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Posts posted by Cabral

  1. 2 hours ago, Mrdoomed said:

    Will players be able to attack it? If not then you just made a free spy ship that cant be sunk and can freely transport goods in enemy water without fear.

    On the other hand if players can attack cutters but cutters cant attack them then the same jerks exploiting cutters will be the same kind of guys who just camp and kill newbs in cutters who cant fight back.

    Its a shame people can no cooldown teleport and use this to make cutter swarms to game the game. Probably wouldnt happen so much if they could only teleport once every few hours.

     If the cutter hold is reduced to 0, they can't be used as traders.

  2. 14 hours ago, Christendom said:

    Recruitment efforts from EU oppression are working.  Keep it up boys!


     I think that's happening because of some toxicity and exploiting on EU server. Congrats

    • Like 1
  3. 17 minutes ago, EL LOCO said:

    I have a problem of my own making but mainly due to the hotfix that was implemented.  I changed nation from SPAIN to FRANCE (using redeemable) but the recent hotfixes gave no reason for the British to hold Bridgeport, also NPCs were nerfed down making the Antilles no fun like it was before.  I was also under the assumption that we could change back by contacting someone to hold stuff while I delete my character.  

    Is there a way to get forged papers back or buy them on the market?   Otherwise I will have to either delete my character  (top rank and top crafter) and start new (which I really don't want to) or delete the game entirely (or wait for final release wipe).  

    Thank you in advance. 

    For now..I will get ready to change back by getting rid of outposts and just hanging out at a Freeport.

     If your sole purpose is to fight the brits, why you changed to french? Spanish are at war with Britain aswell.

  4. 1 hour ago, Tiedemann said:

    At least two of them had low rank, so that is seal clubbing! :P

    I assume you mean British veterans then.. And it's more like you guys are hiding in exile over on the US server. And I'm willing to bet that the brits on the US server are bffs with "the you know who" nation (the guys who need warning stickers on everything in RL to survive).

    *Miss you all so much* 

     I play on EU.

  5. 1 hour ago, Anolytic said:
    I’d like to report a bug. 
    The British nation has clearly not been correctly implemented. Has their admiralty store received any blueprints at all? We went to visit their capital, a two hour sail, and all we could find was basic cutters. None of them had been delivered the courage to go out in bigger ships (except one unlucky fellow). Some of them even escaped battle to save their basic cutters from destruction (wtaf?).

     Get used to that, the majority of veterans are on Global.

  6. 4 minutes ago, Bountyhunter said:

    They stand accused of the heinous crime of swapping ports among alliances ! Never has such despicable behavior been seen among the true nations, we must stand together brothers and sisters and drive these people from the game  burn these guys at the stake for the audacity of playing our game in a manner we don't quite agree with at this present moment in time! I for one will stay up all night venting my unadulterated internet rage in making sure the Devs aren't too weak to exact the ULTIMATE punishment !


    In the aftermath we can all warm ourselves with tales of our only Naval Action Victory ...... The Great Forum Battle of 1780


     Don't put words on the mouth of other people, you are not accused of swapping ports, you are accused of farming conquest marks with exploits.

    • Like 2
  7. 13 minutes ago, Jameson BH said:

    Good decision by the french to use the fireship tactic, why would you bring cannons when you just want to see the enemy fleet burn. Fire the fleet quartermaster if he forgot to bring fireword and matches. No exploit here, game mechanics in action. 


  8. 21 minutes ago, Bountyhunter said:

    We would have the same amount of conquest points if they didnt turn up ... stop your frothing!

     But that's not the point. The french already admited that was all planned, and in the PB video and by the coments on the video, you can see clearly that the french player that spawned with Indef armed with cannons was breaking a party for which he hadn't been invited.

  9. 8 minutes ago, Lord Vicious said:

    How i report something i not planned?   :)

     After what your friend Sauver wrote on page 4 of this topic ("...we thought it would be opportune to find solutions with the pirates in order to ensure the continuity of a French gameplay on the island of Haiti..."), you say that?

  10. 7 minutes ago, Lord Vicious said:

    neither i did regards the cannons lucky for me all arrangement where done in chat so i call devs to check my discussion :)  i never told them not to bring cannons


    also if i would make such stupid arrangement why stream it? i would keep it secret it simply have no sense LOL

    i was expecting a fight thats why i stream  USE LOGIC GENIOUS

     You keep repeating the same line like a defense lawyer, but you forget people can read between lines.

    • Like 4
  11. 40 minutes ago, PIerrick de Badas said:

    I remember french using first rate with no gold upgrade on pvpeu1. we were crushed by everyone all the time and we didn't understand why. Then some ennemy told us they were using gold on all their ship (probably help by the fact they may duplicate it). So we change and use gold upgrade on our first rate and then the circle of defeat stop and we start winning 1th rate pb.

    The upgrade were nerfed on live serv to not make them too powerfull when new comer come and didn't get the rare one. On testbed, the % of the knowledege are insame. Adding a +10% reload +5% accuracy on a ship when your opponent can't because he miss 2 slots is important.

    In a 25v25 PB it mya change the things for all the pb...

     So you started using gold upgrades in PB's because you had them in abundance or you learned to duplicate aswell?

  12. 4 minutes ago, Hiscules said:

    It was Annexed, mate. Carlos V was crowned Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire annexing such Empire to the Spanish Empire

    The Empire was so extensive that it is obvious that Madrid did not directly control it, but same thing did happen in the Americas.

     I think Bearwall refers to the possessions Spain got from Portugal. Was indeed a marriage alliance and Portugal did have separated laws and traditions. Portuguese nobility was unhappy with all situation, and years later the Independence war happened.

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