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PvP1 Coalition war issue Sept2016


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You're a liar of the worst kind. Your words are devoid of value.

I've never called that to you or anyone.

It was another one who called it to Gooneybird. In fact he was reported and refused to apologize because he had suffered and overcome the disease.

So don´t include me again in your discussions.

you are correct an my apologies to you it was indeed kloothommel....i was mistaken because you called gooneybird a disease in global chat ..and i got the two instances mixed up ...

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Today may have been somewhat of a turning point for the dutch. Out of all the flags launched, I don't think they suffered any port losses, and even gained a few back.


As mentioned before, you have to know your limitations based on how many players you have. It gets easier to defend ports when you aren't stretched so thin, and thus it's very hard to actually 1-port a nation. Expand too far, and watch as ports get picked off one by one. Perhaps the dutch are at their 'comfortable' number of ports at the moment and won't have as much trouble defending here on out, or maybe I speak too soon, time will tell.


Also, thanks to the French for letting us know you can trade flags with allies and plop ports on the other side of the map. That's not sarcasm, I hope It really shakes up the front lines a bit.

Edited by ajffighter86
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Today may have been somewhat of a turning point for the dutch. Out of all the flags launched, I don't think they suffered any port losses, and even gained a few back.


As mentioned before, you have to know your limitations based on how many players you have. It gets easier to defend ports when you aren't stretched so thin, and thus it's very hard to actually 1-port a nation. Expand too far, and watch as ports get picked off one by one. Perhaps the dutch are at their 'comfortable' number of ports at the moment and won't have as much trouble defending here on out, or maybe I speak too soon, time will tell.


Also, thanks to the French for letting us know you can trade flags with allies and plop ports on the other side of the map. That's not sarcasm, I hope It really shakes up the front lines a bit.

One port was bugged though. Otherwise they might have lost a port :)

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One port was bugged though. Otherwise they might have lost a port :)


We may or not.

Anyway we reported that bug but still had lots of laugh on ts :P Maybe today?

I still think that there should be 3d cooldown on creating flag against certain port. That would make defending and attacking more interesting and would make ground for tactic movements for fleets.

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This topic has devolved into off topic shit throwing. And most amusingly it doesn't even involve the Dutch, which this topic is mostly about. 

It seems the Dutch are handling their predicament pretty nicely. Everyone else on the other hand...


<3 Dutch.

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