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Posts posted by Cabral

  1. I have to admit I like having LV around. He livens the nation up and the pirates start playing more aggressive. Some will never get over the fact the game mechanics allow pirates to attack each other and assume we have some unwritten bond to never exercise the option. But in general the nation seems to be rebuilding and I would say a portion of that can be attributed to LV and SORRY leadership.

     He's not a leader, he's more like a tyrant.

  2. That doesnt change anything, my best wishes nor the fact that the british still have most of the players.

    Its not your fault but devs lack of willingness of fixing it. Read my signature, I have deffend this since I played for the very first time.

     Britain always will be the favourite for many players. So you want the devs to force players that don't like spanish nation to play in the spanish nation? If in the future I'll be forced to play as spanish, I will unnistall this game.

  3. As a nation player, I want to have an adrenaline kick if  I see pirates coming out of the woodwork, I wanna be all like, "oh *** pirates! theres only one reason theyre here..."


    Not "oh, its the pirates. Wonder if they wanna attack me"

     You will never get that feeling since the pirates don't attack the french.

    • Like 2
  4. I returned to play 3 days ago and this night i got my first in game action:


    in 6h this happened:


    1) Swedish ass got kicked in inagua 

    2) All usa tda+others who where screening for them got killed /runned (my first 2 kills where young and blackbeard, always glad to return and kill 2 tda as entry, it made my day)

    3) We almost already cleared west coast of florida  retaking Pensacola in firstrates, in coordination with spanish who retook manataca

    4) Pirate coalition is reborn alive reorganized and going to kick some ass




    USA 3.0 soon,  road to charleston ---->   I am Back!

     And there he goes bragging again. This guy have a ego the size of Nebraska.

  5. TDA has never had the manpower to take on your fleet, especially when you all exploited to get high level quickly.  How many times have we beat you in similar odds?  Plenty.  How many times have we beat you when the odds are outrageously in your favor?  Several.  I seem to remember an instance where BR was 5 to 1 against TDA and TDA came out on top.

     Never say the word "exploit" to Lord Sidious, he will rage and say to you that you are bullshiting yourself. It's always the same.

    • Like 1
  6. Yup 2months ago we where 40+ on every day in ts3, so always able to form up full fleet entirely composed by  SORRY, tbh i not like to play this game with other clans in the sense that i not like to be in a battle with randoms+people on other ts3 or not in ts3 at all so 0 coordination etc Dont like to lose for "others" fault.   SORRY incredible archievments performance and story where entirely based on efficiency and coordination with a full fleet of 25 people. the current game population not allow to play anymore like that...  Surely we still around with 10-15 ppl on but is not the same .. at list for me

     Some months ago some people warned you that your terror tactics would have an impact on player base of this game and we would have more pve and less pvp from then on. The results are at sight.

  7.  "... a clear victory for the Pirates."? As I see was an assault to Bone Cay without sucess, you just compensated the loss of gold on that flag by capturing 2 mercs. You just saw that british forces won't give you those islands so easly. We waited inside PB for the pirates, but they were outside so scared. Our time wasted was well compensated in the end of PB with nice mods and notes.

    • Like 1
  8. The same laugh ou loud to me if that words coming to a portuguesse lover of brits, Mr cabra

     Portuguese were always allied with the english. They helped us to conquer Lisbon from moors and they helped us expelling Napoleon army from Peninsula. Vocês sempre apoiaram os tiranos.


    ps.: Anglo-Portuguese Alliance is the oldest alliance in the world. And is still in force.

  9. Dear Captain Saintjacktar:


    That´s the spirit :D . Thank you, It will be an honour to fire my broadsides on your sinking cutter.

    I beg your forgiveness if you consider I have insulted your heritage. Nothing further from my true intentions. If you wish, I´m ready to satisfy this unintended offence with the weapon of your choice, rapier or pistol. Please, send me your seconds to Havana.

    You are proud of your convicted ancestry. One should always honour family. I fail to understand then, why you don´t have more respect for our fellows the pirates (there may even be some family among them, an escaped convict, perhaps, fighting for survival), and you don´t despise the cruel British that exiled your family to your beautiful island-continent.


    Forgive me for pointing out this lack of coherence. If I were in your situation, I would be fighting alongside the Pirates and Spanish against those stiff, cruel and genocidal British.


    Sincerely yours.


    Don Sancho Navarro, Capitán de Navío


    PS. I wish my faction had enough money to bankroll anything. As in real life, we are just getting by. All these rumours about Spanish Galleons cruising around full of gold, silver and ambergris, is just more British propaganda. do not believe a word of it

     "... stiff, cruel and genocidal British."  Those words coming from a spanish just made me laugh out loud.

    • Like 1
  10. I'm all for pirate mechanic changes. However those that do RVR as pirates will probably switch nations and do the exact same thing. Then we can all sing Paint it Yellow or Paint it Red, etc. What needs adjustment, preferably before pirate mechanics, is port battle mechanics. So don't blame pirate mechanics for map stomping.

     It's your opinion and we must respect, so please, give us your opinion in why the game (after SORRY toxic and propaganda campaign started) is losing players every week? With luck you can see on sundays 1000 players online.

  11.  I hope the devs come with a solution soon because, the way the things are going at this moment, half the map will be painted of black in 1 week and will get worse. Some nations will start doing what pirates should do in the first place, privateering to survive. And I don't want to start talking about the game losing players every week, you all see that with your own eyes.

  12. Mr cabra:


    Us atack now? yes or not????? We atack no??? a few months ago, when you take ours undefended ports, we atack or you?? plz remember before speak,

    We have the same honor or more than gringos.

    How many ports you steal us, undefended?, without timers? at earlys hours when all spain sleeping.  This is US Honour?? Maybe you are more pirates than actual pirate nation.

    And how i said, you only option its atack a litle nation, because you do nothing against black flag.

     First, I'm not a US captain. Second, your alliance with pirates speaks a thousands words about your honor.

    • Like 1

    dear saint, your nation? the nation that you steal us? in my country its said :"

    who steals from a thief has 100 years of forgiveness"
    the reality is that the pirates have destroyed you , and the only form of revenge is to attack Spain , you have dozens of pirats ports on the east and you attack the weakest , with the excuse of the alliance with pirates. You cant attack pirats port?? have you got fear and attack a little nation like spain to save your pride and honour.
    Only excuse, how  If we destroyed you.
    revenge, revenge, we no attack you, we no take yours ports. you use this post to legitimize a lie that neither you yourselves believe . This time pearl harbor change the name to habana harbor and his flag its no japan, its gringo land.
    And I said the same that  i said to brits,  Im waiting you surrender in Habana beach.
    :lol:  :lol: :lol:  


     You acuse US of attacking a weakest nation? How you have the nerve of saying that after your nation started capping pirate scraps, ports undefended? You just don't know nothing about honor.

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