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Gun-Powder smoke should stay longer and cannons should roll back while firing (like it was in RL)

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Hey Community,


my suggestion for NA is to let the smoke stay longer in battles. So sight would become another factor at firing cannons.


In addition, cannons should roll back while firing and roll forward when loaded to make the ship models more accurate.

In OW, the gunports should be closed to be historical accurate.


Greetings Captains


(Sorry for my bad English)

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answer no


smoke = FPS heavy

rolling guns were in game and were disabled = FPS heavy

same with ports = FPS heavy


It is impossible in 25v25 

battle sizes will have to be cut to small engagements to make it happen

or we have to wait 10 years for next GPU/CPU cycle and engine improvements



Also in real life the average Captain never seen any combat and his main enemy was hernia (90% cause of casualties in the British navy in the age of sail). 

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Yes! And little men should scamper about the rigging everytime you set and take in sails! I agree it would be lovely! (I would like the gunports to open and close) however much of the "realism" that could be done will just make it so poor people like me with crappy PCs have to wait longer to play this game because of the graphics requirements.


So stop encouraging that! I want to sail the seas! =D, But seriously gunports that open and close? =P

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rolling guns were in game and were disabled = FPS heavy

same with ports = FPS heavy


Would be lovely to enable the visuals of this, for the players with high end gaming rigs. The smokes part i totally get, since that is more of a gameplay issue as well as a visual.

Could use a similar solution as from other games, where the animations will not be made beyond a certain distance from your ship.

It just seems a pity to me if the animations have been made for the canons and the ports, to not let them be used. Especially if they are purely visual.

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Would love to being allowed to switch those extras on in options, at small skrimishs like 1v1 and maybe only shown at the own ship in instance and just switch em off in bigger fights maybe atuomatic bound to the FPS, if it goes lower than 30 for a few times it will set the details off


/E: if they have already been made

Edited by AtomicTiger
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Would love to being allowed to switch those extras on in options, at small skrimishs like 1v1 and maybe only shown at the own ship in instance and just switch em off in bigger fights maybe atuomatic bound to the FPS, if it goes lower than 30 for a few times it will set the details off


/E: if they have already been made

Yay! and soon we'll have Eve like lag spikes and TiDi! this game is so cool.

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What if the ability to show extra crew and guns and such was limited only to your own ship?  Like, make it a client-side only deal, where the only extra guys you see running around on a ship are the ones on your own ship (because who cares about other ships, right?).  That would solve most of the FPS issues I should think, since it's not like anyone's GPU would have to render more than a few hundred crew at a time, and they could be low-res sprites or something at long distance.  I for one would be willing to pay extra money for a DLC to add crew running around on my ship, just cuz it would look cool.  If it tanks my FPS, then that's on me, and I can either choose to live with it or turn it off, but no one else would be affected by it.

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Yay! and soon we'll have Eve like lag spikes and TiDi! this game is so cool.

make it client based...


I see the point that all these things will cost performance.

The idea to be able to switch those animations on or off is very good.


But is it that crappy to have a OW ship model where the gun ports are closed?

i for my part was only talking about the battle instance, i dont realy care about OW that much.


What if the ability to show extra crew and guns and such was limited only to your own ship?  Like, make it a client-side only deal, where the only extra guys you see running around on a ship are the ones on your own ship (because who cares about other ships, right?).  That would solve most of the FPS issues I should think, since it's not like anyone's GPU would have to render more than a few hundred crew at a time, and they could be low-res sprites or something at long distance.  I for one would be willing to pay extra money for a DLC to add crew running around on my ship, just cuz it would look cool.  If it tanks my FPS, then that's on me, and I can either choose to live with it or turn it off, but no one else would be affected by it.

yea what i was pointing on, would also pay for such an DLC ;)

would love to see any options like on/off buttons and sliders (like in Mount&Blade) where u can adjust how much details you want to have / are able to show


if players have the rig to perform the details let em do, if they cant, they wont use it, but as soon as they upgrade and are able to use they can go fo it :)

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What if the ability to show extra crew and guns and such was limited only to your own ship?  Like, make it a client-side only deal, where the only extra guys you see running around on a ship are the ones on your own ship (because who cares about other ships, right?).  That would solve most of the FPS issues I should think, since it's not like anyone's GPU would have to render more than a few hundred crew at a time, and they could be low-res sprites or something at long distance.  I for one would be willing to pay extra money for a DLC to add crew running around on my ship, just cuz it would look cool.  If it tanks my FPS, then that's on me, and I can either choose to live with it or turn it off, but no one else would be affected by it.


I would appreciate client side crew. I really think its the final missing piece from the action game. Aside from cannonballs breaking windows.

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answer no


smoke = FPS heavy

rolling guns were in game and were disabled = FPS heavy

same with ports = FPS heavy


It is impossible in 25v25 

battle sizes will have to be cut to small engagements to make it happen

or we have to wait 10 years for next GPU/CPU cycle and engine improvements



Also in real life the average Captain never seen any combat and his main enemy was hernia (90% cause of casualties in the British navy in the age of sail). 

Quick question. Was that with rolling guns just implemented on the player ship? or was it visual across other ships in the battle? If the latter no bloody wonder :P

Surely in the future that can be developed into a tick box on the graphics to see your vessels pewpews rollin?

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I think that doing graphics improvements only for the player ship could be great, and I suppose not too much demanding. And enable options to disable them for low-end PC.


Let other ships stay that way, but improve our own, subjective vision of ours : more crew, guns rolling, and animations. That would definitely improve immersion.

One of the biggest thing new players say is : "why my crew consists of a few clones that are doing the same thing over and over ?" We don't care about enemy ships, but we do about ours.

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answer no


smoke = FPS heavy

rolling guns were in game and were disabled = FPS heavy

same with ports = FPS heavy


It is impossible in 25v25 

battle sizes will have to be cut to small engagements to make it happen

or we have to wait 10 years for next GPU/CPU cycle and engine improvements



Also in real life the average Captain never seen any combat and his main enemy was hernia (90% cause of casualties in the British navy in the age of sail). 



Have you considered then upgrading to Unity 5 engine? It worked miracles for Kerbal Space Program in regard of fps boost. Naval Action would benefit even more:

- better physics

- PBR textures

- better multiplayer optimization

- better FPS for all types of machines

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Having even just two positions for the guns without animation or one-dimensional animation without any more detail would be great in comparison to the guns not moving at all.


Closed gunports is something I'd like to see in the open world mode for all ships and also many traders have their gunports open even though they can't have guns in those positions.

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As for the smoke, it's pretty realistic as is.  Especially in a brisk breeze, smoke doesn't necessarily linger (personal experience with that).  As for gameplay, it will at times obscure your view (I have missed broadsides before because of it-annoying, but a fun part of the game).  Occasionally it might hang out a bit, if sailing dead downwind, but overall it seems pretty good as is.  Below is a video of some examples as well.


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