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Jean Pual Vilvenue

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Everything posted by Jean Pual Vilvenue

  1. 1v1 me I would demast your in 1 broadside and leave you whining like a lil biatch
  2. Nah, you are butt hurt, get good mate.
  3. Skully is straight up a butt hurt PvP 1 player, who takes global to heart. I reckon I'd straight up own you in a 1v1 mate.
  4. www.piratehacks.com.getgudyousuck.eu Please do download it.
  5. BHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Does this mean you will be able to introduce cannon recoil and ACTUAL PROPER crew reloading animations ??? Please say YES !!! ???
  7. Brits exploited by bringing in puny ass ships. These cunts are so lazy to sail and kept trying to keep us from entering the PB, even after all that the US leave the PB like lazy ass bitches too. They make a great alliance.
  8. They actually were able to defend the port. They had a decent number of 1st rates lol. But they knew they were gonna lose because they always do, even if they outnumber us by 9 as was the case many months ago during our operation in the US coast. 17v25 and we still win lol
  9. Sorry but this has to happen again... US always seems to like picking on the beast
  10. Can I use my forged papers to join the US and stop the British, then when the British give up, can I rejoin Pirates again ???
  11. Yeah, good luck with that


  12. So how does this happen ? They have 29 players in a PB and are technically able to generate more conquest marks per player than any other nation as far as I know. Can this please be investigated, thank you. Jean Pual Vilvenue
  13. No rewards for people who get ganked by 20 cutters either if they are in a ship other than a basic cutter lol
  14. Dont see it as an exploit... That other player could be legitimate
  15. You people bitch and cry about nerfing pirates in the effort to prioritize realism. If you want realism why aren't you pestering devs for dynamic weather and waves, opening and closing gun ports, cannon recoil, DECENT LOOKING CREW that ACTUALLY reload guns, now that is realism... Biggest hypocrites...
  16. Previously the devs introduced good patches up until they included double charge and double ball. I'm sorry, but every patch since has been 100% garbage. I am more frustrated with the devs now, at this point, than when I first purchased this game.
  17. Wait, you are telling me that you are not at all phased about how long development of this game and patches is taking not to mention how stupid some of these new implementations to the game they are introducing. Mate I purchased this game, and I have a right to be annoyed at the progress factor here, and if you can't handle my comment, perhaps you need to re-evaluate "some things" ...............
  18. Devs you do so much talking and no action. Hurry up and release these updates... rghhhhh
  19. This I agree with. However how can it be solved ? Not much can be done here unless ping is somewhat evenly distributed between all parts of the world depending on the server location for the new patch.
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