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PVP1 - The Empire Strikes back!


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Pitty nobody of the Pirates defended Savanna de Mar.T'was really funny killing Brits in my Ren-0-Meh just in front of the Kingston.

I scored Snow, Niagara, Brig, Belle Poule, Basic Cutter in 3 hours and I captured an undercrewed AFK Frigate, what was actually super LOL. All of these fights proved that Brits are nothing more than runnabees. Even the Chicken was trying to escape against Renommee. Brits do not fight unless they got 5 Vickies on grid. Pirates rule the wawes. YARRR.


Yawn :unsure:

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I think in Britain it's called "Sunday Roast" ;)


Nice, like it.


Looking forward to seeing the French actually have to fight somebody once they are burnt out from taking so many uncontested ports! Hopefully we will have pushed the Danish and Pirates back by then so we can resume our good fights with you lot.

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we lost only ports we werent defending, and captured all those we attacked to get back. fine by me. the empire strikes back was about the re-capture of Jamaica. that is now complete.


I think this thread has served its purpose before it becomes another anti-brit flame war

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Here's how it goes:


Ode (from the Brits)*


Please do not blame us, Horatio!
For shame and guilt of past misdeed
The only lecture that we heed
Is of us reaping what we sow.

We bashed the Dons, stomped over Spain
Had a great time making them feel
Our iron fist bring them to heel
Yet to see them arise again.

Now is the tide that brings to bear
The summer of our discontent
As we struggle without relent
To keep the foe out of our lair.

Having our hands tied by the Dane
And our back pummeled by ruffians
(That we all know to be Russians!)
Comes Egypt's second plague**, our bane!

On waters and forums alike
Despite the swings of Mighty Bouff
Blowing hot air up to the roof,
The Frogs have ceased to be on strike!

'You must hate them like the devil!'
Alas, it seems, to no avail
Did Nelson's word, as we set sail
Help us above water level.

Seawater is blood of us Brits!
As bitter bile saved no-one yet,
We swear never again to let
Contempt alone lift our spirits.






*if I may borrow from Byron...

**See Mousey, I can do biblical references too.

Edited by Bougainville
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You are not the only one, and if they continue i may create a tribunal post for flaming / trolling / insults


Please explain how referring to the French as a vassal is insulting/flaming/trolling? Jesus you really can't say anything these days without people getting offended. Quite pathetic if you ask me especially when it's quite obvious it's friendly banter between enemies in a computer game. 


Next time a French player in game calls me a slave of the King in jest i'll threaten him with tribunals shall i? 

Edited by Cossack
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Because the tention is heating here on the forum, the brits are now offering rum and biscuits tonight at Port Royal. Sail up in your basic cutters, we'll sail them up the beaches. We'll chop down some palmtrees, make a little campfire, get some bongo's and guitars out, play some reggea, taste some of the "local specialities" sing some kumbaya together, have a little group hug and all just sail home drunk and high as a kite... keep it a bit light in here guys, its just a game lol.

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10/10 would Kumbaya again




You were a bit early mate, I had left my bongo's on my trinc. So I had to sail back to get em.

Non the less, thanks for sailing up, your participation has been duly noted.


We will do this again, hopefully with more people.

Note to the danes, sailing up in 3rd rates, bellona's, trincs and surpises was not part of the plan, neither was the location Port Morant.


Non the less, hope to Kumbaya again....

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Please explain how referring to the French as a vassal is insulting/flaming/trolling? Jesus you really can't say anything these days without people getting offended. Quite pathetic if you ask me especially when it's quite obvious it's friendly banter between enemies in a computer game. 


Next time a French player in game calls me a slave of the King in jest i'll threaten him with tribunals shall i? 


Do not blame them, mate. These are just the last consequences of the excess of the so called political correctness in public speech: people feel offended for nothing and cry for tribunals for anything. I think that - going further on this road - some people may feel offended if you just say that they are wrong, because you should have told them only "I am right" (while saying that they are wrong was a disrespect of their opinions) :P.

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Its a secret British weapon around PR, you're FPS drops so much you want to leave and our poor noobies can sail in peace...

That's evil.

Now I imagine all of you with evil beard.


Do not blame them, mate. These are just the last consequences of the excess of the so called political correctness in public speech: people feel offended for nothing and cry for tribunals for anything. I think that - going further on this road - some people may feel offended if you just say that they are wrong, because you should have told them only "I am right" (while saying that they are wrong was a disrespect of their opinions) :P.

When you see in almost every political thread that kind of insult, yes it starting to get boring. And yes, people will start to react.

Edited by KuroNyra
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When you see in almost every political thread that kind of insult, yes it starting to get boring. And yes, people will start to react.


We spaniards have been called on the forums: treacherous, liars, disorganized, bunch of noobs, dead, pirates/danes/russians puppets and a lot of other things that I cannot even remember.


You know what we do: we laugh and then reply!


Believe me: it's easier.

Edited by victor
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We spaniards have been called on the forums: treacherous, liars, disorganized, bunch of noobs, dead, pirates/danes/russians puppets and a lot of other things that I cannot even remember.


You know what we do: we laugh and then reply!


Believe me: it's easier.


We British have been called pretty much the same - perhaps we've got more in common than we thought

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We British have been called pretty much the same - perhaps we've got more in common than we thought


True, it happens because many people don't undestand that this is a game, and they need say that the other is.....treacherous, liars, disorganized, bunch of noobs to have a justification for the attack to their country..... You do that against spain when you take our territories, and people do it now with english people to take their ports......... (Includded me..... I suffer all your words against Spain and I'm happy with this eye by eye..... Yes, another biblical reference.......... ;)
We don't need offend the enemy, this is a game.......... we don't need justify our attacks because the otrer is bad or arrogant or noob....... we have to understand it... Play should be the only motivation to attack and defend...
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Nothing wrong with insults ect for me as long as they are all within the game context. Some people however seem to have a problem of taking things personally when it's clearly not meant personally.

People who post about players out of game like mentioning the nationality of the player rather than the nation he plays for should be, first warned then banned from posting if repeated.

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