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Posts posted by Cabral

  1. 18 minutes ago, North said:

    why is it wrong??? we are at war... should we be nice when someone want war with us or just attack them on their terms? help them defend or stop complaining that other beat a nation in your alliance while you sit at KPR watching. Brits and Dutch choose their allies and have to live with that so don't come crying about honor or nerfing when you have the numbers but can't be bothered to help your allies or save your own skin. war is war and if you can't handle that go play sim city *sarcasm off*:D:D:D

     War is war but are different ways of winning a war, the bad way or the good way. Your choice shows your character. The difference between you and us is that, when the spanish were crying because didn't get any help from allies (you included) we ended the war with a treaty and left them with many ports north of Cuba, you on other hand had no mercy to the dutch.

  2. 8 minutes ago, North said:

    nopw, but won't end there as the only nations brits will attack is spain and french.. if you so hurt about the danish taking your port before patch, then you might wanna ask your allies to help you or actually try to defend them instead of not showing up for the pb, half the port we took was empty. Dutch have superior numbers of players compared to danish, not our fault that you aren't organized or won't ask for help:)

    No reason to whine as you will soon experience it again:D

     I'm not whining, I'm just saying you can't justify your bad behavior on others mistakes. What your Coalition did to the dutch was wrong and shouldn't repeat again.


    58 minutes ago, North said:

    Don't blame the Danish alliance that the Dutch got roflstomped when the brits and us didn't help them and where supposely allies:D

     Roflstomping a nation to 1 port by 4 nations it's ok and should be common practice, it's good for the game and does wonders to the server population. And if someone should be blamed, should be that nation allies. *sarcasm*

  4. As a captain one is not holding the steering wheel and steering the ship him/herself. Instead one of the crew members is doing so. Depending on the size of the ship there may also be a navigator on board to give commands to the helmsman? In any way verbal orders are given. Why not represent this in the form of being able to click on the compass what direction you want to go to? Same style used in Silent Hunter 3 for instance (maybe also other games, but this one I know). There you steer the submarine either plotting a course on the map or clicking the compass for a course. An officer will call out the direction for the helmsmen, same with depth, by the way.


    I think this will help with the immersion when directions are called out by an officer or the helmsman. Meanwhile you can keep the normal WASD steering for everyone who might dislike that system.

     When you are using WASD you are giving orders to the helmsman, not being helmsman yourself. And in battle is by using WASD that differentiates sailing skills among players, some are better than others doing maneuvers under fire.

  5. We didn't backstab GB, never. The 3AT had finished when we declared war on GB. 

    And by the way, if you had the balls to support your ally instead of doing nothing, this war could have been very different. 

    That's your fault, not ours.

    With an ally like GB who did nothing to support VP, why would they ally you again?

     Spain backstabbed us in more occasions in the past, before 3AT, but some players have short memory.

     About our support to VP, Britain did what could do with so few RVR players at the moment. You all know that 75% of brit players rarely leave Jamaica, they just sail around doing missions and trade, the other 25% did their best to help the allies but are just so few. I hope better days come to Britain nation after patch.

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  6. Well, I won't call that actually an agreement. I have considered as an offer from their side. They offered it to us as a gesture of good will for the time coming after the port wipe when we become neighbors. And they decided to retract that offer for whatever reason.

     With such neighbors I would be looking over the shoulder all the time if I were you  :)

  7. Ah, Vicious, no crocodile nor any other tears on my side.

    Finally to bring it to the point: We talked to the Spanish two days ago and asked them for the generous favor to let us keep the ports of Fort Zoutman and Fort Oranje since these are the only ones left to us after the port wipe. Nothing more, nothing less. We told them that we would be happy to fight them on Open Water and any other port. If we were not facing the upcoming port wipe we would have never made that request. 


    Such a gesture would have suited a real Gentleman. It would have kept doors open for the time coming after the port wipe. And last but not least it would have shown respect to the game, the community and the Dutch player base.


    Well, they assured us to stop the Flag on Fort Oranje and give Fort Zoutman back if we become neutral in the Spanish - British conflict. One hour later they raised the Spanish Flag at Fort Oranje. The rest you can see with a short glimpse on the map.

     It's what the spanish always do, they do the agreement with you so they can backstab you later. They have done that with brits more than once.

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  8. I just talk for myself here and for sure not in the name of anyone else.


    But you can stick that one sided alliance up your happy place.


    The behaviour of the British Fleet was a disgrace and a slap to the face.

    No matter how i turn it, I cannot see any reasonable point why anyone could ever consider the Brits as allies in the future.


    (I am really sorry for the handful of British captains which came to help and sailed reliably with us, but you know yourself who you are and I am pretty confident that you don't see yourself included in my attack.

    @British screening group I was unhappy to be with in TS and listen to their comments the evening where you left your position:

      Man up.)

     I must agree with you, only a handfull of british captains could help. Despite Britain having the bigger population of players in the server, we are also cursed to have the most pve players (and they just don't give a damn about port battles). I really hope this changes after patch, but it's unlikely.

  9. I'm new, but this occurred to me. 


    If you don't have guns, you can't initiate a battle with another AI trader and win. You can escape, but the will most likely still be in the area waiting to pounce.


    If you have guns and capture the trader, you can then captain the captured trader and teleport your valuable goods in ship, to your capital and live to try again.

     You can't teleport goods, only empty ships.

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