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Everything posted by JCDC

  1. 'But yeah, go ahead, keep talking with your big boots telling us what we did in our own TS Channel. Go ahead: make my day' yet the French are all in here telling us what we were doing in TS. so, hypocrite much?
  2. Any 'unsportingness' is irellevant in this thread. this is about britain (and in this case me) being accused of deliberately using an exploit. this is being presented as 'Fact' by people who dont know what that word means with no proof whatsoever when it is in fact, not true.
  3. I dont think anyone was mad on teamspeak on either side, we all had a lot of fun. its only this salt and nonsense from Rousseau and others trying to cause trouble.
  4. Yeah its a shame, the war is good, this trolling isnt.
  5. To eveyone here saying we deliberately used a bug exploit you are wrong or lying. For us there was no timer set, we bought the flag at about 1800 because we wanted to pre-empt your attack on our ports that had 1800 timers (I actually think we bought it before 1800, about 1745 although I am sure the devs can check this). its therefore co-incidence that the timer was 'correct'. we then attacked later in the evening because it allowed us to. we thought that was normal and that enough time had passed. I know this because I bought the flag (SINK Ranger in game) and was present for all the discussions. the word 'bug' or 'exploit' was never said once by one person, anyone who says otherwise is wrong or lying. I did not knowingly use an exploit and if this port capture was possible because of a bug and not because you failed to set the timers correctly then I will happily concede my port (and get my 300,000 back). We fought well and honorably and jumping to incorrect conclusions and accusing us of cheating is stupid. this nonsense will ruin what is otherwise a fun and good fight. if there was a bug, let the devs fix it, that is simple. stop the nonsense statements of 'Facts' when you have no idea what the facts are. this is the tribunal, not a propaganda channel.
  6. its hard to remember there is a difference between the pirates and danes. oh yeah, thats because there isnt.
  7. Ok, so there is a lot of rubbish going on in here (mainly from rousseau) from people who are guessing intentions and getting it wrong so as one of the British fleet commanders from last night let me just clear up that nonsense with a few facts so we can get back to the game. -We did not exploit a bug to capture Buena vista, we thought you had forgot to set a timer. how could we know if it was a bug, was there a sign? obviously its impossible for us to know. - We did not 'dishonorably' night attack you, we simply counter attacked after your attack on playon with a break to get the right wind and also to have food etc. we had been fighting non stop for 8 hours. how did we know that you had all given up? we could not know this. if we thought it would be an empty battle would we have taken a full fleet with 25 heavy ships including victory and pavels and a screening fleet? obviously not. we would have gone with 10-15 ships. - You say your attack on playon was not real, well, you had a full fleet so whatever, we defended with equal forces, how can we do better than to fight well and defend like you did at Buena vista? was our attack on Buena vista real? well it was actually organized last minute and not all our ships had arrived yet, so, in your words, it was not real either? - You did not outmaneuver us at New Edinburgh, in fact the opposite. we decided not to defend it because you hugely outnumbered us. instead we waited until your fleet was in the port battle and then went down to kill your screening fleet. we caused your screen large casualties and then escaped. we fought our way back out through your entire fleet and only lost 4 small ships. not a single heavy lost. this was exactly according to our plan and a nice little tactical victory. we used a smaller force to attack and cause higher casualties on a bigger force. it is impossible to make this sound bad. We then retreated to playon and defeated you there. you say we should have just fought you when and where you wanted us to but why? war is not about doing what your enemy wants. we did it our way and it allowed us to hold a larger force at bay for a night. we did not play dishonorably or knowingly use exploits. we did not totally avoid you, we fought full fleet actions 3-4 times and dozens of ships were sunk. we fought hard and clever and that is why we did so well. all this other nonsense is a mixture of salt, lies and propaganda. We set the Buena vista to a morning time because that is the game. we cant defend it in there so we did the sensible thing. you have to remember that we are under huge pressure from the danes/pirate alliance, who use every dirty trick in the book to beat us. we have to use all fair methods to win this war quickly so we can go and defend the siege of Jamaica. you guys are only even attacking us as part of that war. we have to do what we can to survive and win. that's just facts but we are not knowingly using exploits or trying to be unfair, I know that as I was in all the command discussions and it just wasn't what we were doing. we simply fought as hard as we could with the ships we had for 12 hours, after capturing Buena vista we had to teleport up to defend cuba from the pirates! you guys are only fighting one enemy in one place so its easy for you to complain that its not how you want it. we are fighting 3 wars in 4 places. how about you try fighting the danes again? then you will see what dishonourable looks like. Overall it was an fairly even night, both sides lost an undefended port and both lost an attack with significant casualties. we probably got more kills than you but it was close. What is a shame is that both sides enjoyed it, it was great strategic and tactical fighting on both sides, the fighting was good and the players were polite to each other mostly in battle. when I sacrificed myself to cover the retreat of my heavy ship fleet, French plyaers congratulated me and I saluted them as I sank. this was all played in a very good spirit. and now a couple of people are trying to ruin it with accusations of cheating because they are salty. get over it.​ we were disappointed the first night that the French apparently were willing to run from an even battle so soon but last night they fought hard and for hours, they are a worthy enemy indeed. Lets keep playing this war well, its a lot of fun so far.
  8. Great fight today by both sides, really good fun, played in good spirit and everyone fought hard. really looking forward to more fights like that.
  9. We don't want to, the Spanish refuse peace. if we leave them alone they capture our ports. we have no choice but to fight while they play the victim when ironically they are the aggressors. What I think is a shame is that if the Swedish are so good, why do they not fight back against the dane/pirate conglomerate rather than being their servants?
  10. We were saving your embarrasment. here is the uncensored link. Its worth pointing out that those Brits who escaped didn't do it because they were damaged, they left to go and kill the escaping French survivors. so, awks.
  11. At least they waited for 2 ships to be sunk before they ran away.
  12. minimum rank for assault flag purchase makes this exploit much harder to use. realistically noone under the rank of master and commander is ever going to launch a serious port assault, perhaps even port captain. then most alt accounts simply wont be able to do this. Simple solution.
  13. For those of us not on PvP2 could you post a map of the current situation? this sounds interesting and i would like to see what you have been up to over there on our sister server.
  14. If there is a grand alliance against Britain, do not worry, our fleets await you. if sailing the odd ship past port royal where you have the entire open ocean to approach from and flee to makes you feel powerfull then this might be easier than we expected.
  15. Everyone who is criticising them for being 'stupid' or 'egotistic' or more bizzarely 'not understanding sun Tzu' is missing the point. people are saying they will regret it if they aren't successful or that they are ruining the game for their nation. This is all nonsense. Its a game, no one really dies, no one loses their homes etc. If they don't want to become a small nation at peace with everyone around them and thus locked in and bored and they want to start a hopeless fight against massive enemies then good on them! they paid for this game the same as everyone else and they can do what they want. I wouldn't want to be in a tiny Swedish nation at peace with the danes and subject to their whim. I would also join the resistance. why? not because I think I would win but because it would be FUN. the best thing about this game is the PvP. Sweden at peace will have very little opportunities for strategic and organized PvP. they will just have post missions etc. I think it might be great fun to plan and do a small insurgency in this game. why not! you all just want them to stop fighting because it would be convenient for YOU. why should they do what you want? its their game. This is a game, the point is to have fun, let them have fun they way they want without all this arrogant superior nonsense directed against them. it really makes you all look very silly drawing these real life parallels and concluding that they are somehow morons for doing what they are doing. Quoting Sun Tzu doesn't make you clever, misapplying it to a situation where it doesn't matter isn't great either.
  16. The empire strikes back! seems like the pirate nation lost a well contested op to re-take St nic with heavy casualties.
  17. Can someone arrange subtitles?
  18. I mean really? where do you get so misinformed? literally none of this is true or makes sense. and if we did help the Spanish a bit to recover a bit of territory, thats just for the good of the game. it does no good to have an entire nation steamrolled and playerbase dispersed.
  19. Lol ruthless! do you really think that the british and Pirates are working together to beat the americans? NOPE We are fighting the pirates is massive back and forth battles, this is a triangular three way fight where everyone is fighting everyone. the americans are losing that at the moment because they got over extended. simple as that. The british have been and always will be working to clear the oceans of the scum and villainy that is the pirate scourge, the americans are honorable foes and no true british man would sully himself to join the pirates against them. i would rather run the stars and stripes up my own mast and vote for Trump than fight aligned with the black flags!
  20. wut? I cant tell if this is sarcastic or a deep lack of understanding of how human beings work.
  21. I was worried after our little holiday to your capital resulted in no resistance that there was none to be had!
  22. LOL, set an ultimatum less than 2 hours from when you start negotiations. Expect a number of different clans to have time to read the thread, have a meeting and come to a decision. thats bloody hilarious you though anyone would think you genuinely wanted peace. you danes are crazy.
  23. It was a well run operation by the pirates, they did take heavy casualties at gonavives and some other sacrificial units but your screening fleet was effective and fought well. good to have a worthy adversary so close to our heartland. it is far from over!
  24. Unless losing a lot of ships, sinking not many of ours and not distracting us from anything else was the main objective, i doubt it. Shame we didn't get to fight the bigger fleets from earlier in the day, that would have been fun. I am very amused that after weeks of capturing as many ports as possible, as soon as the French lose a large number of ports, captured ports don't matter anymore! did you hear that Denmark, France didn't even want them!
  25. Telfer speaks only in jest, we of course behaved very well while we were using your capital for our holiday. there was no public debauchery on the docks. I totally understand that you were all busy at the time, how silly of us that we didn't realise you were off doing more important things. Could we perhaps arrange a time when you would deign to greet us in the customary fashion?
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