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Everything posted by Liq

  1. Something to actually reduce raking damage (structure) would be nice
  2. Worth an investigation I guess https://gyazo.com/bdc1a8773293559e988cdd9e90348b87
  3. Engaged Russian 1st rate fleet coming back from flipping one of our ports, ended up as a PZ battle
  4. Was refering to nations player numbers. Why not add Poland to our side aswell while you're at it.
  5. *the numbers Mason, what do they mean*
  6. "Great" Britain allying with the mighty Russians like
  7. Naval Action would be a better game if everyone took their Losses like you. Good stuff o7
  8. you can't really stop it. As I said, it does not have to be an alt account. Just a friend in another nation, hopping in the battle to fill the BR and not actually fight in it. Do not see a possible fix for this.
  9. Droppen von Privateer-Flotten - Die NPC Flotten welche um Hauptstädte von Nationen fahren und das Gebiet von feindlichen Spielern patroullieren. Besteht aus einer Trincomalee in der Overworld und 8x Large, 2x Medium in der Flotte (wird dann einige 1st rates etc. sein), alleine packst du das nicht. Sieht in der OW so aus:
  10. it's not an alt account. Waldron is a legit player. Issue is that MONKS/MONX is based in two nations - giving them the option to sometimes join battles which they should not be able to join - and therefore have to join on the "enemy" side while not actually helping the team.
  11. He should not have joined on our side in the first place
  12. pz battles also close after 2 min if they're balanced anyway this is offtopic now
  13. ? battles outside PZ are just as well open for 20 minutes - could also just join a battle to fill the BR without actually helping
  14. so you think this is fine? Just like keeping peeps in battle for 2h probably, aha
  15. I accuse MONKS / MONX of joining a Patrol-Zone battle on two sides, without dealing damage to each other, so that actual reinforcement cannot join. Accused account: [MONX] Waldron We got a battle in the Patrol Zone, started outnumbered (nothing wrong about that), got reinforcement - Waldron joined but didn't bother to move / set sails, until I had called him out in team chat, as seen in the video. At some point he started sailing, only got shot by non-friends of course, and just escaped in the end. He even had a clear possibility of finishing an enemy, but obv. he would not sink his friend. (@ 14:00 in the video) Pretty sad such behaviour is a thing but oh well if that's the only way to get your kills..
  16. careful with such words on here. aha
  17. what? why? Where is the difference between sailing at 100% all the time, not catching the enemy and get a hit on your rigging every now and then, and just stopping with sails down?
  18. yeah, no. If you're missing your foremast, say goodbye to sailing close hauled / turning upwind / let alone tacking If you're missing your main mast, you'll be as quick as a turtle, waiting to get raked or hugged to death Mizzen mast is not as crucial but then again it rarely gets focussed. As others said, try to sail at an off-angle, so that you kind of still don't expose your sides but also don't give a clear shot to your masts. Worst thing you can do is either crossing at 90° so that your opponent can mastrake you, strike multiple mast hits in one broadside and possibly even get a mast or two. You also should not sail parallel to him, that way masts could be sniped efficiently. Also, as said by others, as there is no mast-HP indicator, you kind of have to "count" the mast hits and estimate yourself how many more masthits you can take. That task becomes easier over time with experience, for example in the shallow waters, I know if my Surprise has taken 3-4 hits of 32pd carronades close up, it's time to repair. Often, when people are going for your masts, especially mast-sniping, and they see the enemy using a rig-rep after scoring a couple mast hits, they get impatient and use the left-over shots on the hull - That's your chance to counterattack
  19. 0% sails not as in demasted but just lowered to zero (eg. Full/slow/battle/stop sails)
  20. Looking at griefing / being kept in battles: Suggestion: After one's sails are lowered to 0% for 15-20 minutes, with no hull hits being scored by the player during the time, he gets the option to leave the battle Eliminates griefing and being kept in a battle for 90 min with no actual engagement happening, just the odd mast hit from 1km (without doing any damage) every now and then. -> Less tribunal cases Can't see any downsides.
  21. Hmm dunno.. another reason to quit a winnable fight early "because I have to save my crew I spent weeks training on"
  22. If you sank him already it wont Count again within the same Mission
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