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Posts posted by Cabral

  1. 7 minutes ago, sveno said:

    Results for Terre-de-Bas PB:


    Won by the French going for circle caps.

    Bien jouer les francais. o7

    No screenshot of Camp du Roy, won by Sweden, only 16 french joined, the rest might have been still doing party over Terre de Bas. ;) 

    PS: Kids and their memes.... tststs

     Hmm, one swede posting a french victory. Smells like "we let them win this time to keep them interested".

    • Like 1
  2. 4 hours ago, rediii said:

    You guys dont know shit and still argue.

    It doesnt take 5 nations to fight sweden and give us a proper fight. It does take 1 nation that doesnt insta-surrender after sweden won 1 battle.

    Also mikocen is right, who should go? RSM and several other players went for US already. PFK is going away and probably more guys will go to prussia. However it doesnt make a big difference because its something else that makes sweden a good nation.

    If we argue and dont agree on something we make a vote in the council and everyone respects and acts after the vote. Even if you voted against it you will take part in the action resulting.

    Thats not something we should fix. Our nation is working, why should we put ourselves in chaos if other nations dont get their shit together?


    Its also pretty stupid to say we dont want to play competitive or shit like this. For me its not only about portbattles itself its about the big thing. We are competitve in OW and all pbs combined, its not our fault that most others arent except danes.


    The current situation is nothing sweden should fix. Its a reason to get shit done by other nations, unite against someone that hardly loses portbattles because you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. A win vs sweden right now will feel realy good but there is noone with ambition left in this game and this is what makes it so stupid right now. Nothing else.

    You lose once and pull back without any ambitions to beat us and instead go and play pve. Its so stupid you should realize it yourself but you dont and rather keep playing bad, not united or with 25 leaders inside a portbattle

     Very triggered, you wrote the word "shit" 4 times.  :lol:

    • Like 1
  3. 1 minute ago, Anolytic said:

    tm didn't make his proposal on behalf of the Danish Nation. He didn't even make it "as a dane", nor mention the fact that he plays for Danmark. He made a suggestion that in absolutely no way is invalidated by the fact that other Danish players may disagree with him and have different priorities in the game. Neither as a pirate nor as a dane do I agree with his proposed solution, but I don't dismiss his reasons for pointing at a potential problem.

    I was just trying to point that is getting hard to get pvp in these days and he wants a final nail in the coffin.

  4. 1 minute ago, tm2804 said:

    dear devs pls stop the tele port to free towns it is only a free pass for gankers an it makes it realy difficult to be a trader an provide u nation with the materials to build strong ships for port battle her I'm thinking in particular at la mona an alle the sweedes pirats an brittish gankers. An by the way can u pls close normal missions as soon as they start there is no need for missions to be open other then to let the gankers have easy prey hostility missions I can understand are open

    I hope u reply to this soon

    thx for a great game all in all tm2804


     It seems you don't know Captain Reverse, he's another danish player like you. Ask him if he shares same opinion as yours.

    • Like 1
  5. Just now, rediii said:

    Yes I know

    But still we dont care. We attacked everyone in the bahamas and pirates actually had the most numbers there.

    I still cant believe that people complain after every portbattle

     All map can be blue we don't care either, if you think is better for the server, it's your choice. You already act like the server police so do what you want, no one can stop you.

  6. 1 hour ago, Landsman said:

    Well now that you have cartagena and even Liquicity joined the winner team there may be a few more "close" ones but then nobody will bother anymore... You have cartagena and swedish carpenters + the most organised RvR players and Liquicity now... R.I.P balance

     You can only blame yourselves, why do you attend their PB's? You know very well by now that they don't care about map win or all those ports, they just want to smash people in PB's. They come with those fine words and compliments "good battle", "you are getting better", just to make you come again and again to smash you. They feed their ego and you go home in a cutter.

     Have fun in OW pvp and let RVR to them.

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