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Posts posted by Cabral

  1. 6 hours ago, Graf Bernadotte said:

    My job was not to sink you but to slow you down that my collegues could sink you. What was a waste for such a good surprise ^_^

    Tell Pala how many pvp marks you farmed the next day in front of Charleston. 

     I think you are confusing me with other player, and I understand that because there's so many battles per day. I was that british endymion that show up at Bermuda islands some days ago and was spotted by one of you, then you came out in your renommee to scout me. I tagged you the first time, you keep running to give time to your friends to form a circle outside. When we came out I saw waiting for me 2 endymions, 1 Connie, 1 L'Hermione, 1 Wasa and you. The chase begun and your faster reno tagged me.

     Inside battle I had 6 ships after me so I had to run, which I did for 1 hour and 10 mins because you didn't want to give up and wanted to make me waste all rig repairs. After so much time the Wasa, Connie and L'Hermione already had give up and escaped so in the last 20 mins I was forced to fight your renommee and 2 endymions (because had damaged sails and no repairs).

     If you remember (if you don't you can ask Santamaria, he was one of the endymions) in the last 20 mins I demasted your renommee and wrecked almost completly the 2 endymions with my own endymion, you 3 ended the battle running in front of me and I couldn't catch because the sails were very damaged.

     So I don't know nothing about surprise, Pala or Chareston.

  2. 31 minutes ago, amplify said:

    The Cartaghena News Network is pleased to report that cartaghena is freed by the russian empire CNN thanks the russians for freeing them and reports on the succesful screen of the russian that caught the swedes in the bay of cartaghena and allowed the port battle fleet to safely capture the port. the screen fleet was led by Amplify & Jags this was CNN news reporter Amplify signing off

     Finaly you cleaned your image after that fireship incident that made Great Britain lose Castries after 15 PB's. Maybe what you do best is screening. Congrats.

  3. 1 hour ago, Liq said:

    Since you were adressing our clan, I'll give you my PoV

    1. Never looted any super rare skillbook from PvE - Gave up after a few tries. No art of proper cargo distribution, no ship handling, nothing similar. You don't really need it.
    2. Well at some point you will have to start from 0, right? I remember my first days in the lesser antilles. I did get sunk a lot, but I kept going, because I knew it could have ended differently and I WANTED to improve. It takes a lot of time to improve in this game. Unlike Clicker Heroes :)
    3. That's right, but thankfully there is also an admiralty store with similar rewards. Gazelle instead of Navy Hull as an example - Difference is not that great, and you can still perfectly work with it
    4. Unlocked all my slots on surprise aswell as Belle Poule through PvP only - yes, that does mean my first few battles were fought without any slots, it's not impossible
    5. Don't think 1st rates have been used in OW PvP for a while now. And why take a wasa now when bellona costs the same? Bellona is also craftable - 30 pvp marks sell for about 6 mil total, you should be fine when trying to get one crafted for similar price, right?
    6. New players usually are not that interested in RvR - It takes time, join a bigger clan, get helped out etc - Or should everyone be given a Victory when they start playing? Current goals / requirements for an 1st rate or similar are achievable
    7. Never used Cartagena refit on any ship, but I agree, it has to go - Way too much thickness on 4th rates and above already.

    You see - In the safe zone, you can't get ganked - So basically, players have to rely on others attacking them, feeling confident in numbers etc. Sometimes they do win outnumbering, sometimes they don't - But most importantly, they gain combat experience, which over time will turn them into better captains, right?

    Also, where are you getting the "grinding for 1-2 years" from? Levelling up to Flag captain might take about 1-2 weeks. After that, when working together with some friends / in a clan, ship crafting gets sped up alot. You don't need that much to craft a competetive 5th rate, and there is still the admiralty shop where you can get decent upgrades, which are just fine for learning.

     That's the theory and I agree with you... but in practice, the majority of new players don't use this forum and read those fine advices. They will change to the top nation that provides better chances (provoking some unbalance) or they will quit.

  4. On 10/12/2017 at 2:36 PM, Bearwall said:

    I was one of the players on the other side (Lars Kjaer) and I can personally attest that not one of the DNP guys know Le Marquis. He had a basic cutter in fleet so I'd bet he's just a noob that were out doing missions and tried a deff tag or something.. The tag circle being around Darkjoker would also account for Hawk being dragged in..

     Look who came back, you missed some KPR ganking? They speak bad of the game and gonna quit for good, but always come back.

  5. 3 minutes ago, monk33y said:

    So GB on eu doesn't just attack AI ports?? You don't just do pve missions all day??gb doesn't loose 20millipn a week in tax?? You don't run from fights?? You don't just pve on the greenzone?? Gb didn't beg Sverige for an alliance?? Gb didn't ask Sverige to screen for them against Spanish and russian attacks...!!

     You just proved my point, thank you.

     tip: if you want to gather correct informations, start playing the game instead of trolling all day on the forum.

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    8 minutes ago, monk33y said:

    now that's a tricky question to answer. 

    I'll try from a 'Russian empire' prospective.

    GB allied with France

    Danes allied with Dutch and French 

    France allied with GB, Daines, Prussians and Dutch.

    Spain - no allies

    Russian empire - no allies 

    Sverige - no allies

    usa - no allies (abandons ports instead of fighting, learnt that from GB)

    Polish - no allies

    pirates allied with Sverige!

    pirates allied with gb!


    Nations at war

    GB - Russain empire 

    GB - Spain 

    Russian empire - Sverige 

    France - Sverige 

    Danes - Polish

    GB - AI ports


     Devs please, transfer this guy to Global Server and leave him there alone.

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