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Everything posted by Barbancourt

  1. So are you volunteering to do the hours and hours of PVE grinding it takes to set a port battle to take those ports back, and then after it's lost in the middle of the night or work day 4 days later you're volunteering to spend hours and hours grinding PVE fleets AGAIN a week later to get those ports back, and so on EVERY week until the next Wipe? We did that PVE fleet grinding for a couple months and it pissed everyone off. Nobody wants to do that anymore. Grinding day after day down in Orinoco and Trinidad and up in Leewards for ports most of us never saw again, then having to counter-grind them every time the neighbors got frisky. Actually I don't remember Jean Ribault being one of the players that put in prominent effort to get those ports in the first place, and I don't remember Jean Ribault from any of the port battles I was in? You popped up in July or something as a trader, enjoying the ports others had acquired for you.
  2. But the only effect of merging Global players onto EU would be a higher population. Global is going to be empty in two weeks anyway, so no losses there. Unless the EU elitists think we colonial Global players have the Plague or something. 80 more players would be great. The population on Global has been between 35 and 65 while I've been playing since yesterday evening. It will continue to go lower. And, I'm not going to throw away 3 months of grind on Global to go back to being a penniless garde-marine on EU server if a merge isn't happening. I'll just have to do what I can to increase my XP on empty Global for the next Wipe. To quote the ship's Doctor: "He's DEAD, Jim!"
  3. LOL, why is everyone a "millenial" now, even us 50 year olds?
  4. It was plenty fun a couple months ago when there were more players, more evenly distributed.
  5. 100 more players would be a huge difference. There were only about 35-45 on when I was playing yesterday. (edit: and only 60 right now) I don't understand the idea that adding players would make players quit. Players are already quitting because the population is low. Why would they quit if the population was higher?
  6. My impression is that a "server merge" would NOT include the "rules of the Global server" since it's the one that is dying first - just moving characters, or allowing them to be moved. Not that there wouldn't be a myriad of other complaints whatever happens. There always will be...
  7. Dunno, I might be done after today anyway since the devs obviously don't care about alts trolling and manipulating the game.
  8. With the way a number of people in this game just can't stand the smell of each other forcing them into the same teams would increase the bickering in Nation Chats exponentially, with a corresponding increase in the overall salt and new player alienation. It was bad enough a couple months ago that I deleted the hopeless Nation Chat window for a few weeks. You'd have to get rid of nation events because of the increased infighting and schemeing and clans of alts on all sides.
  9. I'd quite like to know what to expect. One of the worst aspects of this game is lack of clear documentation of even simple things like this. One day my Lynx can't get pulled by a single Endymion, and the next day it can be pulled by a pair of Surprises. Makes no sense.
  10. The "mistake" for most players is simply leaving port. Most players have chosen to not leave port anymore, and that puts us where we are today.
  11. Hopefully the server crashed hard enough that all of our ships just rematerialize back in port, safe and sound.
  12. Hmmm...I'm feeling like everyone should just be able to CRAFT some daily repairs anywhere they are, up to some level - emergency repairs that can't be sold or stockpiled beyond a certain modest number. If you need a huge pile of repairs in addition, then I'm feeling like they should be trucked in. However, I gotta admit I haven't partaken in this particular kind of adventure.
  13. People wanna roll out in their hunting parties or do their trading in whatever direction and distance they prefer when they've got the time for it, not get railroaded into to someone else's "national" agenda and control. The "nation" is just a roleplaying identity - a flag, fancy uniform and funny accent. There's a bit of a buddy system at times, but with personal time being a precious commodity clans are going to wanna concentrate on doing their clan stuff.
  14. There was a pre-dawn Port Skirmish at Dominica. "Battle" is not really the right word when 3/4 of one side is one guy triple-boxing his alts, plus a cannonless spy infiltrating the other side, so it was basically a 2-vs-3 skirmish.
  15. There will be more wipes and/or map resets, and new ships and mechanics, and a bump in population and activity with each. There will be lobby mode battles. New things. We had a couple months of fun with new toys before things really went wonky. Hopefully same next time around with more lasting success.
  16. They always said the big eclipse would herald The End of the (open) World...
  17. I'm well aware of the content of that thread, since I followed it closely at the time it happened. Did you bother to read what happened in post #1 of this thread? I linked the thread which the OP mentions. This is part of a pattern of behavior.
  18. No need to get personal. The server population just wasn't enough once things went really wonky after the clan reshuffles. Time to review the results and restructure the game. Let's have less salt, and more constructive thinking about the future.
  19. Same player is the subject of this tribunal thread previously:
  20. Naval Action is a nice game, and post-Wipe I have enjoyed it. (I couldn't really figure out what to do in the game when I wasn't in a clan pre-Wipe) RvR has broken down due to the low population, lots of noobs have been suffering due to unprotected capital regions, mucho salt all around due to exploits and alts and not-fully-thought-through mechanics, and the PVE is really primitive, etc. However, lets not let the salt and doom and gloom ruin this for us. The scenery and ship models are beautiful, and if you can just get some frigates together for a little even-strength battle then it's lots of fun all around.
  21. Why aren't you mobile and flexible?
  22. Not sure what you're talking about here. The whole point of staging the port battle at Roseau was to generate an OW battle there. From what I've heard few enemies showed up. You seem to have missed the memo that France is not defending regions. Have fun grinding the AI around ports you'll never bother sailing to again. Been there, done that. zzzzzzzzz The AI grinding and port flipping is broken.
  23. Which would promptly be lost in 4 days, necessitating yet another PVE fleet grind to set another PB, ad nauseum. Nobody wants to do the serial port flipping anymore.
  24. Heh, I enjoy the PVE game in Elite a lot. In Elite there are always new places to go, more systems to take over and new factions to promote. Flying never gets old. (interdictions get VERY old though) On the other hand PVE in NA is pretty much just about grinding money and XP the same way every day with no purpose beyond watching the numbers in the corner of the screen increase. When the NA server is down I'm flying in Elite promoting my pet factions and updating system info. I don't like PvP in Elite at all, though.
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