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Future of Piracy in NA

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There are a fair few topics on this... as far as I am concerned pirate nations should not be in game unless they are historical ones like the barbary states. Even then their ships left harbour in ones not fleets. Very occasionally pirates would get together in small fleets of light vessels and even more rarely they had one big vessel that might be the size of the surprise.


As is often stated... the period of the game was one where pirates were rare for 80% of it. 


I sincerely hope that most people purchased the game for the naval and nation combat or merchant game and not the pirate combat. But that's just me. I know that historically pirates would have rarely if ever been seen in this era and for the most part had tiny ships. But in game 90% of players will be jack sparrows.

In reality I know that every little boys eyes light up at the mention of pirate stories ;)

Watch Disney's treasure planet for instance.


Where almost nothing has been made in the naval age of sail arena.


How will they attack and plunder... good question. Have you seent he video that is circulating of the open world and a pirate turning yet ??

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I read about the developers ideas, they seem to want a pirate faction with organized support but not exactly like that of a real nation. I guess like POTC Tortuga or something heh.
How to be a pirate you may have to be part of the admiralty or a privateer and commit a crime removing you from the nation. After that you're pretty much on your own hunting merchant ships or whatever else you dare to attack.


Personally I just want no organized support for pirates, make it a super hard mode worthy of the best captains. Good replays potential right there along with letsplay videos.

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There are a fair few topics on this... as far as I am concerned pirate nations should not be in game unless they are historical ones like the barbary states. Even then their ships left harbour in ones not fleets. Very occasionally pirates would get together in small fleets of light vessels and even more rarely they had one big vessel that might be the size of the surprise.


As is often stated... the period of the game was one where pirates were rare for 80% of it. 


I sincerely hope that most people purchased the game for the naval and nation combat or merchant game and not the pirate combat. But that's just me. I know that historically pirates would have rarely if ever been seen in this era and for the most part had tiny ships. But in game 90% of players will be jack sparrows.

In reality I know that every little boys eyes light up at the mention of pirate stories ;)

Watch Disney's treasure planet for instance.


Where almost nothing has been made in the naval age of sail arena.


How will they attack and plunder... good question. Have you seent he video that is circulating of the open world and a pirate turning yet ??


I do think having a bunch of young people is quite absurd for a game like this. I'm pretty sure most people who'd be interested in this will be over the age of 20. The problem of there being to many pirates can still occur, just not to the major scale I think you're having thoughts of.

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There are a fair few topics on this... as far as I am concerned pirate nations should not be in game unless they are historical ones like the barbary states. Even then their ships left harbour in ones not fleets. Very occasionally pirates would get together in small fleets of light vessels and even more rarely they had one big vessel that might be the size of the surprise.


As is often stated... the period of the game was one where pirates were rare for 80% of it. 


I sincerely hope that most people purchased the game for the naval and nation combat or merchant game and not the pirate combat. But that's just me. I know that historically pirates would have rarely if ever been seen in this era and for the most part had tiny ships. But in game 90% of players will be jack sparrows.

In reality I know that every little boys eyes light up at the mention of pirate stories ;)

Watch Disney's treasure planet for instance.


Where almost nothing has been made in the naval age of sail arena.


I disagree on this. There is normally just two viewpoints of pirates: the extreme of "jack sparrow" and he opposite of a cruel, black-hearted, ravenous cutthroat that eats peoples' hearts (L'Ollonais). The players who want to play one of these extremes will probably make up 15-20% of the players planning to go pirate. The rest will be just like real pirates: somewhere in the middle 

The truth is that the real pirates populated both extremes and everything in between. The Pirate Republic of Nassau, the Pirate Haven of Tortuga, the Barbary states etc. where all real entities.

The Naval reaction and dealing with piracy is part of the naval history and naval combat. The last thing that anyone should do is automatically stereotype someone who wants to play pirate as a "little boy" who doesn't know what they are talking about. While they do exists, vice versa is also true.

And also, this has been discussed in-depth elsewhere.

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