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Georg Fromm

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Posts posted by Georg Fromm

  1. 4 minutes ago, Intrepido said:

    1000 doubloons for sinking a player in a first rate.

    9200 for crafting an Ocean.


    I have to risk my first rate 9 times to be able to replace it.

    More risks, less rewards= less players, more fear, less pvp & rvr.

    Perhaps the meaning behind the Doublons is that big battleships can no longer be seen as disposable vessels, which can easily be replaced.

    In the future, large losses, e.g. in harbor battles, sometimes have a lasting effect. I welcome the idea behind it

    • Like 5
  2. 1 hour ago, Old Crusty said:

    I could write a thousand words in explanation but people have explained it in threads all over the Forums.

    The risk verses reward ratio has been dialed up so high that the game has become more of a job than a fun way to escape from real life for awhile.

    Players should have been enticed through rewards to do PvP and not forced into it.

    It would be very helpful if you also wrote why a player in NA is forced to go to PvP?

    • Like 2

    4 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

    So much sarcasm in a single post. I know you love your gold quality Hercules Hellmuth and I do like sailing the ship as well, but it's wise to be objective, not biased on such topics. What does it have to do with great battle results? Surprise beats Hercules, which is sadly "outstanding" at the current game state and I posted a screenshot of a battle result. I have yet to see more screenshot like that with good players on both sides (not noobs on Hercules dying to Pickle). My extra comments simply sum up the battle, nothing more and nothing less. 

    Maybe your concerns should take precedence? Let us know how Surprise performs compared to Hercules and how does that influence the game, I'm all ears.

    @Banished Privateer for your own documents

    I lost my golden Hercules in front of Nassau when I responded to a call for help from ALOHA and supported you in the mission area. But dont worry, was only a DLC ship

  4. 1 hour ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Hercules beaten and chased off by a Surprise. The ship needs a speed nerf, because it's superior speed and huge cannons allow it kiting, demasting and running away all the time. Engaging the ship is never possible really. The ship is faster than "teak" Surprise at all angles, has bigger guns, better turn rate and is very tanky and hard to hit "small". It still need slight HP / Mast HP nerf, because it has the same mast HP as Surprise & thickness, but Surprise masts are much bigger while it's very hard to hit tiny masts of Hercules. Hope @admin can notice that objective feedback and tested in practice/combat. 


    URGENT, URGENT, URGENT- is to be processed immediately by the DEVS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Really the Hercules is better than the Surprise? What a surprise! I heard they should also be better than other ships (also much larger ships). Can not confirm that from my own experience. But of course, first you should revise the Herc for the Surprise. I think Bannished's concern should take precedence. And if anyone wonders what this problem has to do with the "Great Batlle Results", may he please clarify again who wrote this post.


    Wirklich die Hercules ist besser als die Surprise? Was für eine Überraschung! Habe gehört sie soll auch besser sein als andere Schiffe (auch deutlich größere Schiffe) sein. Kann das aber nicht aus eigener Erfahrung bestätigen. Aber klar, zuerst sollte man die Herc im Hinblick auf die Surprise überarbeiten. Ich denke, Bannished sein Anliegen sollte Vorrang haben. Und wenn sich jemand fragt, was dieses Problem bei den "Great Batlle Results" zu suchen hat, der möge sich bitte noch einmal verdeutlichen wer diesen Post geschrieben hat.

  5. 14 minutes ago, troody said:

    Macht es doch nicht unnötig kompliziert....carros rauf, an steuerbord vorbeifahren, backbord breitseite rein, nach steuerbord drehen, steuerbordbreitseite und an der seite bleiben, bis der gegner offen ist und sinkt (tipp: um exp zu maximieren noch ne salve grape, um crew zu zerlegen, sobald er offen ist und sinkt)... ende gelände^^

    wie unromantisch...

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Teutonic said:

    Probably, if you chopped a portion of the gulf off the map, would anyone miss it? It would be 20-40 ports less give or take.

    But no I see your point, i'd much rather have every port be more valuable than to take them away.

    Every time the same tedious reasoning, ever thought about how it will look like if we have 1500 players on the server? Then, at the moment, empty parts of the map will be more frequented and the central regions will become quite rough.
    Already there, when we had 2000+ players? At this time I had to get to safety at Cumana as Spaniard, if suddenly in the afternoon more then 40 Nederlanders appear on their way to the east.

    When you build a cruise ship, you also say, actually we do not need 1000 cabins because they are all empty at the moment?

  7. 1 hour ago, CaptainSparkles said:

    I don't understand something . Why DLC ? That's why you lose players , make free content too . For example you put DLC ships like Hercules or others , but flag DLC could be free , maybe if you want to set a costumased flags (clan flags , ecc.) you have to pay .

    I think we all know that Game Labs is an economic company that has to make money. So I think selling cosmetic items is one of the things that least disturbs the gameplay. Nobody needs the flags to be competitive and nobody has a disadvantage if he does not have this DLC.
    In my opinion an ideal solution. Special clan flags, for other masts, why not as an additional commercially available DLC?

    • Like 3
  8. 4 minutes ago, Jon Snow lets go said:

    Interesting, but having a 10% profit margin on one the rarest and most valueable resources in the game combined with a huge effort is just not worth it. Especially if you have 2x or 3x profit margins for a lot of common goods.

    It does not have to stay with the 10%. Let's assume HRE manages to buy 80-90% of the Cartagena Tars from its own port. The next step must then be to build the upgrades yourself, even if you do not need them yourself and then sell them at the highest possible prices in La Tortue, KPR or Mortimer. The laziness of people has always been the most money to earn.
    Who controls Cartagena or a similarly important port (Esteros, Little Harbor, Oranjestadt), has actually a license to print money. It just requires a few people to do that job.

  9. Sorry but I use the Google Translator, but I hope you can understand it anyway.

    Anyone who claims here that as a port owner, I can not control who can buy which goods, either does not understand the contract system or deliberately states the untruth in the hope of getting a game that is not by nations, but by clans is determined.

    The reason why many people have Cartagena Tar are not the many Swedes ALTS, but because HRE is unwilling or unable to properly control the port. The advantage of a port owner is that he can hire contracts, and the resulting taxes re-flow to his own clan.
    So if an ALT enters a contract in Cartagena, it would be easy for any HRE player to beat that contact. The resulting costs for the hiring would flow immediately to the own clan, while the costs for the ALT player would be lost. He would now have to decide whether he would like to outbid the higher contract of the HRE player or not. In doing so, he runs the risk that the HRE player again outbid him and he has to accept again the loss of his tax. And this process could be repeated endlessly. 

    Certainly such a control requires some work, to be attentive 24/7/365 will certainly not be easy. But to assert that it is not possible to control or decisively influence the outgoing goods in one's own port is simply wrong.

    But I also see it as content to properly manage a port. I can understand that this is a job that is not fun for a PvPler, but I still have not read anywhere that other players in NA should not have fun either.

    • Like 2
  10. 21 hours ago, Sento de Benimaclet said:

    There are captains of clans who have won a port, say teka, cartagena, copper for example and then can not benefit from those resources because others have put abusive contracts. What is the point of owning a port and not its resources?

    This clearly shows that you do not really understand the system of contracts. And besides, the clan conquers the harbor only for the nation to which it belongs. What you want is a clan-based game.

    • Like 1
  11. 21 minutes ago, --Privateer-- said:

    My thinking is 10 worthless ports are still worthless, where as Grand Turk has some value.


    in a time of trader alts and the inability to economically control a port, a port like Grand Turk is hard to control. Already, 80% of the contracts in Blondel Cay and Grand Turk are likely to be from Alts. So I would not overestimate the economic importance of Grand Turk.

    Here is a small counter example. The ports of Parrot Cay, Ragged Cay and Port Howe provide more than 30 textile machines each day (with Trading Outpost 2). At the current purchase price this amounts to about 3.5 million. These machines can then be sold at three times the price in Mortimer Town, allowing the pirates to earn over 10 million.

    It will be hard to earn the same sum with Grand Turk.

  12. 21 minutes ago, --Privateer-- said:

    Prussia has contacted the evening clans of XXXXX and VCO suing for peace. Since we're online in different time zones and Banished and Capt Cid keep missing me, I'll move the discussion here.



    Two thoughts:
    a) You want to lead here in the forum serious peace negotiations?

    b) And in the current situation, pirates offer to swap Grand Turk for the Prussian-occupied cities of Mayaguana, Lorrimers, Parrot Cay, Watling, Ragged Cay, Deadmen's Cay, George's Town, Port Howe, Arthurs Town, Portillo and Puerto Nippe , Are the pirates sure that this should be peace negotiations and not an offer to accept a Prussian capitulation?

    I am curious which Prussian leader will accept such a peace.

    • Like 3
  13. Without insulting anyone, I do not believe that Nsane will decide whether peace will be achieved. There should be much more important people / clans making decisions in both factions.
    And the PvP will indeed, as is common practice today, not be affected.
  14. Playing with Banished in a nation is always exciting. There are few players who find it so easy to make enemies through its activity in the forum. But to his honor rescue, with ALOHA he already has a strong fighting troop behind him and they have already done a lot for the kingdom.  The two sides of a medal ...

    • Like 3
  15. 1 hour ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Nations have thousands of players, clans usually have  5-40 players (speaking about active numbers, don't tell me about clans with 200+ members...)

    1. This will end up national unity drama. Treaties, deals, pacts, diplomacy, all of that will be clan2clan. No more crying about people destroying treaties or not honouring them or who is controlling the nation.

    2. Fix for economy alt warfare. That's a big, big one. Game changer I would say. 

    Big clans will still ally and nothing will change that, but I do believe it will remove unneeded national dramas caused by big clans making decisions for entire nation. Now every time you decide on something, you must always repeat 50 times "We do it on behalf of our own clan only" blah blah.

    Why do nations have to be destroyed to stop trading by alt chars? If I remember correctly, some time ago, you or redii suggested that the port owner should be given the opportunity to determine who may trade in his port. That could easily be regulated with appropriate friend lists. In this context, it would also be great if the port owner could even specify it for individual types of goods. Result, unauthorized alts can not deal anymore. Such a regulation would even provide for content and more interaction between the players.

    Personally, I would very much regret it if the nations disappeared, as they provide me with their historical background a wonderful platform to identify me with it.

    • Like 1
  16. Excuse me, but I have the feeling that all your suggestions have the sole purpose of guiding the shipping movements of the dealers in certain channels. A functioning economy also means making the game more challenging and more complex. Instead of always removing all currently pure trading goods from the game, it would be possible to give meaning to every trade good. But this also requires a lot of programming work. I doubt that the devs are ready for it.

    I imagine that very nice, we have 1500 players and there is a permanent shipping in or out of the zones. And the PvP players line up left and right, then pick out the dealers.

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