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Guild Shipyard

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So recently [in diplomatic talks] we've been talking a lot about struggling Nations.  Nations that have taken a huge economic blow and whose crafting abilities are been hampered.  My solution for this is the Guild Shipyard.


Guild shipyards should cost about 5,000,000 to create, and are available to make at any nation owned ports.  They would have 25 ship slots for the guild to store ships donated by its members available to borrow / take should their nation sustain mass ship / port losses.


How that should work is for all members to see the guild shipyard and use the UI to request a ship to which an Officer can accept or refuse.  A history log of the ships entering in and out would be great too to keep track of anyone misusing it.


This would give another great reason to join a guild, and would ensure a guild keeps it's members fully prepared and efficient as they can be!



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I like it, I'm sure it has been brought up by many people, I know I've discussed it with clan mates and it would be quite useful to have a store of ships to give out to members as replacements/rewards/etc.

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Sorry for my bad english.

It's a good idea. The same for give gold, upgrade, resources. Build a "warhouse guild" in the main harbor for a guild and the members place their items, resources in it.

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So the solution to aid a crippled nation is to force them to grind 5 million moneys? 

And all this does is just providing a more convenient way to trade already existing ships than right click -> trade in port? 

No way I'd throw that kind of money away for basically nothing. 

Edited by Quineloe
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So the solution to aid a crippled nation is to force them to grind 5 million moneys? 

And all this does is just providing a more convenient way to trade already existing ships than right click -> trade in port? 

No way I'd throw that kind of money away for basically nothing. 


You know what they say: Prevention is better than cure.  You buy it when you are economically stable and CAN afford 5 million as a precaution incase you get roflstomped.

Edited by Monkey Bullet
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So the solution to aid a crippled nation is to force them to grind 5 million moneys? 

And all this does is just providing a more convenient way to trade already existing ships than right click -> trade in port? 

No way I'd throw that kind of money away for basically nothing. 



well its just an option no one is forcing you do it... and a clan of 10 can easily pump out 5 mill...in a day or two..that is,  if you can work together.....

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well its just an option no one is forcing you do it... and a clan of 10 can easily pump out 5 mill...in a day or two..that is,  if you can work together.....


I don't buy that argument, if it's supposed to help, but it actually doesn't, then might as well not put it in because no one will end up using it.


Reminds me of EDs power play and CQC, ED fanbois kept sayying "no one is forcing you to do it.." and in the end exactly that happened: no one used it, waste of two major content patches.

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  • 3 weeks later...

What if in a guild shipyard, someone could start a "build project", which would be a sort of shopping list for the ship they intend to build. The build project would require money to put up, which would scale based on the ship/quality. Guild members can contribute to completing the build project by clicking on certain materials in the list and selecting the amount they intend to contribute. When the build project is done the person who commissioned the build gets the ship, and the money is split up between those who contributed to the ship build based on how much they contributed. It would serve as a convenient way for a guild to work together to build larger ships faster. There could also be a raffle option where the ship is given randomly to a member of the guild, based on rank or something.

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