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Posts posted by Cabral

  1. Thank you Sanchez to give us your strategical vision.

    However, we all know that today's Alliances will not be affected by the upcoming wipe.

    Considering that we will always find La Habana quite isolated and most likely surrounded by enemies, like now a days...

    Cartagenas de Indias as Spanish capital would be closer to allies and would therefore generate safer territories.

    This is not only for the faction interest but also for the future NA game balance.

    Safer territory means more attractive faction for new comers, longer faction life, greater commercial activities, etc...

    Not to forget the Spanish faction does not recrute as many players as other factions, this fact will not change once the game is released.

    Hope the devs will kindly give their comments about possibility to consider this historical capital alternative



     Safer territories for you, and a dangerous position for the dutch that would be surrounded by spanish and french swallowing their ports. Maybe was your idea all along?

    • Like 1
  2. Pirates associated themself with other pirates creating fleets, invading cities


    Turning privateers, returning pirate etc. Accepting pardons etc   Allowing pirate clans to  become privateers for a nation, return pirate etc, will  split the pirates to not act anymore as a nation, will allow finally pirate on pirate fights, coalitions,  transforming the pirate experience into a dynamic enviroment full of betray, political instable alliances towards and against certain nations etc

     But you already created chaos and trolling, you don't need a patch for that.

    • Like 3
  3. We create content, everybody need a villain here and there.


    BTw liveoak bellona > teak buc any day.         They needed to kill the buc then our inger could not do much vs  (2) bellonas armor and a 3rd  At list they where going to kill many of us instead run all time and just lose badly


    I took 7 vs 15 engagements and won, just need some confidence, is pixels afterall 

     You got that right, about you being a villain...

  4. What meeting are you referring to? on wich TS with wich participant? I would be glad to know and please don't say you don't recall the names.


    We were contacted only once (after the taking of Macao),by an emissary of Lord Vicious on our TS. The guy told us he had an agreement with the Danes for a port exchange. That 180 players under the orders of Lord Vicous were ready to crush the Swedes. We had doubts, we went straight to the Danes to have confirmation of this agreement and learned we had been lied to. so we went to the Swedes on their TS. They were already aware of the attack on Macao.  the Danes joined later then the Dutch. You want proof. Ask the guys involved. Contrary to you we have names.


    For Lord Vicious: crank1973

    For the Danes: Kloothommel

    For the Swedes: Sveno

    For the French: Tenakha and Kair

    For the Dutch: Morv (no diplomat were available)

     "...That 180 players under the orders of Lord Viscous were ready to crush the Swedes."  I have serious doubts about those numbers :)

  5. SORRY clan members number is increasing day by day. We invite all who do not want NA to be changed in one big "No PvP area" which seems to be main goal of Dolphin-Kitten-Unicorn Alliance...

     Oops, Lord Viscus used to be very selective on recruiting, now every new player that appears have a spot in SORRY. That's cannon fodder?

  6. Soo much for the theory about SORRY win only 25 vs 25 and are in general bad players


    Conny vs Conny vs one of the best duelist of game  (doran retreat cause was losing)





    Conny vs pavel+rattlesnake (escaped before sank) +snow+surprise


    Pavel got stern camp but he finally manage to demast the conny, so conny was forced to repair and bail out (pavel lost 50% crew)



     The theory is not about SORRY, is about you.

  7. Yes, that is the point, thank you for stating the obvious. I don't know what nation employs your services in their navy, but I hope your wit does not represent that of your colleagues.


    I will also pray for you, my son. May God illuminate your obscure brain.


    Oh Lord, you are the Supreme Intelligence which penetrates, illuminates, and embraces all our intelligences. Lord, help make Cabral's intelligence amenable to all truths, able to understand the thoughts of others; give to him the wisdom to know the meaning and purpose of his life and learning, so that his knowledge, understanding, and skills may help in some little ways to make this world a better place, for Your greater glory.


     I was being ironic and in the same spirit of your jokes, if you didn't understand, so who have obscure brain is you. Save your prayers for the spanish navy, they need most in these times.

  8. Why do you speak for Great Britain? We are going to show Spain what it deserves, the show has just begun.

     Our diplomat already said that Britain won't make the same mistakes of the past. And praefect said and well as diplomat of his nation and diplomat of the Coalition. Both Verenigde Provincien and Britain have the same interests and agreements.

     You must chill out a little.

    • Like 1
  9. Dear Son, Lord Vicious.


    I really like your cassock, it is very similar to the uniforms my private navy, he Santa Hermandad SH (Holy Brotherhood) wears in combat... without the parrot of course.

    I have instructed them to give aid and comfort to any pirate ship of the SORRY clan. Spiritual guidance and religious texts will be also at hand for your crews enlightenment.

    Each one of my ships has also in its hold a few boxes of the Archbishopric Rum we produce in my plantations off Havana, as a personal gift, to motivate you and your clan.


    But I believe you are in no need of motivation.


    I can see a holy wrath guides your actions, your ire is directed at the arrogant, pompous, abusive bullies that unjustly attacked your faction and its allies.


    Be confident that when your hand strangles one of their captains, it is the hand of God doing it. When one of your cannons fires against one of those miserable, fish stinking, rotten, British, Hollandish, or Gringo sloops, the thunder you hear is God´s voice rejoicing. Do not be concerned by the consequences of your actions. As long as you fight the enemies of the cross, you will always find mercy and compassion in the Holy Catholic Church. It is written in Psalm 129.


    Si iniquitates observaveris, Domine:

    Domine, quis sustinebit?

    Quia apud te propitiatio est:

    et propter legem tuam sustinui te, Domine.


    I will translate it for our ignorant, impious and uneducated opponents, that have abandoned Latin to print their false bibles in their twisted and barbaric languages:


    If Thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities: * Lord, who shall stand it?

    For with Thee there is merciful forgiveness: * and by reason of thy law, I have waited for Thee, O Lord.


    Deinde, ego te absolvo a peccatis tuis in nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti. Amen.

     Lol, you absolve a pirate, a pirate that already confirmed that will not stop sinning? Spanish Clergy is a joke :)

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