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Everything posted by Jonnydread

  1. Do you plan on hiring translators? I am pretty sure there would be enough people here on the forum who would do it for free.
  2. You forget the 150k + resources for the workshop.
  3. No, not at all. Have you ever thought about the fact that the loading times for different players vary much more than 5s? 5 seconds is barely enough time to raise sails. I have sometimes problems wih my Ipv6-Connection, where sometimes loading takes up to 2 minutes and very rarely i have to log-in again. A friend of mine does not have an SSD and has very long loading times for the OW.
  4. Protipp: Man muss nicht mit goldenen Live Oak-Schiffen segeln. Wer unbedingt das allerbeste vom allerseltensten haben will muss sich halt ein bisschen anstrengen.
  5. Man bekommt die Mats für eine Fregatte immer noch in ~1 Stunde. Ist dann halt keine Exceptional Live Oak Fregatte
  6. Yeah, and Morphine is also an addictive opiate, but still used today.
  7. No, 2 of those downgraded ships are 2/5, while other 2/5 ships are still exceptional.
  8. Some of my exceptional Ships are now only mastercraft. Why? A rattlesnake, a Consti, my LGV and my Indiamann are downgraded.
  9. No, not at all. If you craft the notes yourself you can make still around 100k (?) if you sell a exc. frigate for 200k. No one is forcing the ship crafter to buy the overpriced notes. Notes don't give xp, take a rather long time to make and don't drop a BP, that is the reason they are sold so expensive, not because a single note is actually 500k worth.
  10. I don't like the idea of stacking and insurances. Just make every ship 1 dura, but you don't lose your non-permanent upgrades when you get captured, or at least not all of them. This whole Dura-System is very artificial and has many unwanted side effects. If a ship gets sunk->it is sunk and can not be sailed anymore because it is on the bottom of the sea If a ship gets captured ->the captain who captured the ship has now the ship.
  11. Hinzu kommt auch noch dass sich wirklich niemand für einen Basic Cutter, Privateer, Lynx, Snow, etc interessiert. Wenn ich mit einem Freund mit einer Consti und einer Trinco jagen gehe, dann wollen wir dicke Schiffe kapern, und keine Schiffe die man sich in ~3 Stunden zusammencraften kann.
  12. Kann ich ehrlich gesagt nicht so unterschreiben. Klar, ein paar Leute hat man immer die flamen, aber meiner Erfahrung nach ist die überwiegende Mehrheit der Spieler freundlich, hilfsbereit & entspannt. Einem Clan beizutreten ist sicherlich hilfreich für RvR, aber zu mindest bei der Dutch Nation gibt es einen "Nation-Teamspeak", der offen für alle Mitglieder der Holländer ist, auch ohne dass man einem bestimmten Clan angehört.
  13. Yeah, as everyone knows are Disney movies authentic and historical accurate.
  14. https://steamstat.us/
  15. You don't have to. But you need a lot of XP to reach the rank commodore, so you also should get more than enough gold.
  16. What did you do with all your money? Ships are cheaper than ever, e.g. you can buy a crafted 3rd-Rate for 400k in Willemstad. If you do a 152-Fleet-Mission in your Consti you can get up to 100k for a single fleet-mission.
  17. Yeah, from a historical point of view it was very unlikely that they build 6 Fir-Constis and they all got Stiffness. What should i do with the ships i don't "need" (don't want to waste perm upgrades on) and that don't get sold. It is also not historical accurate that a ship just gets deleted after 9 days if no one bought it, The consequence is that i lose a dura. It is not a "suicide vessel". We are talking about exceptional constis here, they take a while to build.
  18. This, but it is not only the cost of the crew. The risks and rewards for OW-PvP are totally off. There is a serious lack of OW PvP even though a single fleet missions gives you enough money to buy 2-3 exceptional frigattes and now it will be even worse. I risk a dura of my ship, my crew & my officer to get in the very best case a pretty useless 1 dura ship. Lets assume the average player loses 50% of their OW-battles and wins 50% of their OW-Battles. He is starting his OW action with a fully crewed, 5-Dura ship and a 10 dura officer. He looses his first fight, but is able to capture a ship in the second fight. He should now be even, but he is not. He lost crew (and did not regain crew), he lost one life of the officer (and did not regain one) and instead of having a ship that he can sell on the official ship marketplace, he has now one 4-Dura ship which he can't sell (not on the official ship market) and one totally useless 1-Dura ship, that he can't sell and will probably not sail, because losing that ship means losing all cannons &upgrades on that ship. So why should anyone take the risks of OW-PvP? All ships should have only one dura & upgrades should not be lost.
  19. That is a bad idea imo, i would like to have at least the option to switch the officer off. I will not take a cheap ship and hunt pirates just for fun without the fear of loosing my high-leveld officer. Nelson did not have a huge ammount of mediocre and disposable ships that wont sell under his command.
  20. So how do you add the officer to your ship? The slot under "Equipment ->Officers" is still grey.
  21. It was always 74gold/iron unit.
  22. The scale of the land is completly off and by complelty i mean at least a two digit factor. The narrow in front of Mitara is around 2 ships length wide, while in reality it is about 7 km (!) wide. Maintaining the scale of the OW in the battle instances is breaking the immersion.
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