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Everything posted by Batman

  1. Good thing the british screening fleet was busy with the pirates. Otherwise you would cry even more.
  2. Well this could be because different LOD Models on OW for Ships that are not sailed by player. You can see this on many ships in the OW, also when they are controlled by other players. I am pretty sure Bellona and L'Ocean have the same LOD on OW.
  3. I still don't see your bittnerness. It was the same surprise to us that the Pbs got scheduled. Yet you had a all day to get your players out and start working against hostility. You didn't because you wanted to drop warsupplies the next day. That was your decision. It didn't work due to the bug. But the devs reset the battles to 2200 Hrs - I think to reward the british players who worked all day in those regions. You simply should have reacted earlier, but decided to wait.
  4. Of course it's totally special, but I am talking about the same situation. If you would have accidently created two PBs would you offer us the same "solutions" now?
  5. I am wondering if you (Spain) would "offer" us the same solutions if you would have successfully created two Port battles???
  6. ^This next time you declare a total war plis gib us a manual so we can understand the rules of your total war.
  7. As the Brits didn't create all those Port Battles, you can hardly call this an exploit, Liqui.
  8. Spain was hoping we would be to late, and have hostility at 100% instead of a PB. You decided to wait and not to lower hostility which tunred out to be a mistake now.
  9. How dare we fight back after they declare total war on us and ending all diplomatic relations.
  10. Well Both PB have been scheduled yesterday. Why would the devs allow you to lower hostility today, Jorge?
  11. You had your chance yesterday, or did you not see the increase in hostility?
  12. Both PB have been set to 2200 Hrs, Thanks devs.
  13. This is the Essex. Don't have a Trinc, so cannot check.
  14. I noticed at least the Essex still has it. Didnt look at Trinc.
  15. Nothing personal, mate. Just looking at the latest events here.
  16. Port battle Slots would the not 25 anymore, but limited by the total allowed BR. Also Conquest Marks could be shared via BR to give the side with less ships the same amount of CMs. It's just an idea.
  17. A Total BR limit for a Port Battle will make the opposing parties think what ships they should bring. For example a BR of lets say 3000. You can decie to bring fewer heavy ships, a fleet of light ships ot a mixed fleet. More diversity, more tactics.
  18. BR Limit for Port Battles, so both sides need to decide how many and what ships they bring into the PB.
  19. Compromises have to be made. If in a port battle you CPU had to calculate the movement of severeal hundred or even thousand sails for each sail individually, it would just surrender. I have heard that back in Sea trials we had a period where every single sail could be controlled manually, but it was just to complicated. No idea if that is true.
  20. I was told you had a chat with someone and called of the attack.
  21. When you declare war against a carebear and PVE-Nation and they suddenly can organize a Port Battle ...
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