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Opinions of a Newcomer - MKIII

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Last one, I promise.


Well, I've got my 130-ish hours; a decent return on my money. I've got a bunch of outposts, more ships than I know what to do with: a Vic, a Bellona, some Indiamen, a dozen frigates. Participated in world PvP. Participated in Port Battles. Helped new guildies get their feet wet. Donated millions to the clan WH. Built ships, crafted cannons, hauled resources.

It's just not enough. There isn't anything to DO. I've spent hours looking for fights. I've spent hours hauling goods. I even threw a dozen hours into Legends and was thoroughly unimpressed. I'll no doubt stalk the forums for a good while longer (because there's nothing I enjoy more than stirring the pot in incredibly toxic communities) but until there's a higher population for PvP or a higher amount of content for PvE, I've got nuthin.

And no, I'm keeping all my stuff for when something noteworthy gets released; ya'll can't have it.

Edited by TheHaney
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Welcome to NA, where the endgame is only 130 hours away.

Honestly getting to a 1st rate should be a huge accomplishment that takes a very long time to craft. Devs had the right idea making the game more hardcore, now that they've double backed on nearly every decision made for patch 10, the game is pretty much the same as it was. Money is useless and overly abundant, ships are so valueless that devs made them into notes, crafting is on the path to being useless. Trading and PVE are literally the same as they ever were, and now PVP has been shot in the foot, so the only content keeping players going is null.

The funniest thing about it all is, players who were the most vocal about the game being too hardcore, haven't played the game since it got easier. It seems the easier we make the game, the more players we lose. This is an open world MMORPG. Things take time in these games. It's just that in NA case the playerbase has always had it so easy they don't realize the game at its hardest and most time consuming was maybe a fraction of the time required to get to the top in other MMOs.

My message to the devs, always don't cater to the loudest party. Players will always be bias and want the game as EZ as possible because we don't know what's best. It's up to you to make a game that can keep everyone entertained for the longest possible amount of time. Everything is gonna get wiped again anyway, put in as much content you can before then. The last thing you should worry about is tuning for longevity.

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The endgame would be infinite with a halfway-decent PvP structure and systems, and a population of a few thousand (which is a small, SMALL population). But it doesn't even have that. The majority of PvP fights I was in (after searching for hours and chasing for however long) revolved primarily around trying to cheese tag mechanics and trying to cheese repair mechanics.

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2 hours ago, TheHaney said:

I've spent hours looking for fights.

If that was "I've spent hours getting fights" you'd have a perpetual source of spitzenklasse end-game content.

Remember PvPJebus...

"And he who gets to drink PvP, shall never thirst again."

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I think most people feel the same as you. We don't take breaks from Naval Action because there's something wrong with it, but rather because we did everything there is to do.

3 hours ago, TheHaney said:

And no, I'm keeping all my stuff for when something noteworthy gets released; ya'll can't have it.

Smart man. =)

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23 minutes ago, Jarlath Morrow said:

 We don't take breaks from Naval Action because there's something wrong with it, but rather because we did everything there is to do.


I think the one is attached to the other. It's wrong that there is so little to do after this long time in Alpha & Early Access.

  • Port Battles (The only reoccuring content on a regular base - still after nearly two years on Steam)
  • PvP (If you get lucky and find some in a reasonable amount of time)
  • PvE (Missions - boring, repetitive and quite frustrating for new players from what I got)
  • Trading in a nearly non existent economy that only rewards players with most alts
  • Crafting (useless, now that the most OP ship can be obtained woithout crafting)


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You hit the nail on the head and i have 2,000 hours in this game.

If i had to break it down, i'd definitely say half that time was me sitting in port waiting for something to happen.

At this point I just don't feel like logging in anymore unless for a port battle or group activity (that has been planned). The lower population because of legends certainly hasn't helped my enthusiasm. I don't see the appeal of it either.

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On 11/30/2017 at 4:01 AM, TheHaney said:

Last one, I promise.


Well, I've got my 130-ish hours; a decent return on my money. I've got a bunch of outposts, more ships than I know what to do with: a Vic, a Bellona, some Indiamen, a dozen frigates. Participated in world PvP. Participated in Port Battles. Helped new guildies get their feet wet. Donated millions to the clan WH. Built ships, crafted cannons, hauled resources.

It's just not enough. There isn't anything to DO. I've spent hours looking for fights. I've spent hours hauling goods. I even threw a dozen hours into Legends and was thoroughly unimpressed. I'll no doubt stalk the forums for a good while longer (because there's nothing I enjoy more than stirring the pot in incredibly toxic communities) but until there's a higher population for PvP or a higher amount of content for PvE, I've got nuthin.

And no, I'm keeping all my stuff for when something noteworthy gets released; ya'll can't have it.

Well I amazed you lasted that long, with the state of the game at present. I do however agree with u. I did last a tad bit longer :) 

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