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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. well at least we have this one http://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=806 http://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=805 also this one is interesting (Chattam dutch) GUNDECK LENGHT195' 0" 51' 0"22' 0"hold Design Armament Broadside Weight = 1,188.00 Dutch pound (1,293.73 lbs 586.99 kg) http://threedecks.org/index.php?display_type=show_ship&id=793 Lower Gun Deck 28 Dutch 36-Pounder Upper Gun Deck 30 Dutch 30-Pounder Quarterdeck/Forecastle 2 Dutch 60-Pound Carronade Quarterdeck/Forecastle 6 Dutch 30-Pound Carronade Quarterdeck/Forecastle 14 Dutch 12-Pounder keel build 1798 1801 Re-classed as a 90 gun Second Rate Ship of the Line 1801 Broadside Weight = 1296 Dutch pound (1411.344 lbs 640.3536 kg FWAS1786 Lower Gun Deck 30 Dutch 36-Pounder Upper Gun Deck 30 Dutch 24-Pounder Quarterdeck/Forecastle 18 Dutch 36-Pound Carronade Quarterdeck/Forecastle 12 Dutch 12-Pounder in 1810 it becomes the chahtam by the french if this one not doing the trick nothing will
  2. thanks for the thread,just made my vote (and you may call me commander) some time sailers dont think before they vote.... they just got greedy ,and thats understandable
  3. if politics are so important (and they do.... its the first thing to do)( i need alliance and clan wars mechanic just like eve ) Also i miss the development of the faction ships for that particular country the dutch have no ships at all.... for me as a Dutchmen i dont like to be/sail in a foreign ship everybody(every nation)needs his own nation ships (just like the factions in eve for example) it should be actually the first thing to do.... make/build nations owned ships(and only buy a ship from a other nation in a free harbor/from a other nation ship builder ) also the crafting of ships should only be nation ships (as a Dutchmen i build french or English or american ships,thats not really realistic ( you can trade/capture/buy a foreign ship ,but not build it) so crafting overhaul is also a main point of attention (i am level 35 and can only build a level 25 frig) and you cant craft anything if the building market is not in order so i also believe the poll is not really a good poll to follow for the development other things are far more important ,for example making land in a pvp battle (as a first thing to do?, i do believe that can wait) ps.pirates did not make their own ships....... they stole them
  4. just one would be nice with/for pve missions (tag circle and immediate close after 2 minutes) and open world pvp with tag timer closed of/in 4 minutes (because of the winds)
  5. 1 Dura for a schip will solve a lot i think
  6. so true: "I object to violence, because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent. " i do not like hidden agenda,s a peace treaty with the french and a vote for war against the swedish i call that treason to the nation
  7. ? so here you made a treaty for your clan .... i will not accept this ....shall i report you for the tribunal now... dont think so.. if you threaten me also with reporting to the tribunal.. i do believe you are a wrong leader..
  8. Well just what our national leaders and fleet commanders said we will take a broom (broom in the mast) and sweep for the glory of our nation
  9. i sing nothing what do i get in gold for singing nothing .... my letter of marque pays the bill in the mean time
  10. so i must ask for a " parler " in the free ocean for a free pass always thought the french where pirats by nature a peace treaty means in my opinion free trade for every harbor of that nation even on the french west of galdonas in occupied french harbors free is free and not under restrictions of the french law or by any captain who is drinking rum on the quarter deck, and lays in the sun not willing to work for their country on a specific day because they have resting hours for their crew , who incidentally are brouwling in the harbor with some female pirate captains nope , not going to ask for a "parler" and a gun pointed at my sails beside that i have a letter of marque from the admiralty ,and it seems every french captain i see ,is on the list
  11. Ohw ..jolly schipper... "the diffrence is that DAS/BOAT already knows how hard it is to fight French nation... and they show respect for French for that..." S o you actually say the das and boat captains are scared of the french and there fore choose to collaborate with the french i can only say shame on the captains who wants to be in that position.... respect you say... what do you know about respect .... when the french and the British joint up against the dutch republic navy the British find out they made a mistake by trusting the french they would help them the french did not even fire one ball in the direction of the dutch (they just kept away from the battle ) thats how trust worthy the french are.. the french just walk away ..they always do..when it is not in there strategy
  12. no...we did not - and buying that flag was 2 hours later in form of a retaliation
  13. here is the proof YOU ATTACKED US voc FIRST (we where there to get some pve traders) suddenly a whole fleet was cumming out of the harbor and taged one of our group members you can see that in the picture And one of our Ships who went in this battle and was helping this captain to get out was sunk by doing so but besides that i thought you had a peace treaty to not attack the dutch well you just broke it and i am not complaining just telling the truth PS I Never said you where weak my fellow captain(NICE HAT BY THE WAY) our war lasted 80 years ....and you lost...
  14. Well i see it this way the french attacked us( the dutch and the polish dkf and |voc| ) in the east this evening in open waters all 3 rates AND MANY big ships what do you think THEY did ......the das and boat patriots...did they help their own nation .....No they did not they where all running away in the opposite direction thats what i call treason Shame on the people who want to be in that position.
  15. well i looked all over the darn ship but could not find it perhaps a good feature for the game
  16. +1 specialy in the O W it is very hard to recognize a clan member Or a small clan banner in the mast, just like we see in mision battle that would be a big help
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