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Game inbalances or cheating?

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1.ship stats should be solely based on the material the ship is made of. 

2.this is a pvp server all ships the ai uses should be capable and able to be kept this includes first rates.

3. pvp will be more balanced more skill based rather then who has the most overpowered ship and can solo hunt firsts in a 6th rate,  this will encourage group hunting, players wont have knowledge, mods and trim to rely on when it comes to combat working in small or large packs would become the meta.

4.easy way to compensate players for the loss of these features for ships and all the grinding a estimated value of the skills and upgrades can be converted to dubloons as compensation for the loss of time and work. 

5. capital ports could sell 1st's thru 7th rates as admiralty type ships with single wood type and crew space of course at a reasonable price compared to player prices.  
6. free towns could sell up to 5th rates as admiralty ships and capped ports only to allow up to 6th rates ships offered by the admiralty 

Edited by Crimson Sunrise
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20 minutes ago, Crimson Sunrise said:

why not remove ship improvements, knowledge, upgrade slots and make it more skill based rather then who grinded the most or has the bank to buy all these overpowered books, ships shouldnt be upgradable, ship knowledge is unbalanced, and based on physics none of these ships should be turning so far without sustaining damage from the forces on the hull, the drag from the water and the force from the wind in the sails. no ship should be able to turn or go as fast without something giving out from the strain.

It's a valid arguement and I am not completely against it. But what else do we have to work towards? Players need something to spend their money on and need a sense of accomplishment for their time put in the game. You can suggest a solution but we don't have anything currently in game to replace the money/time sink that is ship mods. 

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1 minute ago, Chevalier du Ethuville said:

You bypass an entire chain of production with 1 npc SOL capture.

That's not balanced.

Up to 5th rate included is working perfectly.


to produce a 1 sol ship is expensive, capping one in battle isnt worth the effort that goes into it if ur not able to keep it. just as u can cap a 5th rate it usually ends up (wood type) (crew space), sol's of the AI variety should be the same crew space with current nerf would give no benefit to boarding actions other then additional crew for cannons.  now its not bypassing the entire chain of production. u still need SoL's to cap a 1st rate, ships of the line, were not exclusive to the 1st rate 5 deck warships, ship of the line refers to ships that were used in line formation combat,  but in regards to SoL's the Ai uses they could be restricted to oak or fire wood type to make them less useful or to restrict ai SoL's to only allowing medium cannons to be equipped if capped

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1 minute ago, Capn Rocko said:

It's a valid arguement and I am not completely against it. But what else do we have to work towards? Players need something to spend their money on and need a sense of accomplishment for their time put in the game. You can suggest a solution but we don't have anything currently in game to replace the money/time sink that is ship mods. 

as we currently have DLC ships this is not an ideal way to go about earning exclusive ships the bank of reals that players have will still go towards earning materials to craft sail SoL's of better materials, purchasing dubloons, or adding in a new currency that can only be bought with reals which will be required to craft exclusive ships like the pandora, or the christian or other ships that have been in the game currently future or past, this currency would then give a reason to bank roll reals so ur alliance will have a way to produce these ships.  eg.. 1million reals to purchase (special currency) x 10  requiring say for the 2nd rate christian needing 100 (special currency) to buy permit to craft using (Special Shipyard) to craft special ships exclusively for capital ports only. so this would force players that want to make special ships like the pandora, diana, christian to spend large amounts of reals from mass trading, blueprints for these ships could include required special currency to build ontop of dubloons. 

just because SoL's from ai could be capped wouldnt make a Ai Santi more better then a crafted Santi.    if the wood type for the ai SoL's be restricted to oak, fir, cedar wood types that arent strong but will work as a throw away type ship but not ones that would be used for PB's or large pvp battles. something that doesnt strain smaller clans resources when it comes to SoL's ingame but still allows them a more variety of use.

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20 minutes ago, Chevalier du Ethuville said:

No you dont. Do not for a moment believe that.

can u say if they removed all upgrades knowledge and trim from all ships and only allowed those ships to use the historical cannons only , would current meta's be able to solo  a first rate on ur own. with a smaller rate, do u have enough skill to engage a ship of that type without stuff improving ur sailing profile or speed or cannon reload or cannon pen or boarding abilities,  would u be able to say u could do it 

Edited by Crimson Sunrise
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5 hours ago, Sir Loorkon said:

@Slim McSauce and I assume his opinion that everything is gearbased is founded in a lack of experience. A player with skill knows what skill is worth. 

Assuming an opinion that you could've just read is lazy boi. Gear obviously isn't everything it's a formula of Gear x Skill.
Gear is the non-skill part of the meta, remove all non-essential mods and make every crafted ship 5/5 to create good balance.
Nothing more important than balance in an action game.

Edited by Slim McSauce
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40 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

Nothing more important than balance in an action game.

If my opponent stacks penetration mods but I stack mast mods is that not a balanced fight? Or if I equip barricades and axes against a boarding setup? Or if I stack carpenters vs reload mods? 

Knowing the metas and how to counter them adds a layer of strategy to the game. A strategy which many enjoy. 

Make your own balance 😎

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26 minutes ago, Chevalier du Ethuville said:


Yep, everyone has their own vision :) 

Your proposal is fine for an instanced Age of Sail simulation. So perfect to fight historical battles.

But NA is also a MMO with hopefully meaningful OW and RvR.

Without any sense of progression (aside personalization) you'll lose soon your player base.

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Just now, Capn Rocko said:

If my opponent stacks penetration mods but I stack mast mods is that not a balanced fight? Or if I equip barricades and axes against a boarding setup? Or if I stack carpenters vs reload mods? 

Knowing the metas and how to counter them adds a layer of strategy to the game. A strategy which many enjoy. 

Make your own balance 😎

Are you asking if your masts are un-breakable, is that balanced? Ehh, no.
It's redundant. There could be no mods but ships pen/boarding/repair perfectly balanced and it would be arguably a better game.
Mods are just filler, they break as much as they fix.

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5 minutes ago, Licinio Chiavari said:

Your proposal is fine for an instanced Age of Sail simulation. So perfect to fight historical battles.

But NA is also a MMO with hopefully meaningful OW and RvR.

Without any sense of progression (aside personalization) you'll lose soon your player base.

Meaningful OW and RvR. All good.

MMO gimmicks, no.

0,01% is good. 5% is not.


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9 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

Are you asking if your masts are un-breakable, is that balanced? Ehh, no.
It's redundant. There could be no mods but ships pen/boarding/repair perfectly balanced and it would be arguably a better game.
Mods are just filler, they break as much as they fix.


You counter mast thickening mods with pen mods


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1 hour ago, Chevalier du Ethuville said:

You bypass an entire chain of production with 1 npc SOL capture.

That's not balanced.

Up to 5th rate included is working perfectly.


and yet the market is full of ai ships very few player crafted ships of 4th and up are on the market why because its not worth selling them they cost too much or take too much time and effort to make, to just sell them to other players outside of ur nation out side of your clan. this is the reason why all were seeing are 5th to 7ths running around they dont cost alot of make they can be mass produced and the ones being sold are cheap to make or capped ai. there is no variety 

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4 minutes ago, Crimson Sunrise said:

and yet the market is full of ai ships very few player crafted ships of 4th and up are on the market why because its not worth selling them they cost too much or take too much time and effort to make, to just sell them to other players outside of ur nation out side of your clan. this is the reason why all were seeing are 5th to 7ths running around they dont cost alot of make they can be mass produced and the ones being sold are cheap to make or capped ai. there is no variety 

Then the system is perfect as is. Variety everywhere, baseline 3/5 guaranteed. SOLs can be captured in Peace server, in War server they must be built. Gather up with a clan and build them. They are your clan flagships. Play solo, acquire a 74 gun 3rd rate from the admiralty. 

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2 minutes ago, Chevalier du Ethuville said:

Then the system is perfect as is. Variety everywhere, baseline 3/5 guaranteed. SOLs can be captured in Peace server, in War server they must be built. Gather up with a clan and build them. They are your clan flagships. Play solo, acquire a 74 gun 3rd rate from the admiralty. 

but what if players want to have a 1st rate but play solo we have alot of players that run around that arent in clans that want to play solo, should excluding them or making it harder for them to get 1st rates be the reason they are forced to join a clan to be able to access them

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4 minutes ago, Crimson Sunrise said:

but what if players want to have a 1st rate but play solo we have alot of players that run around that arent in clans that want to play solo, should excluding them or making it harder for them to get 1st rates be the reason they are forced to join a clan to be able to access them

I heard that good players never sail alone on a first rate (except me, I have autism)

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