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Posts posted by Cabral

  1. On 04/12/2017 at 12:30 PM, rediii said:

    Ports should be valueable. Big ships should be valueable. not everyone should be able to build himself a 1st rate in no time. It should be a teameffort and conquering should make it easier.

     I agree with you, but we had these mechanics before and the game lost alot of players. It's a miracle we have 450 players online how the things are at the moment.

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  2. 6 hours ago, Malachy said:

    The other option is to completely remove all safe zones. Which I'm also big time in favor of. You want to be safe, play on pve

     The problem is that the safe zones brought more people to the game, if we remove them, those russian "heroes" that spend all day in KPR farming pvp marks from newbies will have even more hard time because many players will leave. Like Elite said, people play the game differently. Btw, I'm in favour of reducing even more the safe zones size.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, ScipioTortuga said:

    You opened a port in the middle of Prussian waters to let other nations hunt other Prussians from other clans freely. I think you need to reconsider the meaning of a traitor

     If you think closing all ports on that area will stop other nations of hunting prussians and dutch... you are very wrong. That's only an escuse to give the ROVERS port to dutch.

  4. 46 minutes ago, RoYaLLeGioN said:

    hi I just had a fight Wasa vs WASA my Wasa was btw teak/Whiteoak.

    This guy attacks me right outside 1 fort and 1 tower and he demast my middle mast in 2 hits first 1 time then a second time.

    Now i know u can demast  top mast or the weaker mats but middle bottom mast in 2 shoots??


     It's not his fault, he's just exploiting what devs did wrong.

  5. 1 hour ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    You only need a name or a clan tag to begin some kind of civil war inside the nation.

    No, I won't promote that. If you don't see the reasoning behind my words, the problem is yours, not mine.

     You just fear british clans hire pirates to hunt you down, that's why you hide your true identity.

  6. 6 minutes ago, DesMoines said:

    It's up to you to help the DUTCH but I think that not doing it would be a mistake

     Brits and dutch were allied in the past until some of their clans start raiding Belize waters, and was them that declared war on us. Mistake or not I don't see Britain helping them, and your agression against EDR won't convince british navy to join your war. What I see is some british privateer clans working with swedes, already happened yesterday.

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