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>>>v1.4 Feedback<<< ( Opt x2 latest version)

Nick Thomadis

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Saddly the campaign is un-playable, I did 3 games of 15-20 years max difficulty level, Always encounter large low fuel fleet of old ship (not refited) and poorly train crew. It is like if the AI TF are never at port to resupply, or protect the main nation, or transport. Even generated mission are often with low fuel fleet and poor crew.

There is no challenge from AI. No escorting TB or DD make torpedoes run to protect capital ships. Every campaign at max difficulty level are no challenge, in all 3 games there is no valuable ennemy. 

Combat mechanic is fine ! Campaign is broken!

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ai ships plays too cowardly!

it's reasonable to retreat if ai fleet is inferior, but totally stupid to disengage if the fleet is far superior. 

I tried 1 ca vs 5 ca in custom combat, the ai controled 5 ca just keep getting away. they not even tried to form battle line and engage my ship.

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  • Nick Thomadis changed the title to >>>v1.4 Feedback<<< ( R latest version)

Uploaded Repaired version including the following:
- AI chooses to discard, make new or refit designs in a more distributed way in relation to time so that, on average, the turns pass faster.
- Further auto-design optimizations.
- Added technology effect for several propulsion components that affects ship maintenance directly. In this way you can control better according to fuel consumption and engine effectiveness the maintenance cost of your ships.
- Reduced base maintenance cost of ships.
You have to restart Steam to get this update

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Small QOL things

  • In the research tree, when you open a components tree, can you reverse the order of the expanded tree? right now you have to scroll all the way to the bottom to see what is currently being researched (in detail at least).
  • The tool tip in the fleet management screen blocks the entire screen, you cant mouse over any ship without covering the info for everything else.


I would also like to take this moment to simp for an Alaska super structure.

Edited by Hangar18
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A friend of mine sent me screenshots of DD's design before and after the rebalance of engine cost



I've never made ships that fast, but even at standard speed, the difference is very big. This change seriously increases the cost of light ships, and gives a slight weight reduction. At the same time, capital ships don't grow in cost as much and get more benefits from weight reduction.

P.S. Also a message that my friend asked me to send - "Ukrainian localization is terrible. Russian is a little better."

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11 minutes ago, Lima said:

A friend of mine sent me screenshots of DD's design before and after the rebalance of engine cost



I've never made ships that fast, but even at standard speed, the difference is very big. This change seriously increases the cost of light ships, and gives a slight weight reduction. At the same time, capital ships don't grow in cost as much and get more benefits from weight reduction.

P.S. Also a message that my friend asked me to send - "Ukrainian localization is terrible. Russian is a little better."

Then a necessary balance for the light ships will be made, to not have overpowered destroyers, with everything maxed out easily or small cruisers with the same benefits.

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Enemy submarine ignores my ASW

So this sub attacks my transports every damn turn, completely ignoring the presence of my ASW forces. As you can see, she is completely surrounded by my TFs, 2 of them are ASW TFs (2CLs 4DDs) and 2 are invasion TFs consisting of 30 ships each. There is also a reserve fleet in Saigon. But they are all completely helpless in front of this sub which has been destroying my transport for six months.



All I am surrounded by is fear and sunken transports.


EDIT: Finally, after more than a year of bullying my fleet, the sub left this place . But the problem is that she left untouched. My TFs were unable to catch her, despite the fact that she was completely within their range.

To clarify, not all of my cruisers have been upgraded with the latest ASW equipment (but it's still good enough), and all DDs were built before this war with the best equipment.

Edited by Lima
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AI's cowardice is sometimes unbearable 

If an enemy BC had tried to fight in this battle, I would't have been able to achieve such a result, and perhaps I would even have lost my CL.


But the enemy BC chose to flee, leaving her escort to die. She didn't even try to engage from a safe distance, just ran as if the Yamato Space Battleship was chasing her. My CL used all the ammunition and retreated.


EDIT: Just another prominent example. Oh no, there's a group of old (1910) CAs and a couple of light ships, our 70,000t BB will never deal with this, we'll leave the transports to slaughter.


Edited by Lima
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  • Nick Thomadis changed the title to >>>v1.4 Feedback<<< ( Rx2 latest version)

Uploaded Repaired version x2 including the following:
- Armor weight balance for ship classes: DD, CL, CA according to recent player feedback. This change will possibly affect the weight of your designs but it was necessary. After this change, no more critical weight edits will be needed.
- Further Auto-Design improvement to "squeeze" available funds or free weight and utilize it effectively. It also will not fail so often because the AI logic will understand better when it is necessary to correct  overweight or empty barbette issues, instead of discarding the design and waste the auto-design effort.
- Campaign AI should protect its own waters more effectively.
You have to restart Steam to get this update

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so if the next content updates is adding new hulls wich is a surprise i am hoping it will focus on capital ships like battleships and battlecruisers special britain still lack some late game 1930 1940 and love to see soe 1910 special bc been the same since launch of the game and please changesome of the current towers for the british bb in the game so it not the same for most of the bb hulls aka kgv towers lovesome diffrent between them

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Well, my friend asked me to pass it "as it "is". Regarding the balance of the latest patches. I said that the answer to this has already been given, so yeah...


There are no aircraft carriers in this game. But there must be some alternative to BBs. In the conditions of the game, only DDs can act as such ships. I do not know about others, but personally I am tired of watching a sleepy classic linear battle, which are determined only by the tactical-technical characteristics of BBs. I want some frisky actions.  And only DDs can provide this. The last two updates killed this class of ships completely. In the 1940s, from an effective cheap weapon, they turned either into billionaires' yachts (Yes, of course! Just think + 145500% of the cost per unit weight of Gas Turbines!), or in cheap crap that can not make 42 knots. Why do I say 42 knots? Because practice has shown that DDs can carry out normal torpedo attacks on BBs of the 1940s only at this speed. And even so, it strongly depends on the quality of their management. And it only works when enemy BBs have a main guns of 15'' or more. If the caliber of the main guns of BBs is less than 15'', then the DD needs a speed of more than 42 knots (yes, 46-51 knots are needed, because yes, this is the reality of this game). Of course it is possible to correct the space accuracy of the main guns from the space parameter Range Found, of course it is possible to drive the game into a new beta test to introduce aircraft carriers, but is it necessary? I think not. So the only right decision that can be made is to roll back the game to the state of version v1.4.0.4 (meaning specifically the balance of the cost of ships, their parts, and weight iparameters).

What can I add here...I never design very fast DDs. I design general purpose DDs at the recommended speed and build hundreds of them to counter my submarine paranoia (hello Q-15). In battle, they fight with other DDs and finish off damaged ships. When they encounter a modern radar battleship, they run for their lives. It's true that the 11''-15'' main guns of BBs simply vaporize DDs at extreme range. However, AI often uses large mk1 main guns which hardly hit anything.

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On 11/3/2023 at 11:03 PM, Lima said:

Enemy submarine ignores my ASW

So this sub attacks my transports every damn turn, completely ignoring the presence of my ASW forces. As you can see, she is completely surrounded by my TFs, 2 of them are ASW TFs (2CLs 4DDs) and 2 are invasion TFs consisting of 30 ships each. There is also a reserve fleet in Saigon. But they are all completely helpless in front of this sub which has been destroying my transport for six months.



EDIT: Finally, after more than a year of bullying my fleet, the sub left this place . But the problem is that she left untouched. My TFs were unable to catch her, despite the fact that she was completely within their range.

To clarify, not all of my cruisers have been upgraded with the latest ASW equipment (but it's still good enough), and all DDs were built before this war with the best equipment.

I'm having the same situation right now with her sister, Q-17. My ASW TFs are just useless. The most important problem is that my ships simply do not see this submarine. It wouldn't be so crazy if she was moving around, BUT SHE's JUST STANDING THERE. I have so many DDs that they can build a wall to search for this damn submarine. But no.

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I've also seen issues where Subs are fighting in several battles in a single turn. This can be very frustrating when you kill all of them in the 'first' battle, but they still get several other chances to destroy you ships after that. I've seen the same set of subs fight up to 4 of my taskforces in the same turn. Here are several screenshots I have taken.
There is also a screenshot of me attacking myself..... I have owned south east Korea since the start of the game. I ended up losing the territory to Korea because I didn't send ships to attack my own land.






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7 hours ago, 418ImATeapot said:

I've also seen issues where Subs are fighting in several battles in a single turn. This can be very frustrating when you kill all of them in the 'first' battle, but they still get several other chances to destroy you ships after that. I've seen the same set of subs fight up to 4 of my taskforces in the same turn. Here are several screenshots I have taken.
There is also a screenshot of me attacking myself..... I have owned south east Korea since the start of the game. I ended up losing the territory to Korea because I didn't send ships to attack my own land.






Yeap, happened for me in my last 2 campaign, very annoying!

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8 hours ago, 418ImATeapot said:

There is also a screenshot of me attacking myself..... I have owned south east Korea since the start of the game. I ended up losing the territory to Korea because I didn't send ships to attack my own land.


That's a military conflict. Ive had those aswell. You should've gotten a message about it. Basically defending your land.

Hint: check your unrest level, it is sky high

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12 hours ago, 418ImATeapot said:

I've also seen issues where Subs are fighting in several battles in a single turn. This can be very frustrating when you kill all of them in the 'first' battle, but they still get several other chances to destroy you ships after that. I've seen the same set of subs fight up to 4 of my taskforces in the same turn. Here are several screenshots I have taken.

Great, I'm not the only one with this problem.

Well, the old submarine was driven out of the captured port and encountered with two of my TFs. In a battle with the first TF, she was sunk. However, that didn't stop her from attacking the second TF and dying a second time. I didn't take screenshots because I didn't expect anything unusual from this situation.


There is also a screenshot of me attacking myself..... I have owned south east Korea since the start of the game. I ended up losing the territory to Korea because I didn't send ships to attack my own land.

It looks like a Korean uprising, which had to be suppressed by sending ships.

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I want to say that now AI is able to maintain its navy in a up-to-date state quite well. If the AI fleet is in ports, it will be effectively upgraded. This is really cool, a lot of great work has been done here.

BUT. The AI navy's ability to fight effectively is blurred its strategic movements of TFs. You can very often meet AI TFs consisting mainly of old ships with low fuel. As if such a TF hadn't entered the port for a long time. However, the problem of low fuel also affects completely fresh TFs that have just left the port. In the case of old TFs, you can assume that the low fuel problem appears due to the fact that they travel for a long time across the ocean without entering the port. But why this happens in other cases is a mystery to me. This problem is relevant even for Britain and France at the peak of their power. I mean, when they have a lot of colonies around the world and a lot of oil.

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Here's a question. Why is it impossible to get my transport capacity back up in the late game? Early game I can get up to 200% in a few years, but as the game progresses, I never can seem to get more than .010 per turn, even during a couple years of peace. If it's eating hundreds of millions a turn, I feel like I should at least get a noticeable return. 

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