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Everything posted by Thonys

  1. Thonys

    Quote of the day

    "when a seed is planned, it usually settles on the bottom of the ocean"
  2. well you failed in your attempt to put a mindset on the russians, (it is clearly seen by the dutch) and if you have had succeeded in your attempt you could have walked away with it but you are discovered early... la perouse from the French....! or whatever your current name is, we will soon find out what your ingame clan and name is. you and your clan and nation will feel the dutch soon enough... " my taunting to provoke a war between the two ""(your words) "when a seed is planned, it usually settles on the bottom of the ocean" (quote of the day) on the other hand it is weird the russians don't see it.... but then again bad vodka have their favor.... it seems........ and it looks if they are easy toys for the french rebellions. the french can do what ever they like with the russians (well at least REDS former pirate clan)
  3. the russians have fallen in the trap..... set up by many foreign captains....... causing this pressure on cartagena de india in a bloody war....
  4. ? because i was sunk in the second battle (before the big one) and had no ships available perhaps?...... and i went into battle with a admiralty ship to fase the christian again ... you forgot the word : " very" >> very competent players.... (a little more respect will suit your mouth indeed.)
  5. i know... its early in the morning and you need coffee...:))
  6. as if you do not know ? says a face rising above the waterline ...we all know what some are trying to do ...(you included) "its a trap set up by other nations to lure the russians in a war they never asked for."
  7. sure translate this! Duh.. Onder politieke druk. Eindelijk zijn de russen onder openlijke druk gezwicht voor de opinie van andere lidstaten. die lachend in hun vuistje alleen maar toekijken hoe de russen in hun val lopen wat resulteerde in een kamikaze aanval op een van de poorten van de vp met als resultaat een determent defender northviking die zijn handelen goedpraat met een "of course" en een opschepperige toon . maar waarvan hij geen enkele reden heeft om hun handelen goed te praten dan door te verkondigen de " publieke opinie dwong mij hiertoe " het eerste contact werd gemaakt door de kustwacht die later versterking kreeg van de nationale coastal command. zo ook de russen die steeds meer en meer versterking aanvoerden.
  8. Under political pressure. from other nations (?) the russians fall in the trap laid up by toxic spies finally the Russians have come under open pressure to the opinion of other Member States. who, laughing in their fists, just watch the Russians fall into their trap which resulted in a kamikaze attack on one of the gates of the vp The result is a deterioration defender northviking who agrees with his "of course" and a boastful tone. but of which he has no reason to justify their actions but to proclaim "public opinion forced me to" the first contact was made by the coastguard who later received reinforcement from the national coastal command. after a long and almost full battle int ended up in this result in the latest hours of the day ,
  9. dutch fishing competition ??? lol..... we do not even have a dutch vessel ... enough said....
  10. It's like a sea dragon rising above the waterline.... the only thing they do is...... throwing a spear at it..and sail away...
  11. NPC will try to capture rich ports from large clans using unique raiding mechanics on both Peace and War servers question is what is a large clan ? and what is a small clan ? we have clans of 150 members but also 35?
  12. Tip...new dlc : " The colonies "(+10 ports and medium extended warehouses) :)) ( seen as a admiralty II expansion)
  13. what about : "player123" not a joke.... but also bullschit with no imagination.
  14. Thonys

    Quote of the day

    " There is no honour... among captains in the open seas "
  15. Thonys

    Quote of the day

    My other captains in my fleet ... are so stupid after being back in the docks ...! they forgot everything.
  16. Oke , a massive paint drop... lets paint. ahg ...paint is so vulnerable for scratches.... i hate balls.
  17. "for what was written in between^^ you need a lot of text"... but back to OP. not only the chat: what about remember your ships knowledge when coming out of fleet ??? same principal its not only just quality of life ...it is also just basic coding to the former state .
  18. yes... i have that same experience to. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- also on saturday 10.08 2019 i encounter a lot of screen glitches . in OW and in battle (as if a player comes in the battle ) graphic card windows 10 (64) nvidia latest driver june installed .speed test 101 mbit down /35 mbit up 2ms/ ingame around 8 ms. steam test ( probably send) and aborted after 4 minutes due tracing route not entering next phase. https://ibb.co/hgWZsCW
  19. https://ibb.co/k0WDV7G fake news
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