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Posts posted by Cabral

  1. 3 hours ago, lobogris said:

    Hola buenas noches me gustaría diseñar un protocolo de actuación en preparación de un ataque a un puerto enemigo que ha demostrado que es la parte más difícil del juego, en muchos casos el que dirige el ataque desconoce la cantidad de barcos con los que dispone y su calidad, y todo se hace deprisa y corriendo hemos tenido iniciativas de crear unas listas de participación pero la experiencia ha demostrado que hacen falta más barcos y de diversas clases, barcos de exploración buques pesados que rompan el bloqueo ect, espero que este post no lo realice yo solo y que cada cual aporte lo que quiera para ir mejorándolo.


    1- Punto de concentración de fuerza, este punto debe ser un lugar seguro y a ser posible no muy lejos y desde el que se pueda acceder desde distintos puertos y este en un lugar que no sea previsible por el enemigo para que no pueda conocer el volumen de barcos del que disponemos, esto se tendría que hacer una hora antes de la batalla por todos los contratiempos que puedan surgir y el tiempo que se tarda en llegar al puerto que se va a atacar.

    2- Control de la zona de operaciones, en todo momento deberíamos tener buques como linxs o fragatas dando una visión de conjunto de todo el teatro de operaciones indicando en todo momento lo que sucede no hacen falta muchos jugadores con 5 serían suficientes, y siempre tener controlado el puerto que se va atacar.

    3- Evaluación de la situación, una vez tenemos una visión de la flota con la que contamos los posibles efectivos que tiene el contrarios tomamos la decisión de si se debe realizar el ataque o si únicamente se va a luchar fuera o bien no continuar con el ataque.

    4- Estudio de como desarrollar el ataque, este el punto más difícil por que inciden muchos factores como el viento como es el puerto donde está ubicado el enemigo, sus defensas en muchos casos hace falta una flota de buques pesados que vaya por delante intentando romper el bloqueo y detrás la flota que entra en la batalla de puerto, siempre sería deseable que contaramos con dos flotas que actuaran de forma simultanea.

    5- Batalla de Puerto.


    Espero que cada cual de su opinión y mejore este protocolo que únicamente es un borrador, un saludo a todos.

     You are funny :)

    • Like 2
  2. 30 minutes ago, _Alucard_ said:

    The Spanish Empire didn't give a damm about your portuguese pirates, corsairs or whatever you wanna call it.

    By the way, here you have this:  \_________/

    Please, put there all your bile about Spain because we can't care less.


     Lol... or if you prefer...jajajajaja  :)

  3.   Portuguese pirates and anti-Spanish portuguese corsairs established in Jamaica an important base to attack spanish ships that came from the Indies and facilitate their conquest by the English.

    Spanish Occupation (1580-1640). At the end of the century when Portugal was occupied by Spain, many Portuguese allied themselves with privateers and pirates of other nations to fight the Spaniards.

    The reports are striking in their action, including how pirates and corsairs led them to the center of the Spanish Empire. Their experience and knowledge of the seas was decisive for the success of the English, Dutch and French expeditions.

    In 1591 one Portuguese was in a small fleet of British corsairs in the Caribbean, and later sought to elude a Spanish galleys off Cuba on the nationality of the ship on which he was following. At the end of the year, another Portuguese pilot embarked at the port of Santos led the expedition of Thomas Cavendish, in an attempt to cross the Strait of Magellan.

      In 1593, the spaniards claim that a Portuguese served as a guide to privateer John Burgh in the Caribbean who ended in the sacking of Margarita Island. That year, the Portuguese pilot Diogo Peres leads James Langton in another raid to the Spaniards in the Caribbean. The previous year he gave false information to the Spanish Governor of Santo Domingo on the movements of Francis Drake and the Count of Cumberland in order to facilitate their plunder.

    In Holland where a large colony of Portuguese existed, many of them dedicated themselves to piracy and privateering against the Spaniards. Among them are Simon of Cordes and his brother Baltazar de Cordes, two Portuguese or their descendants who were the first Dutch corsairs (1598-1600). They were famous for the looting and massacres they did in the Spanish colony of Chile.

      Based in Jamaica - Don Moisés Cohen Enriques - in 1628, allied with the Dutch admiral Piet Hayne attacked systematically  the ships that from Cuba were going to Cadiz.

    He was not the only Jewish Portuguese to do so: - David Abravanel - descendant of the celebrated Isaac Abravanel (born in Lisbon), became a buccaneer adopting the name "Captain David" and in front of his ship "Jerusalem" gave no rest to the Spaniards. He was associated with English corsair - Francis Drake -, in a brotherhood of the Black Flag.

      Century XVII (After 1640). After the restoration of Independence in 1640, Portugal was involved in a long war with Spain that only ended in 1668. During this period, the number of Portuguese pirates and privateers increased, but as support to other nations who were raiding the Spanish colonies. It was an inexpensive way to wage war at sea.

    In 1645, the Spanish ambassador in London informed Philip IV that a pirate expedition had been very successful in the Caribbean because of the participation of Portuguese sailors.

    In the seas of Jamaica, Cuba, and the Gulf of Mexico, two Portuguese pirates became infamous:

    - Bartolomeu, the Portuguese. He was deeply Catholic, always used a crucifix at his chest. In 1662 he captured a small vessel that was armed with four cannons
      on the Cuban coast of Manzanillo . With the corsair patent issued by the governor of Jamaica in 1663, he took a Spanish merchant ship in Cabo Corrientes (Cuba) which carried 75,000 escudos and 100,000 pounds of cocoa. He was captured in Campeche (gulf of Mexico), tried and sentenced to death, but managed to escape, joining later to other pirates and corsairs. He returned to Campeche, seizing another vessel. We know he was shipwrecked in the Gardens of the Queen (Cuba), but managed to get to Jamaica very injured. He then went on to other expeditions whose results we ignored. Part of his exploits were published in Holland in 1678 in John Esquemeling's The Buccaneers of America.

      Rocha, the Brazilian (Roche or Brasilian Rock). (C.1630-c.1675). Some historians claim to be a connected Dutchman for reasons unknown to Brazil. In 1670 he attacked Campeche. He was a true psychopath, he had a hatred of death for the Spaniards, subjecting them to the worst barbarities.

    The attacks of pirates and corsairs on the coasts of Portugal and its colonies only diminished when the Portuguese navy was rebuilt and an efficient system of fortifications was erected.

    Peace with Holland (Treaty of The Hague, 1661) and the re-launching of the Alliance with England led to the diminution of the pirates of these countries.

    The main threat continued to be that of the Muslim pirates, but also of the French who had specialized in the looting.

      The English corsairs had in Portugal a base of strategic support to assault the Spanish and French ships. In Lisbon they supplied provisions and sold the product of the looting. As late as 1780, two French merchant ships, taken by English corsairs, which were later turned into warships destined for raiding on the coasts of Spain, entered through the Tejo river, but did not proceed to their destination due to the protests of the ambassador of that country.

    Source: www.filorbis.pt

    • Like 5
  4. 20 minutes ago, Jorge said:

    Muerto de hambre, vete a comer pollas británicas que es lo único que haces bien. Lo único que aportáis al mundo son mujeres con bigote. Estoy seguro de que tu padre es español aunque tu madre no lo sepa.

     so salty, it seems I triggered something on you. If you only had sucess with a woman with moustache when you came to Portugal, I feel sorry for you. Maybe you are ugly too, that's why...   :)


    48 minutes ago, Snoopy said:

    Fair enough :)

    Look, I don't care which side I play for, I'm not running anybody's errands here, I just want to shoot my guns in fair PvP - and the only source of that is RvR at the moment. Rivalry is all good, but it comes with a level of baggage right now, every insignificant intransigence is instantly turned into an outrage it stops being fun even for neutrals.

     Diplomacy in game is decided by votes, by votes of the players, their will. You want the devs to enforce a mechanic that force players to choose against their will? I thought that in democracy the votes were the will of the people.

  6. 2 hours ago, lobogris said:

    Es interesante ver como juegan otros en las zonas de pvp y el uso que le dan a los cañones largos sobre todo tirando a velamen con doble bola, también es muy extraño como baja la tripulación teniendo yo el casco intacto y sin cogerme la popa, bueno subo el video para que saquéis vuestras propias conclusiones.

     Já viram o que acontece quando o lobito enfrenta um capitão britanico veterano? É muito diferente daqueles novatos que ele costuma enfrentar :)

    • Like 2
  7. 11 hours ago, lobogris said:

    Dedicado a mis nuevos amigos, es un placer hundir un amigo vuestro en vuestra cara, si el Imperio Inglés en su mejor momento no pudo conmigo que van a hacer 4 piratas, besitos.


     "...si el Imperio Inglés en su mejor momento no pudo conmigo que van a hacer 4 piratas...".  Esta frase é uma anedota, só pode ser. Só atacas britanicos novatos e tás quase sempre acompanhado com os teus amigos prontos para o ganking. Achas que tens alguma hipotese contra um capitão britanico veterano? Tu que nem sabes velas manuais? Não nos faças rir :)

    • Like 3
  8. 5 hours ago, Anne Wildcat said:

    The first post I actually voted down.  Are you trollling or just misunderstanding he said epic and not admirality PVP events?

    I haven't been into the epic events, they were added some time ago.  It's a large PVE event.  I think you may be able to get mods from them.  You definitely want a full group to enter them. Take a basic cutter, enter it just to see what it's like and run.

     Well, my mistake then. Atleast said what I think about Admiralty Events.

  9. 1 hour ago, HardyKnox said:

    I don't understand about the Epic Events.   Some objective (not editorial) help, please?

    • What can I expect if I enter one?
    • How important is it to take a group of allies with me?
    • Do the positions of the entry points move around randomly?

    ~ HK ~

     It's easy to explain, these Epic Events are blobs of pirate ganking groups sailing around searching here and there in hope of finding some lone nation ship and jump on him. It's all about gank or be ganked :)

  10. 6 minutes ago, North said:

    we were not allied with the spanish at that time, as alliances was not implemented... we only had a non aggression with the majorty of spanish clans..

    good way to win a war(rofl), 

    i'll be the bad guy if that is what you want, doesn't bother me..

     I rest my case :)

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