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I need some clarification on becoming a pirate.

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I am at a sufficient rank as to where I do not want to lose my investment in ships. I have read that you simply must move your ships to a free town. Do you lose your neutral outposts as well? Must they be free towns?


My biggest question is what happens to my fleet? will they automatically become pirates? Will I have to start a new fleet even as leader....Is there a post that covers a whole fleet of 16 people becoming pirates?



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1. don't panic. :D

2.setup an outpost(s) at a freeport

3.move ALL your ships and materials to that freeport outpost.

4.close all your old outposts (including your capital city outpost) down.

5. join pirates.


Thats all you have to do. you will not lose anything.

PS don't forget to open an outpost at MT.


welcome to pirates:)

Edited by SirLeggit
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Nice...turn coat jokes aside...what I really need to know is how will it effect my fleet? Do I have to have all my buddies go pirate? Do I have to start a new one? Can they still be in my fleet if I am a pirate and they are not?


How will this affect my fleet is my driving point i would guess :)

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AFAIK. nothing will happen to your fleet, they fly your flag.

Fleets become more of a hindrance anyway when you rank up. 

I know, I named my virtually useless cutter escorts "Beavis" and "Butthead".

Though they were helpful at low rank.

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I know, I named my virtually useless cutter escorts "Beavis" and "Butthead".

Though they were helpful at low rank.


Yeah they were handy for keeping trader escorts busy, Most of the time the just shot up my sails or rammed me :D

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Going pirate will do nothing to solve the problem of only finding members of your own faction everywhere. The way to solve that issue is to avoid sailing around in your own home waters.


This really, if you're finding nothing but your own faction, the problem is that you're not venturing far enough.


Changing faction wont make a difference if you dont change the range you're willing to roam.

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Going pirate will do nothing to solve the problem of only finding members of your own faction everywhere. The way to solve that issue is to avoid sailing around in your own home waters.

No, the way to solve that issue is to sail exclusively within the well-known waters of your OLD faction, using all the knowledge you gained of their activities to your highest advantage.

I speak with no small authority on the matter. Great Britain truly is a wonderful faction and one can only hope more of the American colonists will see the error of their treasonous ways.

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