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PvPGlobal Down

William  Death

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5 minutes ago, Willis PVP2 said:

PvPGlobal is down. No ping as of 12:17 AM EST July 1, 2017

Everyone I was sailing with dropped from game as well.

Well, got my answer.

Edited by koiz
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i was doing missions last night with a few friends in my live oak/white oak agamemnon i was still in battle when the first server crash happened .. we were all worried about the fate of our ships but when the game came back on we saw that we were safely in open world without any damage taken .. we thought that's the end of the troubles and went ahead to take another mission .. few minutes later the second server crash happened while we were few minutes into the battle in the thick of the enemy ships (4v8) this time we weren't worried coz we assumed that the same will happen just like the first crash .. but when we joined back we saw that we were still in battle.. to my horror i saw my agamemnon barely floating with only 10% armor left on both sides no stern chassers or armor  .. only 12 guns on left side and 20 on the right total .. only few surviving guns per deck .. and i was alone surounded by 6 enemy ships while the other 2 were after another mate .. i was trying to shoot chains to escape set course for best speed being constantly tagged didn't help .. but when i finally got out of their range with 14 seconds before i could leave the 3rd server crash happened again!! .. after a considerably longer downtime than the other 2 crashes i login to see that i'm at port with my ship nowhere to be found

i have sent several F11 reports while i was still in the battle (between the 2nd and 3rd crash) and also after  the 3rd crash at port 

i would like to have my live oak/white oak aga back pls

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