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Vernon Merrill

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Everything posted by Vernon Merrill

  1. You are listing an AI trader?!? Really?
  2. Well we DID take quite the drubbing last night, so our honor was at stake... Nice coordination between the pirates last night. I was unfortunately impressed. A glass of wine with you, sir!
  3. Random wind would also help with the crazy port switching. If you had the chance of being becalmed with the capture flag, defenders would have a much better chance of assembling in time due to the fact that attackers would have a potentially smaller choice of ports to capture. As it is now, you can capture pretty distant ports by having advanced wind knowledge.
  4. This should be required reading for every new player....including myself. Well done!
  5. I think they've come to the conclusion that the devs will be their savior... We shall see.
  6. I see that Don Quixote is clearly still required reading in Espana...
  7. This is why Faction-Wide diplomacy voting needs to be introduced....and soon. For every Lobogris playing Don Quixote, I'm sure there are plenty of logical Spanish players that would love to make peace while they can an learn the game/trade/make friends/join or organize clans that actually represent them... I ALSO understand that the Devs can only work on certain things at one time with the staff they currently have. I suppose we all need to realize that we are trying to play a game with only half of the rules provided and do what we are actually here for: TESTING.
  8. Siegfried, instead of complaining here.... how about you jump in a ship and go defend Bahia Honda that's about to get attacked by Pirates? Is this helping more?
  9. Yes, it was a well-fought battle by the Spanish... I WOULD like to see the number/class of vessels on each side displayed if you are going to do Battle reports... Again, well played and well fought. A glass of wine with you, sir.
  10. Thinking off the top of my head... I wonder if the Devs could implement a 48-Hr faction poll on declaring War/Peace, whereby the voting would be open for say 48 hours. That way, it would be moderately skewed towards players who are on regularly (read: clans). This would also allow Clan ambassadors the time to state the case for war/peace via the Faction Chat. This still allows casual, non-clan players input, but suffieciently skews the results toward players with more at stake.
  11. "Gunboat Diplomacy" or "Peace through Strength", Mr. Caldwell?.... I propose that its the latter, but your results may vary. However, as I am sure you are aware, you in fact must have resources with which to negotiate with, if you are to negotiate at all. I see that the British Empire has more ports than it started with after the wipe. Am I to believe that every one of those was obtained by the Olive Branch rather than the sword? Or as us "colonial simpletons" might say, the "carrott instead of the stick"?
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