Spain with 3 ports? I do not remember any of those who now complain complaining about the decompensation of the game. What I do remember is that we face them with frigates ... against Victorys, pavels and 3rd rates. But of course, the hello kittying Spaniards were not the all-powerful Brits. It is incredible that with all who are in the British faction they are dedicated to crying in the forums instead of trying to organize themselves. That a single clan like Vltra is able to achieve all this, makes clear what the English problem is, try to see too far and do not see the hole in front of them.

     "That a single clan like Vltra is able to achieve all this...", sorry but you forgeting the help you had from a certain pirate clan in getting CM's and ports switched. Don't be ungratfull.

  3. 15 minutes ago, Cornelis Tromp said:

    But for that the Brits need to be able to make HMS Victory first. And if Spain does the curbstomp they are threatening with, they are removing your source of future fun. What to do...

     Have fun with spanish, or you afraid of them?

  4. On 12/06/2017 at 1:42 PM, Christendom said:

    You're bitter... Why?  LV kick you out of sorry or something?  Lighten up or go spray your salt on a EU thread.  

    No one cares about you here.

    mods can we get this angry guy kicked out of the thread please.  Doesn't belong here.  

     Who are you to say who belongs here or not? Maybe you should be kicked out. Never saw more salty guy than you in this forum.

    • Like 1
  5. 22 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    I like it that it is a challenge to operate in enemy waters. Now NA is a logistic warfare as well. To keep fighting in enemy waters you have to be supplied otherwise you have to withdraw.  That means even you dont get sunk but you have to leave because of supply shortage its a tactical victory for your enemy.

    I really like all the new game aspects that 10.0 gave us.

     Even HMS Surprise resupplied herself on Brazil coast and at Galapagos when was after Acheron.

  6. On 04/06/2017 at 11:15 AM, Celtiberofrog said:

    7 ports attacked against same nation in the same day is not sustainable unless Dev's are "currently" allowing that mechanic purposely in order to aim for territory ownership balance in the map. 

    If it's the case, we'll end up with the logic "most populated nation = biggest land control" , at that time, the biggest nation with its possible allies, will be able to destroy a smaller nation quite easily.

    Let's hope we'll be reasonable regarding balanced alliances...

    or Dev's will have to implement some restrictions in a future patch.

     It seems you don't remember when your "Eastern Alliance" attacked 7 british ports in the same day. In those times was sustainable? Maybe it was... your Alliance lost all 7 PB's.

  7. 15 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Honestly when I see his font I stop reading, it's unpleasant to the eyes.  


    I also heard a rumor that SORRY was behind 9/11.  Confirm or deny?

     You should join them on EU server. Must be hard for you not to sail with them.

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Captain Lust said:

    This clan is harassing players in nation chat every time i log into the game. I heard they sink people that try to join the PB as if it is their exclusive right to participate in them, while at the same time trading regions away to enrich their clan. These guys are as toxic as it can get and it is disgusting to see them around 24/7 every time i join the game. It was the right decision to demote them but the question is... was that really good enough? I think some of them really need some chat bans at least... they've been spreading their cancer and toxicity poisoning the community for as long as i have been playing the game. Yes i have muted most of them but it is really hard to mute everyone that engages in their shitstorm.

     The rest of the pirates must do what the US players did in the past, you must fight them. In the past he tried to enforce his tyranny over US nation, they didn't give up and fought him.

    • Like 3
  9. 3 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    GB nation attacked first spanish territories like Sant Iago. They also keep attacking other regions, blame your leaders and not the game. Use diplomacy, probably Spain would be willing to hear a reasonable proposal.

    The last meeting Gb promises to dont attack Sant Lago, instead they bring with a full fleet. What kind of diplomacy is that.

     Things are getting better, now atleast you offer diplomacy, in the past was more like backstabbing. Maybe was because RAE ruled the nation on those times.

  10. 37 minutes ago, EL LOCO said:

    Population will reduce very soon if they do not implement my idea of forged papers x2 or craftable or able to buy...or earn.  Please listen to me devs.  I will literally delete this game soon if you do not address this critical issue. I have heard from hundreds of players.    Implement this now

     Only x2? I think should be x3 *sarcasm*

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