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I would only use surrender if i didn't want to waste any more time then i had to, it should lose durability and be available for capture from the other party, once crews maintenance, morale, experience and alot more crew attributes are implemented then it would be a better option to help keep a strong healthy crew, fighting would help to gain more experience for the crew and surrendering would help keep them alive to use it later.

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Keep it simple


Surrender ship and lose XP...which will eventually lead to demotion.  Not sure what the proper amount of XP loss should be; however it should be enough to make the person that is contemplating surrender to know it will hurt in XP loss.  


As far as the the other player in the game he gets to cap ship now and gets cargo so that needs no change. 

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The surrender option should stay as is.

Either that, if it does penalize you, it should only do so when the BR odds are about even.

People shouldnt be penalized for surrendering in a 5v1. Its not like those 5 guys are getting much XP anyways. They aint PvPers. They're playing Naval Farmville

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Should you get Max Exp and Gold when a player Surrender in PvP ?


Any thoughts?


Sorry if it is a duplicate.

Not sure.. I can see a couple BIG exploits in that....  Maybe only if you have already done 50% or more damage to the ship?  this way they are taking some crew lose even if running an exploit

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