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How fast can a ship go?

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as topic says, what is your absolute topspeed you have got too? i have an idea for an experiment too see how fast i can go


Ship: Renomee
Hull: Fir wood
built in upgrades: Speed
perm upgrades: copper plating + speed trim
Officer perk: Pirate
now this require it to be used as a pirate so i can face national flags, besides the mods mentioned the remainings can be fitted for acceleration purpose.
what do you think? can it be improved? anyone wanna take a guess on what speed i might get up to using this?
im not really gonna use it for anything but this experiment, maybe ill bounce on a wave and end up in orbit around the earth ;-)
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as topic says, what is your absolute topspeed you have got too? i have an idea for an experiment too see how fast i can go

Ship: Renomee

Hull: Fir wood

built in upgrades: Speed

perm upgrades: copper plating + speed trim

Officer perk: Pirate

now this require it to be used as a pirate so i can face national flags, besides the mods mentioned the remainings can be fitted for acceleration purpose.

what do you think? can it be improved? anyone wanna take a guess on what speed i might get up to using this?

im not really gonna use it for anything but this experiment, maybe ill bounce on a wave and end up in orbit around the earth ;-)

I have that exact ship and perk. Its fast. Ive never just flat out tested it but its been well over 15 in battle. Never had ship outrun it yet.

Even without chasers as long as a good tag is made nothing escapes her when I use her.

Edit. I have a suprise and a conni with same set up. Nothing outruns the suprsie either and very very few things are faster than the connie.

Edited by Mrdoomed
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and if you are a pirate:


you sail faster : everyone can use the pirate perk and learn manual trimming to extract more speed.

and sink slower : everyone can build his ship to minimize leaks and choose the pump inventor perk.

have better grape : everyone can learn to lob grape onto the crew hitboxes.

and turn faster : everyone can use the same upgrades and learn to optimize turning circle with manual sailing.


its all RNG  : if you think this..go pirate and get free buffs! But please stop complaining in multiple threads because you lost a big, slow ship to a skilled pirate. (or group of pirates)


Friendly greetings from a fellow Dutchie. o7

Edited by Stalwart
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Friendly greetings from a fellow Dutchie. o7


I agree with everything you say...there's nothing special about any ships, equipment, etc available to Pirates compared to any other faction.  Except for one small thing:  the Pirate perk doesn't work against Pirates.  So there is that one small bit of asymmetry.  Not huge, not gamebreaking, I'm not screaming "Pirates OP!"...but not nonexistent either.


@OP; the only other thing I can think of; if you have a third perm slot available, Studding Sails will give her a bit more speed on downwind points of sail.  Since (like all square-riggers), Renommee is fastest on such a downwind (just a few degrees below a broad reach), that should help maximize her fastest possible speed, since that's what you're going for here.  The drawback is that the Studding Sails will drag down upwind performance a little...but then that's not the direction you'll be heading when trying to set your speed record anyway.

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Don't know if light carriages, and maybe fitting the lightest cannons possible on a ship influences the speed (caus the cannon mass is lower)?

Isn't a rattle going to outrun a renommee when fully dialed up for speed?


With the build quality being more important after next patch, I wonder how this will change the ship speed/sailing value's....

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