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Just wondering what the "Premium" $20.00 Ship may be

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is the yacht.....the tiny 8 gun ship 4 per side  i have seen in some videos???


if yes..... it would be like paying for an premium tier 1 tank in WOT you never use again


I'm not sure how it will be in full game, but for now, after months of testing (playing) I'm using that 8 gunner often than both first rate ships (Santi & Vic) together. Because it's awesome.

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Do not be so quick to underestimate those small ships! The early Yacht, Lynx, Cutter are all amazingly maneuverable ships. They can even make their voices heard in a large PVP battle with Trincomalees or Constitutions. 


Here's my bit of advice to you. Load chain shot and skirt around the big battle. From there, fire off that chain shot into the sails of those big boy ships. Before they know it they've lost 5 knots of speed, and you've greatly helped the team. 


So no, I would not compare this to a tier 1 premium in WoT. 

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is the yacht.....the tiny 8 gun ship 4 per side  i have seen in some videos???


if yes..... it would be like paying for an premium tier 1 tank in WOT you never use again


You can not compare the effect of Tiers in WOT to NA. Even the smallest ship can win against the biggest ship if done correctly, something which is absolutley unheard of in WOT.


There is a heavy skill based balance in NA, which is not present in WOT.

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Premium does not necessarily equal P2W.  If the purchased ship is comparable, or slightly inferior to an equivalent earned ship, it's not necessarily P2W.


The idea is solid on paper, but very hard to accomplish. To stay true to your statement, they would have to re-release already existing ships or tune them down. 


It is very tempting to just put out unique Flavor of the Month-Premium-Ships every odd month at the height of the product life cycle.


Some dev mentioned they wanted to focus on a system similar to the one Riot Games uses in League of Legends, using cosmetic and convenience items like additional skins or currency/experience boosts.


I like that system, since a stock game player can enjoy the same gameplay as the wallet warrior. If you really want to make your ship look xyz or level faster, you can do that, but it should not effect my gameplay experience!

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is the yacht.....the tiny 8 gun ship 4 per side  i have seen in some videos???


if yes..... it would be like paying for an premium tier 1 tank in WOT you never use again


The yacht's only weakness is that you don't need it to grind anything until the Santissima. Like animals, you have to be useful to humans or you pretty much go extinct.


It's actually a fantastic little ship.

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Hope they do more Premium Ships so we can give more funds for development!


Really? So instead of focusing on making ships everyone can use (now in Sea Trials) and later be readily available in the open world, you want these devs to restrict access to ships (that need to be tested) to a few people that have the cash for it? Where is that going to end? Games like Star Citizen are by no means a role model, on the contrary. Paying hundreds of dollars for ships that barely exist in concept art and have yet to be made available is anti-consumer to the extreme.


Also, this is not a free to play game that requires premium content to survive or needs to use the money grabbing tactics of said titles. Some of these games have premium content bordering on P2W. A big 'premium' ship in this game, imagine the damage it could do. The developers get a good income from the standard $40 package, a price they will increase as new content is made available (for everyone). The 'low' price right now and the Yacht itself are a thank you for early support. That's all that is needed. Later on, cosmetic items might be available for a few bucks and hell, maybe they add a premium ship - I hope not - but the package we bought is the game.


Edit: Oh, and the Yacht is fantastic. If anyone wants to see it in action, here is a shameless plug:


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The ship you recieved as a gift for buying early is the Yacht, a fast little thing to play with. I reckon in the open world it will be a good ship to travel with. But most importantly you bought the complete game, you will have access to the full content and will not be required to pay ever again. The notion of having premium vehicles is just silly and I do not aggree with it in any game I have encountered it in. You have bought this game and everything in it for all the years to come, simple, effective, customer friendly... No need for any premium bollocks.


The headstart you will have when the game launches will be all the experience you have acquired while participating in the sea trials and other tests, we will already know all the ins and outs of the game, what type of ship and gameplay we want to aim for and how to make the most of it. That will be our headstart. Giving us any other advantage such as a ship or extra resources would be stupid and unfair. It smells with pay2win.

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