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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by M G

  1. I'm still in favour of a random scream every now and then from a pressed man, whilst hanging on to the top yard arm, that they "Want to get off."
  2. I couldn't dis-agree more with the OP. This is an age of sail game. Shit takes time. Be thankful for an accelerated OW travel speed. I don't doubt that there are those that refuse to grind, so be it. The people that appreciate the time period and the devs desire to portray that as accurately as possible within limitations, are plentiful.
  3. With the advent of the new crew management system, would it be possible to enable us, the skippers, to decide exactly how many crew we had in each position? So instead of turning on or off a particular position/focus, we could have perhaps a + and - for each position, thereby enabling a fuller control of how many crew were in what position. It just seems a little strange to have something either on or off, with no way of controlling exactly how we work our crew. My thoughts. Just a tuppence worth. Lots of love and hugs M G
  4. I've reported this bug before, in fact early on in Ow testing. Hopefully it'll get sorted at some point, as it does render the Renomee very difficult to sail for us "On the deck 1st person view" types.
  5. What is the battle timer going to be reduced to, may I ask?
  6. I would just like to add in relation to the SWG crafting system, that the crafting itself was boring. The resource gathering and finding the best raw materials for the desired crafting sphere was great. BUT, if a system could be implemented that had both in depth resource characteristics, which directly affected the crafted item, but also a skill based crafting system, then I'd relinquish control of my left testicle.
  7. I'm just going to paste this text from another post that I'd made, with reference to crafting. I don't know about anyone else, but some of the most fun I've had in an MMO as a crafter was in SOEs Vanguard, Saga of Fish/Heroes.... or something. The crafting system in that allowed people to actually be skilled within their crafting sphere. Experience was a key factor that went hand in hand with the skill. The system worked by giving the player X amount of points with which to complete the crafting task. The task could potentially be completed at a poor quality level with few allocated points spent. The *good* crafter could make the same item at a far higher quality by their use of their allocated points during the crafting process. However, their (Saga of Fish) system had complications thrown up during the process, which cost points to rectify. These complications had to be addressed, or the finished item could be sub-standard, or at worst the crafter would not have the the required points to even finish the task. If and when I see a similarly skill based crafting system in any PC game, I will be as happy as a pig in poo. If I saw a similarly skill based crafting system in Naval Action, I'd probably wet my pants. As for a trading experience in a PC game, EVE wins hands down. The economy in SWG (that's Star Wars Galaxies for anyone that doesn't know) was also a player driven economy, and worked extremely well.
  8. Pressing the Space Bar fires only one cannon, allowing you to range in your shot. In stormy weather with high seas, wait for your moment to fire on a clear target. Wasting a broadside into the sea just annoys Poseidon. When taking on a larger target, use your advantage of better speed and maneuverability to gain the advantage. Never get into a broadside to broadside action with a larger, more heavily armed vessel. You will lose. Every time. When standing on the quarter deck and your feet are getting wet, it means you've left the cat flap / windows open. When trying to capture an enemy ship, tempt the enemy captain to strike their colours with the tactical application of hot buttered crumpets and a pot of Earl Grey tea on your quarterdeck. Getting into a long range gunnery battle with a larger and more heavily armed ship is your one way ticket to the locker. Use your crew modes wisely, e.g. sacrifice turn rate (sailing mode) for increased loading speed of your cannon (gunnery mode), or vice versa, depending on the situation and depth of shit you're in. Watch your opponent closely: there's no point loading double shot early on if your opponent wants to stay at range: having to reload your cannon with ball wastes time. Learning how to correctly use manual sails is a vital skill for turns, and critically important for tacking. When in aiming mode, you can select to hold fire on the different decks by using F1, F2, F3, and F4. A red X will appear over that decks icon. Press the corresponding F key to return it to the firing queue.
  9. For the love of all things beautiful, do not, under any circumstances, tell Doran. He was, afterall, becoming somewhat *attached* to said chicken. We'll just have to to tell him that there's more poultry in the sea..............although it is rather fowl....... He will receive this news with a considerable and understandable amount of umbrage. May I be so bold as to suggest we baton down the hatches?
  10. I have received, by way of a rather enthusiastic young chap called Claude, using his so called "Napoleonic semaphore", (what ever damned infernal witchcraft that involves), a signal that bears the marque of our very own, and generally well-beloved, Mr Doran. Unfortunately, the signalling system is still, it appears, in its infancy. I can only presume that the correct format and content of the aforementioned signal has been lost in translation. The signal officer, a Mr Murray, has been duly flogged as he has been found somewhat remiss of his responsibilities. I have attempted, poorly, to complete and surmise that to which I can only guess. Any instances of personal input have been written in an italic font, and as such I cannot be accused of any wrongdoing. I accept no responsibility here whatsoever: notwithstanding where I have amended the original for comical affect. Here is the appended, for your perusal, said signal. "My dearest Foggers, I appear to have mislaid my chicken. I was under the impression that the last time I looked, it was on the end of my hand. If by happenstance you come upon said chicken, do so wipe it off, then understand that my fish is of the utmost loneliness without it. Love, hugs and kisses, your darling of the gutter press, and somewhat wayward lad, Doran.
  11. In light of these most recent developments, you'll all be glad to hear that Doran has now been appointed to the most honourable role of Rakers Cultural Attache, due to his extensive PR skills.
  12. Loved being a part of Sea Trials, and can't wait to get my teeth stuck into the open world.
  13. Senor de Antonanzas is perfectly aware of the rules of the game, but flaunts it in a cavalier fashion.
  14. Jeremiah O'Brien considered opening his own convent called Castle Anthrax.
  15. Windy thinks that "Where's the soap?" is a game only real captains play.
  16. I play regardless of the numbers in the pvp match. It's too much fun to care about where all the massive / epic pvp battles went to. If there's 4 of us in the room, so be it. I still love it. Too many people have put the onus of playing Sea Trials on BIG pvp battles with lots of 1st rates etc. For those that are left that are still playing Sea Trials, we do it because we love it: whether it's duelling, light pvp or standard pvp. It's a learning and fun experience. Those that choose not to partake, good luck to ya. Regards MG
  17. John Tams. I love this piece. Nice vids mate. If anyone likes that song, his (John Tams) live versions are far more evocative. As for the detail , I'd accentuate it more. There's so much detail on these ships that it's almost criminal to not show it a bit more. Perhaps work that detail into a *Sail-by* shot or something mate. ""It's easy to take a flick: far more difficult to make it stick" copyright mg!" For those that prefer a different *take* on an old traditional British song, here's Treebeard with Over the Hills.
  18. I was speaking to a member of Game-Labs this morning in the lobby, and he/she said that Damage 4.0 will not be rolled out into the Sea Trials. They're doing this for reasons of comparison between the two damage systems. So damage 4.0 will only be part of OW.
  19. The AH-1 that Belsimtek are doing was what I was looking forward to from what had been announced as in development, but seeing that there's going to be one of my all time favourite a/c being done...All that needs to happen now is for me to get an OW invite Oh, and with multiplayer multicrew? It doesn't get much better than this !
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