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Posts posted by Cabral

  1. 1 hour ago, Bart Smith said:

    Since british gave up and switch to rats natural target for "swerg" seems rats now :) Damm i love pace of RvR here :D

     The british that gonna switch to pirates are doing it in search of OW pvp, you swedes should know that this game is not only RVR. Probably you will get more empty PB's, like before patch.

    • Like 3
  2. 9 hours ago, PIerrick de Badas said:

    Letting jamaica to britain is still a problem as it's on center on the map the only uncaptaurable area. All natio should have uncapturable area around their capital but not like that in the middle of map

     So what you propose is that only KPR should be uncapturable, the remaining ports of Jamaica could be? Do you accept the same to Martinique, you only keep Fort Royal?

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Simon Cadete said:

    For a little over a year now, the pirate clan BLACK, has been the source of 90% of activity in pvp 2 or global. Now that population is falling faster than ever before with peak numbers of 115, I wonder what would happen if we just "vanished". I have to say that the lack of large engagements or ganks  as the only source of pvp, really took a toll on our numbers and population as well.

    Possibly we'll come back if changes are made but there is nothing the developers can do about "bad" population that play in global. History repeats itself and again, now that they sense that BLACK is gone all the 1st rates and Bellonas start coming out again. Where were they before?!

    This just goes to say, enjoy your pve server. I blame this whole thing on the US and GB.

     Don't quit the game, join EU server. Leave Global to BLACK.

    • Like 6
  4. 1 hour ago, lobogris said:

    Estamos viendo la comunicación y buena voluntad de los ingleses estas semanas le recuerdo que ustedes comenzaron esta guerra, usted no representa a los ingleses y es un simple jugador, se puede guardar sus opiniones.

    We are looking the good communication and good feelings of the british this weeks, I remmember that you started this war, you dont represent british faction and you are only one more player, you can  take out your own feelings.

    PD: Se puede meter sus amenazas por donde se le antoje.

    I prefer to dont translate this.

      Yo no represento a los ingleses, por eso dijo que debían hablar con los diplomáticos, sólo estoy dando mi opinión. Sólo quiero dar consejos amigables, si piensas que eran amenazas es porque piensas igual a los traidores VLTRA, sólo quieres la guerra a costa de los demás españoles. Y esta respuesta puedes meter donde quieras, excepto en Radio Macuto.

    • Like 1
  5.   Lo siento por estar intrometerme en vuestro forum. En este momento el futuro de la nación española pasa por la diplomacia, a corto plazo es la mejor solución. Pónganse en contacto con los diplomáticos ingleses y hagan un acuerdo que asegure la supervivencia de la comunidad española en el juego. A pesar de lo que ustedes piensan, los ingleses no son sus peores enemigos, no queremos reducir España a pocos puertos.

      En este momento el orgullo nacional no ayuda en nada, la solución es la comunicación y buena voluntad.

  6. 19 hours ago, Skully said:

    Enough chitchat lets work out the agreement.


    I think we can all agree which Nation has lost the Conquest Competition and should be removed from play.

    Since Pirates are at the top I think it would be best to merge France with Pirates.

    That should give enough peace to the French players to rebuild. If they are worried about being attacked by BLACK, I'm open to the suggestion of merger with Britain or Denmark.

    I actually think Britain would make @Jeheil very happy, because then he doesn't have to join France to get to a fight.

    Anybody see any problems with this arrangement? ^_^

     Jesus... that server is a mess. On Eu server we are losing some players but we don't have that unbalance. That map is getting all black and 2 nations already dead?

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, sveno said:

    The Swedes take notice of this.

    Today, we have been blackmailed by the Danish that we should give them ports without defending so that the Danes can take the lead for the week after this first week. This has been turned down by the Swedish Council because we feel that it would be miss-using a system the developers try to test currently.

    An other Swedish generous offer with the same effect was not even considered and we feel back stabbed by the Danish leadership, who rather destroy our nations because the Swedes decided not to serve the Danish as port flipping host.

    The talks with the Danish leadership was a very bad one and I'm personally very opposed to what they call diplomatics, this is not how friends are supposed to treat each other.

    alea iacta est.

     The 2 strongest nations of the server are not supposed to be friends to each other, it's not good for RVR and pvp health of the server.

    • Like 3
  8. Just now, deltonos said:

    I had a good teacher, from portugal...a toallas trader man :) (one clue to resolve the enigma :P)

    Regards with beach toallas!

     Troll, I don't have time for you. Leave this topic for adult people and go play somewhere else.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 minute ago, deltonos said:

     We moved all your ships land inside. But we´ll give you chance to recover them:

    Map attached shows the exact location (The red cross :P) of your ganked ships. But please, left Oporto Wine ... you can get Cruzcampo beer (now we prefer danish beer)



     If you came to troll, go play some missions instead.

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