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Pagan Pete

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Everything posted by Pagan Pete

  1. ARI threatened to pay a hacker$200 to crack my account. http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/425980515326567369/0EB3313291EB77D3F0B52061BEE56DF26DC8C657/ I took a trader ship belonging to his friends ALTERNATE US account. Then we threatened the living hell out of me. Completely unacceptable.
  2. Don't know that I have a nemesis, but I'm darn sure i'm several peoples version of a nemesis.
  3. Pagan Pete in: The Audacious Attack! Out n about on the account (pyrate term for pyrating) and building me supply of raw materials taken from AI traders, I comes across a Master and Commander in his Surprise! I were getting a bit wrestles, as the shortage of live captains becomes tiresome. So I have at this bloke, who it happens, I am also talking with in global chat! So right after i says me joke, I sees him. I says "Look over your left shoulder for a fright!" Sure as Mermaids are real, he goes into evasive maneuvers! I were a bit surprised that this Surprise would be so surprised ​So the battle commences and we sail past one another exchanging broadsides… Neith roes much, but now I bee behind him n I give him the OTHER broadside, the one I were saving for his stern! OFF he goes like a shot! Running like a frightened child! I expected a bit more fight... Anyhap, he makes a run fer it and I chase him to Beaufort. He escapes me again and slips under the protection of the port. I sails past a few times, n he still be there, waiting to come out. (cue the Jaws theme) I decides ill go back and drop off me full hold, so I can make room to steal more things. And here I run into some 'understanding' fellows willing to help me out in there Trincos! ​We sails back north and Lo and Behold! Here comes the Surprise! I have at him again, and he be pinned near the shoreline, unable to escape! The two trincos are far behind, but since I'm in the Banshee and in perfect firing position, he cannot extend and escape! BOOM! 2% sails gone. BOOM 2% more sails gone. BOOM! 3% sails gone! He strikes his colors… It were just a basic Surprise, and it had nothing but fish aboard… The captain made the wise choice, don't belittle him. There was no way he was going to escape, and no way to win. He saved his crew's lives that day.
  4. Pagan Pete in: You Never Know What You're Going to Get So there I were huntin' off the Charelston coast, Lookin fer traders to take a prize ships. Nothin coin, there baint be a trader in sight nowheres. Now, The crew and I be spilling for a fight by nows, and we comes across a feller in a Brig. I says, "Well, lets have a go at him and see if we can take him."The crew be for this idea, wot to break the monotony. Now this feller be running beam reach and so I can't really close the distance, But I knows I've got him as there be a point jutting out ahead which will force him to turn upwind. We close for battle and this feller be in a bad way! He can't run as the wind would beach him, so he has to turn up wind to fight me! This is bad news fer him and I knows it. "This may be easier than I thought." I says. We close rapidly and he has only enough time to fire half a broadside before we be thrown the hooks and hauling him in like a big fat fish! His crew weren't in the mood fer slaughter, n the fight were very one-sided! This is dumbfounding considering wot we found aboard!!! In his hold are about 2.1 million worth of high grade goods! 4 Labor contracts, 89 minted Gold Coins, 99 Minted Silver coins, some 60 odd Iron Ingots, and 31 barrels of the finest bermuda Rum! Needless to say, the crew dined like kings upon out return!
  5. Do we have a historical precedence? If so, Pagan Pete will support this.
  6. On a side note. I have an olde style tent and the admin got SUPER PISSEd when I pounded the steaks into the concrete! No sense of humor that lot…
  7. Pagan Pete in; Turning the Tables Twice! So I were at sea in the Banshee and on the account. I comes across a Ai trade lynx and decides to break the monotony of the cruise with a minute of violence. Once in battle I load me guns n prepare for boarding when suddenly… "Sail ho! Captain! Off the starboard quarter!" "Wot ship be that?" I yells. "A Brig! Cap'n!" "Bring her about and clear for action!" I calls out, the venom in me voice palpable. If this here fellow thinks that he can come against me, then I will show him the meaning of fear! We comes about and the wind be in our favor, off our port quarter now. He fires off a volley of chain from his 12lb carronades… shot whines through the air and the sound of ripping canvas follows. One look tells me all I need to know. "Ive got him! Ive got you now, lieutenant!" I says to me self. "Crew ready Captain!" Calls the Quartermaster. "Aye. Jib to the starboard quarter and prepare to short sail! Willy, get below lad." The ship responds so swift, its as if she knows she's moving in for the kill… Another broadside of chain erupts from her starboard. He still hasn't realized his peril... We draw in swiftly now. In his eagerness to get the broadside off, he's done me 2 favors. One, he's slowed me down. Two, he's turned close reach. "Furl ' em and hurl 'em!" I commands! The crew instantly drops sails and readies the grappling hooks! the Other captain now realizes too late wot is going to happen. the cry comes over the water; "Prepare to repeal boarders!!!!" he screams in a full panic! Too late. The Hooks find their marks only a second or two after the Brig's bosun blows the call for boarding action. Caught unawares the US Navy brig looses 18 of 112 men before they can even react! From there, he made an attempt, but the chaos of the moment and the ferocity of our assault made it a very short fight regardless… The ship was ours and we'd taken less than 20 killed & wounded doing it! c[_]
  8. I look forward to this! Sounds like a really good patch!
  9. So I were sailing south from Charlestowne when I spotted a pyrate in a frig fighting a US feller in his frig. I reckon, I can lend a hand so I join in and yell over to the feller, "I'll chain him n slow him down fer ye." and he says "Aye! then I'll board him!" Sounds like a good plan to me so I laid up the chain and let lose again and again, ripping his canvas into rags! Soon the Pyrate is coming up on this feller and trying to get him into position fer grappling… 3 times they smash together, but no hooks have taken yet. I look at the US frigate and in his evasion of being boarded he has gotten himself in irons! He looks like he has 135 men aboard… to my 68. "Im going to board him!" I declares. Forlorn and fearful for my life, he shouts back…. "No! You can't!" "Aye, I can!" I say, frothing at the mouth, "lil grape would be helpful!" So I sail up and throw hooks! as we heave him too (us to him really) I fire the grape and kill 18 men sending his crew into shock! Taking advantage of this, me crew goes about its deadly work! My Pal from BAS clan helps out by graping about 15 men, and my men take care of the larger crew with a speed and ruthless efficiency that makes their cabin boy pee his pants! When its over I still have over half me crew standing! his be laying on the deck… the ship me MINE! We scour the ship fer anything of value and in the cargo hold we find about 140 tons off Cotton and some iron fittings. Taking wot we want i send a crew of 20 aboard the Frig to sail it to me chop-shop. I get their cabin boy a bath and a change of clothes and take him into me cabin... Good times and good profits!
  10. Two things…. last night i went after a trade lynx in the Banshee. Needless to say, he had no chance. But i felt sorry fer the guy (but not enough to stop, I am a pyrate after all) as he begged n pleaded fer me not to take his ship. I dont sugested a long time ago, that we should have the option of wot we take, and have the ability to give ships n bits o cargo back to hapless sea farers. I still feel that way. After all, as a pyrate, all i really want most of the time is wots IN the ship, the cargo, the furniture, the cabin boy… Not the ship itself. I think it would be quite sporting if we had the ability to take only the cargo or ships we actually wanted! The poor bastard. Anyhap, there i were, minding me own business on me trade ship, selling quality goods at reasonable prices… when some fellers have a go at me… over n over again! Had no hope of catching me, just wanted to get under me skin I reckons. Anyhap, I make it back to port, n I hop in the Banshee… Outside is on o them fellers in his lynx, and his cheesy Ai 3rd rate LTP crutch. I have no problems takin this feller on AND his big fat pal! We gets in battle and a player in his fragte shows up to boot! But i have time… Time enough to make this lynx feel the pain! He starts out going broadside to broadside with me, but that don't last long! After 3 broadside from the Banshee, he turns tail n hides behind his AI fleet and the Feller on the frigate! Its time fer me to go. I made my point n there baint no use sticking round fer a hanging ____o-|-< I depart. And right outside are some pyrates, unblocked for, who tear into this feller on the frigate! naturally, I join in the fun so As I can watch this interloper die. And die he does! I summoned his ghost afterwards, and turns out he made a grevious mistake! He were join the battle to protect an LGV. I says to him, i says "There were no LGV in that battle! I were smacking the lynx captain fer bein' a pratt!" Good times!
  11. So, I got back to live stremin... Turns out I missed it too much, talking with ye fine folks while I'm trying to steal yer loot, n yer all train to hang me! I had to learn how to use OBS more, Yarr that be Open Broadcast System fer ye LAN lubbers. See this ting were, I had to find a way to cover up the chat winder in game, wot so I weren't given away secret messages in Clan or Pyrate chat. I gots me a NICE banner I put up sometimes. A feller hand crafted it fer me! I were wondering… if any craftsman out there would be able to make me a custom Pagan Pete flag? Id like one which is personal to me, A white Pagan Pentacle on a black field. Now that be a pentacle, not a pentagram. A Pentacle be wot some would call a 5 pointed star. Its just that, nice n simple! Doesn't even need a circle round it. Yarrr
  12. Now, Where the hell did I leave me stockings? WILLY!!!! Pyrate on, me hearties!
  13. Lil story I told last night during Talent Night on the Poop Deck. Seemed to be a crowd favorite, so here it goes... Once, when i were scarce thirteen, The captain n some crew took me ashore with them. Along the way they espied a brothel and decided to quell their beastly urges. I sat in the parlor by the fire, n waited fer them to sew their oats. I kept watch on their belongings as I waited. Them men trickled out one by one and when most of them were assembled, and the attendant whores returned to the parlor, one of the buxom, nubile whores propositions me as a bit of a joke. "Ahoy, cabin boy! she says, to me, mockingly, "wanna ride of your life?" she strikes a seductive pose... Now I be not interested in such things yet, having not reached the age of reckless youth. Mortified, I snaps back at her; "I wouldn't hump you with a stolen dick!" SLAP!!! She swings her hand about like a yard arm in a storm and lays upon my tender face the mightiest blow with her hand! One that almost knocked me off my feet! Staggered, I hold me sore cheek and run out to the street, before i begins to cry.. wot so the men don't see me. Behind me, I hear the heartiest of laughter in the parlor! Crestfallen, I returns to the ship later. The men fold do remark quite often at my 1st "battle scar of the fairer sex". The cheif gunners mate remarks; "Look! Her hand left so clean and distinct a mark… a fortune teller could read her palm by it!!!" The men thought this were hilarious… but my cheek and my pride were stung. ---The End---
  14. I say nay. If some bloke don't want his bow sprint knocked off, sail his ship better (Like me). Bow sprinting AND getting boarded are both Lern-to-play issues.
  15. The Banshee be a Privateer! She is as old almost as the Steam release! never defeated by an enemy! Mayhep the oldest ship extant in NavalAction? [_]P
  16. So there I were last night, in The Banshee, holding Quartermaster try-outs (testing perks). We were engaged in a battle to see how the candidates fared when all of the sudden.. the ENTIRE CREW was washed overboard by a small wave (Server crashed)! Swam as we may, we could not regain the ship (couldn't log back on) and were dread worried 'bout loosing the ship n dorwing! (Losing a Dura and recrewing the boat) So we spends a cold night clinging to flotsam and Fat-Sam and hoping all will be well when daylight comes (went to bed) Then at 1st light (not really, I slept in till 9) we aspy a silhouette on the water! We swim towards it (log on) and sure enough it be the Banshee! She is battered but not beaten! We climb aboard and set her sails (exit the post battle screen) and are amazed at her condition! She has damage, sure, but we wonder in amazement at HOW she could have survived??? Current rumor is that she has a soul and fought on her own to protect her honor, and so she did! (HTF did she survive and not surrender or sink against an AI ship?) So, ifn ye see the Banshee out at sea, remember ye this n take heed!!! The Banshee has a will of her own, and will triumph wether she be crewed or not! Are ye proper scared yet?
  17. The point is conceded. I withdraw the suggestion.
  18. Do we be haven any plans wot for sailors to get better, the longer they be alive? I think that would "be neat" as lil Willy puts it! How it would work. Ye hire green crewmen, but over time the become more competent and efficient! When they die… that experience is lost. Then ye must hire more green crew as replacements. My two doubloons.
  19. "Savannah Sunset" ... from the beach after a successful hunt. /http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/436109733646027331/0B709F5049FDFBA7981F1CABC946FF4AAD3FD65E/
  20. The day the ice Cream died So there I were, innocently sailing along when I get attacked by… crap I forgot his name. wot because its late, I'm tired, and little Willy just dropped my spyglass… Where was it? O ar, So I gett attacked by feller and his mate… VCO clan fellers they were. Five times we do battle… Five time it's inconclusive, each side mauling the other. The final battle, me n this feller were side by side, pounding the snot outta eachotehr sails, wot to prevent one another from escaping. All o the sudden, he realizes that the battle is startin to favor me. Now vein the experienced captain that he is, he veers off and breaks away. "Wha??" i says. He lets me know that he knew the battle was lost. I says; "Good now I can get to my melted bowl of ice cream." He replies... "That there (the melting), is the real victory!" Son of a Bitch!!! That was funny!
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