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What would you pay money for?

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While designing a great game is fun, Game Labs is still a business and businesses need to make money. I have no problem with this and NA proposed revenue stream is very promising. If you did now know NA will use a system similar to Guildwars where a player will purchase the game only once. Extra revenue is then provided by the players spending money on expansions and extra content that is mainly atheistic. Guildwars is not pay to win but the gem bought content will enhance the experiences. What should NA have?


My personal taste? I would like to hear my captain barking out orders and having his subordinates respond in kind. If you pay money you could buy a different voice pack, from female captain to grizzled pirate yelling Arrrg! That would be fun. Perhaps even have celebrity voices. I can not tell you how much I would pay to have Brian Blessed shouting Fire on my ship.




Anyway was wondering what the ladies and gentlemen on this forum think the purchasable extra content should be and what they would pay real money for?

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I will leave the game if it's Pay 2 Win.  I'd prefer if it's just Pay 2 Play, either pay once for the game or a cheap subscription plan.  If that's not enough, then I probably wouldn't buy any of it, but a vanity shop is ok.  Meaning paying for items that have no game value other than a different aesthetic/look.

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My opinion on this, since we are going to be spending most of the time looking at our ship thats on a voyage, i guess enhancing the look if the ship would be in place here.

ofcourse anything extra would only change the aesthetics of the game etcetc...

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1) Premium ships, ships that are as good as in game earned ships and will respawn an hour after destruction.

These require more crew to run (are more expensive to run, sailors will revolt if not paid and you will have to wait an hour for new ship) and do not come with weapons or upgrades.


2) Cosmetics that have no changes on gameplay, Sail colours and sailor clothes skins, figurehead.


3) Premium account, gives gold coloured cannons, a select group of figureheads and allows you to paint the hull of your ship with more exotic colours (not the whole ship and not bright pink... realistic naval colours) for $5/month.

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1) Premium ships, ships that are as good as in game earned ships and will respawn an hour after destruction.

These require more crew to run (are more expensive to run, sailors will revolt if not paid and you will have to wait an hour for new ship) and do not come with weapons or upgrades.


2) Cosmetics that have no changes on gameplay, Sail colours and sailor clothes skins, figurehead.




Would pay money for any exotic ship, as exotic does not equal overpowered


Regarding premium membership...quicker repairs and that...I dont know

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Would pay money for any exotic ship, as exotic does not equal overpowered


Regarding premium membership...quicker repairs and that...I dont know


sorry, that's dangerously close to pay 2 win...please no.

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1) Premium ships, ships that are as good as in game earned ships and will respawn an hour after destruction.

These require more crew to run (are more expensive to run, sailors will revolt if not paid and you will have to wait an hour for new ship) and do not come with weapons or upgrades.


2) Cosmetics that have no changes on gameplay, Sail colours and sailor clothes skins, figurehead.


3) Premium account, gives gold coloured cannons, a select group of figureheads and allows you to paint the hull of your ship with more exotic colours (not the whole ship and not bright pink... realistic naval colours) for $5/month.


1) Please no... So basically people can treat them as garbage, throwing them away when they want because they know they will get it back. That will lead to completely reckless sailing to the detrement of those that have no 'respawning' ships. This has no purpose in the game. I am highly against premium ships (esp. if you can buy a big one before you have the necessary reputation in game for a ship of that class) if they don't follow the same destructable rules as normal ships. Completely and utterly gamebreaking.


2) Yes.


3) Basically same as 2) but I'd have to see how exactly that will turn out to say what I think about it.



As for quicker repairs if you run a premium account. No, not really either. Anything that has to do with your ships prowess or it's ability to go/return to combat should be same across the board. I'd be fine with saying that certain ports have faster repairs than others (because their dockyards are better equipped) and that dockyards of your own nation/navy give you a slighter better repair speed than dockyards that are not from your nation/navy. You'll end up repairing most time at home anyways, so not really sure if nessesary at the end of the day.

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Full DLC content.


In my opinion, and being a old git educated through the decades with buy to play games, customization should be a prevalent system already included.


Strongly against any micro transactions. Also against subscriptions UNLESS it is really worth it, such as a massive player count open world akin to ww2ol or ah2. All the rest is pure instanced illusion.

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My desire to pay a subscription is directly proportionate to the number of players I can interact with at one time, or are present in one game area, whatever form that takes. I'm generally hesitant about microtransactions, but I mainly draw the line at things like purchasing resources, ready-to-go-ships that will always respawn, or combat boosts of any kind. I'd prefer to not have premium ships at all, if possible, even if you have to earn them every time they sink. It reduces gameplay potential (can you limit the availability of premium ships?) and keeps good stuff out of the hands of customers that already paid near AAA-title price for a game.


That leaves, what, cosmetics? Music packs, if effort is put into the audio to the level of, say, Europa Universalis IV? Maybe a full orchestra is asking a bit much, but you wouldn't need one for most simple backing tracks. Some people say shanties are stupid, but again, if it's the kind of thing you only experience if you buy it, why the heck not? If the devs are creative enough, and willing to put long-term community growth over short-term customer bilking, paid DLC doesn't have to be a bad thing.

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Do whatever you like BUT dont even think about the Free to Play model

Cosmeticas ok but the same in a Free to Play model = no content no updates why? Coz this is a game to make money without Buy to Play or Pay to Play it's sell cosmetics to earn it and this is why the game will turn in some blue colored pokemon show with skeleton sails :(

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