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Automated Rules Enforcement

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If you're not already doing so, and since rule violations such as green on green can be so detrimental to keeping up a good player base, I like to suggest that it is worthwhile to spend and prioritize considerable resources and time to develop ways to automatically collect evidence whenever green on green damage occurs.  Relying on players who may not be expecting to be assaulted by their own nation's players to collect sufficient evidence cannot be, in my opinion, effective.

As a recent victim I can tell you I was definitely not expecting a green player to show up ranting and raving about his dislike of farmers and then proceeding to fire on me.  So in proceeding to open a case in the tribunal i may have unintentionally broken the rules myself by not providing sufficient evidence.  I don't know if this is true or not as I haven't heard official word on the matter.  But if it is true, in my opinion, it would represent a significant discouragement to report these cases at all, for myself and others.  Now I am prepared to collect evidence, but how likely is it that it will happen again to me?  What about the next unprepared victim?

If I understand correctly the battles are all server side.  If that's true, combined with chat logs, enough evidence to easily judge most green on green cases should exist there, but it needs to be collected and saved for examination should a case be filed.

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26 minutes ago, Greysteak said:

I like to suggest that it is worthwhile to spend and prioritize considerable resources and time to develop ways to automatically collect evidence whenever green on green damage occurs

Not really a priority right now with so many things the game is still lacking but definitely at some point when the more pressing issues are sorted.

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4 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

Record a video + post tribunal, can do F11 too to help.

I've never before had the desire to record videos of my gaming, so it wasn't set up.  I like to run my machine as lean as possible.  But it is set now and I'm sorry I didn't take that advice, previously seen, more seriously.  As for the F11, i was unsure at the time if that was the right way to report the incident but I suppose it would have provided a useful data point for the Judge.  Oh well.

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I think automation is a bad idea.. Sometimes @NethrosDefectus behaves poorly in battle forcing you to give him a stern rake or two to get him back in line.

Jokes aside... I think a combat log post battle would be more appropriate - this will help to punish the right people during a tribunal because it is obvious who did what damage. If I accidentally fire a broadside of double into a friendly frigate during battle but both of us knowing it was an accident, then there's no reason to punish me for it.

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@Percival Merewether Of course accidents should not be punished and I don't mean to support any kind of automated judgement.

But, in addition to your combat log, a copy of the chat logs could be sent to the appropriate holding spot on the server in battles where significant green on green damage occurs.  Then a robot process could try to match players in those logs with new posts in the tribunal.  If there's no matches purge the data after let's say, an hour.  If there's a match, forward the data to the Judge.

In addition, though it would require many more resources, a cop server could be set up to record, in "instant-replay" fashion, the last minute or so of everyone's outgoing data feed in battle.  A significant green on green triggers longer recordings of those involved and saves them for an hour or so before automatically purging.  If the robot process matches as above, it also gets sent to the Judge.

Anything that makes it easier for the devs to deal with this stuff reliably will pay dividends down the road.


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What if Brits attacking Danish out of KPR, and Prussians join on the Brit side.

Lets say @Banished Privateer and his gank joins on Brit side. Danish Fire Ship explodes and many ships disabeled as crew is dead. Banish gank starts to capture all the ships, Brits warn them but they keep looting and capturing British ships.

What would happen in reality? They are filthy looters with no repect and full of hunger to loot, are they still green or ?

Me thinks they should be destroyed, with a full right to do so.

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@AeRoTR  Well, assuming someone filed a tribunal report,  Ink, or whoever is judging, would have all the relevant evidence at his fingertips without having to rely on unreliable players to collect it for themselves.  Then he would be able to decide more confidently without spending as much time and effort.

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4 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:


1. Sorry, but don't call our fleet gank. You're the guy joining the superior side in Patrol Zones all the time, against Prussians, against @Liq, you always join stronger side like a ganker.

2. Brits captured our Indefatigable and Endymion. Indefatigable was never received by Prussia, Endy was traded in 1:1 fair trade. We only took and looted 1 British ship FYI.

@Banished Privateer I am sorry I mistakenly wrote gank istead of gang, yes I did not see you gank yet.

When aggressors come to KPR, any of you I will catch you and make sure aggressors in KPR waters get punished. Yes we will have the force, it is not gank.

On the other hand, I assure you I do not like to gank, most of the time I am ganked, but I got used to it, mission goal is damage for me, getting ganked helps me to achieve it quickly.

I really do not understand you whining when I joined the slightly stronger side with my super poweful shop bought, Privateer !

@Liq as I know is a great captain and gentlemen. While he was 1 on 1 in a patrol mission, I picked 1 side, did not know who was in. So do you want me not to join any  fight in patrol mission which is not 2 vs 1 or 3 vs 4 or 5 vs 4 ??? I do not understand.

@Greysteak I do not know whom you are refering as unreliable player. 

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